News (with date when news was posted)

SPR Council member and editor of the Psi Encyclopedia Robert McLuhan has written a blog post on animal psi. Read more
Alan Murdie's 'Ghostwatch' column in the February issue of Fortean Times contains a number of references to the SPR. Read more
The SPR is collecting material relating to spontaneous cases, and welcomes additions. Read more
The death of parapsychologist Gerd Hövelmann has been announced. Read more
The EuroParanormal blog has a post on the decline of serious BBC radio programmes dealing with aspects of psychical research. Read more
The iDigital Medium website has launched a hunt for 'lost treasures' relating to survival and Instrumental Transcommunication. Read more
Jim Mussell has written a blog post on Frederic Myers, one of the founders of the SPR, and the unconscious. Read more
A discussion on Sir Oliver Lodge will be held at the Royal Institution on Wednesday 1 February. Read more
A conference with the theme 'Spirit influence on mental health' will be held at Regent's University, London, on 4 February. Read more
SPR Council member Robert McLuhan has written about the coverage of the recent online release of a large quantity of CIA documents dealing with the testing of Uri Geller. Read more