News (with date when news was posted)

We are very sad to report the death of Mary Rose Barrington, Vice-President of the SPR, who died 20th February, 2020, aged 94.  Read more
SPR Council member Tom Ruffles has summarised what is known about the American Society for Psychical Research at this point. Read more
Exploring Surrey's Past has published an essay by Miriam Farr about Eleanor Sidgwick, former President of the SPR. Read more
SPR Council member Tom Ruffles recently reviewed Séance by Shannon Taggart. Read more
CONFERENCE: Weird Weekend North. Rixton with Glazebrook Community Hall, 4-5 April 2020. Among the speakers are SPR Council member ​Alan Murdie, who will be speaking about poltergeists and possession, and Ann Winsper, who will be speaking about the mystic Teresa Helena Higginson. Read more
Registration is open for the 13th Symposium of the BIAL Foundation Behind and Beyond the Brain: The mystery of time. Among the presenters are: Prof. Etzel Cardeña, Prof. Caroline Watt, and Prof. Bernard Carr. Read more
LECTURE: SPR Council member Dr Callum Cooper will give a talk, Ghosts, Hauntings and the Science, 15 February, 2020, Kirkby-in-Ashfield Library, Nottingham. Read more
Times Higher Education has published a review of the book The New Prometheans: Faith, Science and the Supernatural Mind in the Victorian Fin de Siècle, which was published late last year. Read more
We are very sad to report the death of Prof. Donald J. West, MD, DLitt, FRCPsych., who died 31st January, 2020, aged 95.  Read more
Abby Gray at Buckinghamshire New University is doing a study about near-death experiences and has issued a call for research participants. Read more