Nemo C. Mörck

Nemo C. Mörck, BSc, MSc, joined the SPR in 2011. He accepted the role of Content Manager and the role of Book Review Editor in 2018. He joined the Library Committee in 2019. Mörck was educated to work with electronics and computers, however he went on to university to study psychology. In 2010 he became interested in parapsychology and took two courses. He became involved with the Swedish SPR and began to write for its newsletter. Mörck is a former board member of both the Swedish SPR and of the John Björkhem Memorial Foundation. He has written a number of book reviews. Currently he lives in Lund, Sweden. In his spare time, he reads, writes, or attempts to make money on the stock market.        

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Education and Publicity Committee

Co-ordinates and publicises educational activities 

Chairman: Prof. Bernard Carr

Members: Dr Deborah EricksonRobert McLuhan, Nemo MörckProf. Chris Roe, Dr Tom Ruffles, Dr Leo Ruickbie

Library Committee

Acquires new titles for the SPR library

Chairman: Dr Tom Ruffles

Members: Dr Graham KiddRobert McLuhan, Nemo Mörck, Dr John Newton, Karen Patel, Prof. John Poynton, Dr Melvyn Willin