News (with date when news was posted)

Sharon A Hill has written an article on the Stone Tape Theory which references several SPR members. Read more
SPR members, including Prof. Chris Roe, will be participating in the Scientific & Medical Network's 'Beyond the Brain' conference in October 2017. Read more
Blogger Michael Prescott presents extracts from David Fontana's book Is there an Afterlife? dealing with medium Leslie Flint. Read more
Student Ronnie Woods has written an article about spirit photography which mentions the SPR. Read more
S. Alexander Hardison writes on the state of parapsychology, noting the SPR's significant contributions. Read more
SPR vice-president Professor Bernard Carr will be speaking at the Sir Arthur Doyle Centre in Edinburgh on the subject of 'Making Space and Time for Mind and Spirit'. Read more
Issue three of Francisco C. Picón's Spanish-language online journal Diario de Ciencias Psíquicas contains numerous references to the SPR. Read more
Craig Weiler cites the SPR's Psi Encyclopedia in an article on extremely low frequency waves and psychic abilities. Read more
Professor Caroline Watt of the Koestler Parapsychology Unit celebrates the SPR's Eleanor Sidgwick. Read more
Tim Prasil discusses an SPR investigation in which Arthur Conan Doyle participated. Read more