News (with date when news was posted)

Dr David Vernon has given notice that he intends to step down from his role as Editor of the Journal of the SPR. Hence, the SPR Council would like to receive expressions of interest for this position. Read more
Psi in the News is back. David Metcalfe summarize news on his blog Read more
CONFERENCE: The Edinburgh Fortean Society has arranged a one day conference, to be held at St Johns Church, 13 July, 2019. Read more
A special issue of the Journal of Parapsychology is freely available through the Parapsychological Association. Read more
LECTURE: The artist Susan MacWilliam will give a talk about her exhibition The Telepaths, 22 June 2019, 2pm, Golden Thread Gallery. Read more
The Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene (IGPP) call for applications for the Fanny Moser award. Read more
In the final episode of Victorian Sensations psychotherapist Philippa Perry returns to the 1890s to explore how the late Victorian passion for science co-existed with a deeply held belief in the paranormal. Read more
New entries are still being added to the Psi Encyclopedia. Recently, Leo Ruickbie, editor of Paranormal Review, contributed an entry about witchcraft. Read more
SPR council member Dr Tom Ruffles has written a blog post about the exhibition Smoke and Mirrors: The Psychology of Magic. Read more
Michael Tymn has written a blog post about the controversial medium Marthe Béraud. Read more