Past Events

May 10, 2022
THIS EVENT IS FOR SPR MEMBERS ONLY and will be a small group - FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. For those of us who remember, the Forum was an occasion where we gathered at SPR HQ under the leadership of Prof John Poynton and Mary Rose Barrington and debated a recent article in one of our SPR publications.

Many of you have attended SPR Webinars held on Zoom which have been very useful for our overseas members. Unfortunately, we cannot hold Forum meetings as we used to at Vernon Mews due…
May 7, 2022
This will be the first of two study days celebrating the 140th anniversary of the founding of the SPR. It will focus on the link with physics, the early work on apparitions, the studies of mental mediums, and the importance of the archives. The emphasis will be on the future as well as the past and the day will end with a general discussion, including audience participation.
April 25, 2022
In this talk Graham Nicholls will explore the scientific research that has been undertaken into the nature of out-of-body experiences (OBEs), from the work of Karlis Osis to the current work of Patrizio Tressoldi. He will especially focus on work looking at the veridical or objective information gleaned from these experiences. He will discuss his own work with scientists including Rupert Sheldrake, Dean Radin at IONS, and The Rhine Research Center. He will also explore how the work he has done…
April 11, 2022
In this talk Prof. Kroth will explore some of the background on crop circles, working to decrypt the possible messages they contain and the implications they have for humanity.
February 28, 2022
Synchronicities, also termed meaningful coincidences, are widely experienced by people of all ages, races, and spiritual perspectives, including atheists and the faithful. Despite the popularity of Jung’s pioneering clinical explorations of this phenomenon, and the efforts by Beitman to create what he terms “coincidence science” in his 2016 book Connecting with Coincidence: The New Science for Using Synchronicity and Serendipity in your Life, little empirical research has been conducted, and…
January 31, 2022
Scopaesthaesia, also known as the sense of being stared at or stare detection, is very widely experienced and the great majority of people including children say they have turned around to find someone looking at them. This sensitivity also seems to be widespread among animals and may have evolved in the context of predator-prey relationships. Yet there has so far been very little research on the subject and the very existence of this phenomenon goes against conventional materialist theory that…
December 13, 2021
We are entering an age of scientific discovery that is beginning to chip away at longstanding ideas about how time works. But more than 30 years ago portions of the intelligence community (IC) became aware of the science supporting precognition -- the often-underdeveloped human capacity to retrieve accurate information about events not determined or revealed until after the information is already retrieved. An idea not yet mainstreamed in polite scientific circles largely due to taboo,…
November 22, 2021
Diane Hennacy Powell: "My work with autistic savants has led me to conclude that savants might experience OBEs on a regular basis. OBEs have been a means of obtaining non-local information during remote viewing and might also play a central role in savant syndrome. Perhaps acquired savant syndrome and near death experiences are both major transformational experiences for consciousness because they both have an OBE component. This lecture will explore the reasons for my hypothesis and its…
September 6, 2021
The gold standard in biomedical research is the multi-center, multi-blinded, randomized control trial (RCT). In pharmacological research the RCT is termed a Phase III clinical trial. Dr. Gary Schwartz has adapted these core goals and RCT methods for documenting computer automated spirit presence and communication effects. As outlined in an article in EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing to be published in the fall of 2021, the goals are: (1) to use currently available, reliable, and…
July 26, 2021
In this talk, the speaker will present some of the main scientific discoveries of Sir William Crookes as well as Crookes’ immense contribution and legacy for Psychical Research. Additionally, the speaker will discuss in depth some of the psychic phenomena Crookes researched in line with the science at the time. The speaker will also comment on the current discoveries found in science which can potentially be associated with those phenomena.
July 5, 2021
Thoughtography refers to the ability to impress images directly onto photographic film by mind and provides important and fertile ground to study the relationship between consciousness, mind and matter.

Although thoughtographic experiments discontinued in the West after Ted Serios stopped producing them in the 1960s significant development has taken place in China since the late 1980s. The range and type of thoughtographic images produced in China have been dramatically extended.…
June 14, 2021
In this presentation, Dr Maraldi will review psychological research on paranormal beliefs and experiences and discuss some of the conceptual and methodological problems in these studies from a parapsychological perspective.