News (with date when news was posted)

Earlier this year an article in the American Psychologist by Prof. Etzel Cardeña provoked commentary from Profs. Arthur Reber and James Alcock. Now the Journal of Scientific Exploration has published responses, including one by SPR Council member Prof. Bernard Carr titled Blind Watchers of Psi. Read more
The latest issue of Stanford Magazine included a graphic novel about Thomas Welton Stanford, who was interested in spiritualism and sat with the medium Charles Bailey Read more
Dr Susan Blackmore continues to blog for Psychology Today. She has written several blog posts about out-of-body experiences this year. Read more
SPR Council member Tom Ruffles recently reviewed "The Enfield Poltergeist Tapes" by Melvyn J Willin. Read more
Several lectures were recently uploaded to the SPR's YouTube channel. Read more
Fiona Bowie has reviewed the SPR study day Making Space for Psi. Read more
SeaCoastOnline has published an article about SPR Council member Steve Parsons visit to an allegedly haunted house. Read more
The Psychic News digital archive for years 1932 to 1967 is now finally available online again, for free full-text searching through the University of Manitoba digital collections website. Read more
The New York Times recently included an article, One Photographer’s Exploration of the Paranormal, about Shannon Taggart and her new book Séance. Read more
The Harvard Crimson recently published an article about psychical research: The Lingering Spirit of William James. Read more