Past Events

March 10, 2016
(A Project of Witness Testimony Analysis of a Traditional Haunting Investigated in ‘Modern’ Ways).

The drama and discussion surrounding the dramatization of the Enfield Poltergeist has reignited media interest in the paranormal.

The problem is however when the media does take an interest in the subject, even if an interesting case is being investigated, all too often the coverage does not get beyond easy sensationalist headlines.

The Cage used to be…
October 24, 2015
Please note that the location of this event is ST MARY ABBOT'S CENTRE, and not St Philip's Church as previously stated.
October 1, 2015
Zofia Weaver is a past editor of the Journal and Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. Her main areas of interest in psychical research include spontaneous cases and the investigation of famous Polish psychics. Together with Mary Rose Barrington and the late Professor Ian Stevenson she has written a comprehensive study of the Polish clairvoyant Stefan Ossowiecki, published in 2005. Her book on the physical mediumship of the Polish medium Franek Kluski was published earlier this…
July 2, 2015
Dr Caroline Watt is a founder member of Edinburgh University's Koestler Parapsychology Unit, which celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2015.
June 4, 2015
Dr Marshall is a researcher in the fields of mysticism and consciousness studies. He is author of The Living Mirror (1992) and Mystical Encounters with the Natural World (2005), and coeditor of Beyond Physicalism: Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality (2015).
April 25, 2015
At this Study Day we look at factors that seem to play some part in making things happen (or sometimes stopping them from happening), things that in some way reflect the attitudes of the researcher and others involved in the action.
Professor Bernard Carr will chair the meeting. Speakers: Dr Richard Broughton, Professor Adrian Parker, Dr Zofia Weaver & Mary Rose Barrington.
March 5, 2015
A talk with audio excerpts from unique recordings of yesteryear.
February 12, 2015
In this talk, the speakers will discuss the nature of dreams, how common it is for people to dream about the dead, and what - if any- potential evidence they can provide of survival.
December 4, 2014
In anticipation of the publication of an e-version of her classic 1982 book, "Beyond the Body", Prof. Blackmore will give an update on the development of research into Out-of-Body Experiences in the intervening years.
October 25, 2014
It is clear that most of the cases of reincarnation type thoroughly investigated and reported originate in countries where belief in reincarnation is widespread, and the thousands of cases researched by the late Ian Stevenson are renowned. But he also wrote a book detailing a modest number of European cases, some of them complex and challenging. These, and some outstandingly interesting cases not forming part of his collection, will be summarised and discussed. The question of common factors…
October 9, 2014
Physical Mediumship Today: Investigation of the Felix Experimental Group.
This talk summarizes Dr Braude's investigation of the Felix Experimental Group (FEG) and its exhibitions of classical physical mediumship. It’s been nearly a century since investigators have had the opportunity to carefully study standard spiritistic phenomena, including the extruding of ectoplasm, and the FEG is the only current physical mediumistic circle permitting any serious controls. Stephen will detail…