David Rousseau

Dr David Rousseau, BEng, PhD, FRSA, is a systems philosopher and an advocate of the value of systems approaches in the study of transformative experiences. He has over 20 years senior management experience in the aerospace and semiconductor industries, and over 20 years board-level involvement with charitable organisations. He joined the SPR in 1994, was co-opted to Council in 1997 and has been an elected Council member since 2003. In 2000 he co-founded C-FAR, and led the project that in 2003 launched the online Library of Exploratory Science (www.lexscien.org), which hosts peer-reviewed publications relating to controversies in science and the humanities. In 2005 he launched the Kuhnexus CaseBase Project, a collaborative project to establish a database of the best cases of paradigm-challenging phenomena, and develop methods for their analysis. Since 2007 he has been conducting research using systems theory to analyse religious, spiritual, mystical and psychical experiences. In 2012 he founded The Centre for Systems Philosophy (www.systemsphilosophy.org), with the aim of promoting systems philosophy and its value in Exploratory Science.