Alan has been a member of the SPR since 1997 and was co-opted to the Council 1999. He is a lawyer by profession and has investigated spontaneous cases both in Britain and abroad. He is chairman of The Ghost Club.
Alan Murdie
Buckmaster Oversight Committee
Oversees publications projects funded by the legacy of Nigel Buckmaster, including the creation of the Psi Encyclopedia
Chairman: Dr Richard Broughton
Members: Prof. Bernard Carr, John Fraser, Dr Graham Kidd, Alan Murdie, Adrian Ryan, Dr Zofia Weaver
Conference Programme Committee Info
Organises the Society's annual international conference, usually held in early September
Chairman: Dr Cal Cooper
Members: Prof. Bernard Carr, Prof. Chris Roe, Dr Alan Gauld, Alan Murdie, Prof. Adrian Parker, Dr Tom Ruffles
Spontaneous Cases Committee
Handles reports received from the general public concerning anomalous phenomena, ranging from precognitive dreams to sightings of apparitions
Chairman: Dr Graham Kidd
Members: Dr Barrie Colvin, Prof. Callum Cooper, Paul Cropper, Beth Darlington-Bailey, Rachel Evenden, Ciaran Farrell, John Fraser, Anna Goodridge, Matthew Hopkins, Ashley Knibb, Randy Liebeck, Aaron Lomas, Dr John Newton, Dr Leo Ruickbie, Dr Malcolm Schofield, Nick Terrell, Dr Zofia Weaver.