Past Events

September 5, 2014
The SPR’s 38th International Annual conference will be held at the University of York between Friday 5 and Sunday 7 September 2014. ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED. ANY ENQUIRIES, PLEASE CALL 020 7937 8984
July 10, 2014
This talk will explore the connections between archaeological sites and psychical research in the early twentieth century. Dr Thornton considers the history of the SPR and highlights a case study of the use of psychometry in archaeological research.
June 5, 2014
This talk takes another look at the evidence for poltergeist activity and aims to determine whether the forces involved derive from living agents or from discarnate entities. Examples are given of recordings from several well investigated cases, together with an update of acoustic properties of unexplained rapping sounds generated during poltergeist activity.
May 1, 2014
Dr Palmer will talk about his work on a 21st century approach for research and intervention within the conceptual framework set down by Frederic W H Myers.
April 26, 2014
Please note that this event is NOT at St Philips Church, where we usually hold our Study Days. It is at ST MARY ABBOTS CHURCH HALL (details below). THIS EVENT IS NOW FULLY-BOOKED.
This study day will explore the claim that mind-altering substances, specifically psychedelics, can play an important role in triggering mystical and psi-conducive states of consciousness. Humanity has valued such substances throughout history but only in the last century have their effects been investigated…
April 3, 2014
Many investigations of haunting phenomena were carried out through the ASPR by Drs Karlis Osis and Alex Tanous, for nearly twenty years. However, very little is known about what they did, how they did it, and what they found. Conversations with Ghosts is a collection of personal investigation accounts of the late Dr Tanous, which include rare interviews, thoughts, and theories from him, regarding ghosts and survival beyond death.
February 27, 2014
The President of the Society, DR RICHARD BROUGHTON, presents his Presidential Address: THE EVOLUTION OF EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION

Where does ESP ability come from and why do humans have it? Drawing on a growing understanding of how consciousness has evolved Dr Broughton will explain how ESP fits neatly into this picture, and how an evolutionary understanding of ESP is necessary if progress is to be made in discovering how it functions.
December 5, 2013
Dr Eric Dingwall was a man of many parts - psychical researcher, librarian, book & antique collector, anthropologist, sexologist, intelligence operative. This talk will concentrate on his paranormal research work, with a focus on his sometimes fractious relationship with fellow investigator, Harry Price.
November 7, 2013
JOINT MEETING WITH SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL NETWORK - Members' rate for this event is £5.00 (£8.00 for non-members).
During 1993 and 1994 Stanley Krippner witnessed anomalous phenomena that occurred in the presence of Amyr Amiden, a Brazilian psychic claimant. Stan had designed non-invasive procedures that enabled a research team to collect data during occasions of ostensible psychokinesis. Although further work with Amiden was not possible because of health issues, the procedures…
October 26, 2013
Prof. Roy, who died in December 2012, was a great communicator, and he used his considerable literary gifts to write for the general reader, summarising significant cases in many areas of psychical research and illuminating the narratives with personal insights and assessments. His 1990 book ‘A sense of something strange’ covered almost the whole field of his interests, concentrating on major anomalies, with sections devoted to the perplexities of time and personality, the theme of…
October 10, 2013
Living and working in Canada as an historian and archivist, Walter Meyer zu Erpen has been a member of the Society since 2008 and he is the current President of the Survival Research Institute of Canada. This lecture will be profusely illustrated with photographs and video clips of table-turning. Throughout, Walter will draw upon his own experience of the phenomenon, as a member of a Canadian Spiritualist home circle that has observed strong psychokinetic table movements, including lifting,…
September 6, 2013
The SPR’s 37th International Annual conference will be held at the Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP, Wales, UK between Friday 6 and Sunday 8 September 2013.

Swansea University is the second closest university campus to the sea in the world, so we hope you will enjoy the location. As always, our very full conference programme will address a broad range of topics, covering both spontaneous cases and laboratory research.

In addition to the talks…