News (with date when news was posted)

SPR Council member Guy Lyon Playfair has been interviewed for MosterTalk Radio. Read more
A list of 'Notable Parapsychologists and Psychical Researchers' includes a number of SPR members. Read more
SPR Council member Dr Zofia Weaver has appeared on Darkness Radio to discuss Polish medium Franek Kluski. Read more
SPR member Andreas Sommer has won a Young Scholar Prize awarded by the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. Read more
The cross-correspondences, in which mediums separately received communications that when combined contained meanings not present in the fragments, are discussed in a blog post. Read more
Guy Lyon Playfair discusses the Enfield poltergeist on the MonsterTalk podcast. Read more
Richard MacLean Smith recounts two time-slip cases from Andrew MacKenzie's book Adventures in Time. Read more
The SPR's Psi Encyclopedia has a number of new articles on the theme of reincarnation. Read more
Francisco C. Picón has started a new free Spanish-language online journal, Diario de Ciencias Psíquicas. Read more
A new Kindle ebook, Skeptical About Skeptics: A Selection of Essays from the Website , contains a number of contributions by SPR members. Read more