Past Events

November 10, 2018
Traditionally psychical research has viewed extrasensory perception as a sixth sense but the divisions between inner and outer are no longer absolute. This study day will bring together a parapsychologist, a psychiatrist, a relational psychotherapist and a psychologist to explore the inner mental processing which underlies psychic experiences. These processes, which can be probed in both the intimacy of the clinical situation and everyday life, challenge and enhance our understanding of the…
September 21, 2018
ONLINE REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN, BUT ONLY FOR "DAY DELEGATES" WITHOUT ACCOMMODATION OR MEALS. Our invited speakers are consciousness researchers Dr David Luke, Dr Bernardo Kastrup and Dr Rupert Sheldrake.
August 29, 2018
The April issue of our Journal carries on pp. 81 to 102 an account by Dieter Hassler of a remarkable case ‘suggestive of reincarnation’.
July 19, 2018
American psychologist and philosopher, Krister Dylan Knapp provides "the first deeply historical and acutely analytical account of James's psychical research."
June 15, 2018
Jurys Inn, Newcastle upon Tyne
June 7, 2018
Telepathic Hypnosis is a field that was investigated by one of our principal Founders, Frederic Myers.
April 28, 2018
The study day will consider the use of lucid dreams both within conventional psychology and in the investigation of transpersonal and psychical experience.
April 18, 2018
In the latest Paranormal Revue (Winter 2018)  there is an excellent report by Ashley Knibb of the recent Study Day on Psi in Nature, and this is the starting point for our discussion evening.
March 22, 2018
The aim of the lecture will be about the occurrence of certain unusual perceptual experiences in hospital settings often related by nurses and carers. The most common experiences are sensing a presence and/or apparitions, hearing noises, voices or dialogues, crying or complaining, intuitions and extrasensory experiences and as listeners of experiences of their patients, such as near-death experiences, religious interventions, and many anomalous experiences in relation with children. Nurses…
March 1, 2018
Rex Stanford in his PA Presidential address asked: “Are we Scientists or Shamans”? Ken Batcheldor, in his table tipping experiments, used high spirits, alcohol and trickery to entice the table to dance. In Paranthropology, we are doing research in cultures for whom magic is part and parcel of life, and for whom the psychic phenomena are the tools of that magic. Psi and magic are inextricably linked.