News (with date when news was posted)

SPR vice-president Professor Bernard Carr will be giving a series of talks in Jamaica between the 17th and 22nd of January 2017, entitled ''The Cosmic Consciousness Connection'. Read more
SPR member Chris Jensen Romer is interviewed in a podcast on the subject of 'Ghostly Technology and Paranormal TV'. Read more
An article on the Popular Mechanics website, 'Proton Packs and Teddy Bears: The Pseudoscientific History of Ghost Hunting Gadgets', mentions the SPR several times. Read more
The experiments Tony Cornell conducted to explore eyewitness testimony of ghosts, as reported in the SPR's Journal, are discussed in a new article. Read more
Dr Christopher Laursen's PhD thesis Reimagining the Poltergeist in Twentieth-Century America and Britain is now available online. Read more
There is now a video channel on Vimeo for SPR members. Read more
Sarah Sparkes: 'As artist in residence at Williamson’s Tunnels Heritage Centre, I will be collecting and archiving local Liverpool ghost stories on a new website. If you have a Liverpool ghost story or experience of your own, I would love to hear from you.' Read more
Two online presentations will take place on Saturday 22 October 2016, hosted by the Parapsychology Foundation, on the topics '“Ectoplasm: Myth or Reality? -- Psychical Research Experiments by Dr. T. Glen Hamilton and Associates, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1918-1935” and “The Felix Experimental Group: The Mixed Blessings of Mixed Mediumship”. Read more
Several new articles have been added to the SPR's Online Encyclopedia. Read more
SPR Council member Robert McLuhan has written a blog post on a recent case reported by the Times of India in which two cousins who drowned claim to have been reincarnated as twins. Read more