Schreckliche Gesellschaft. Das Spukhaus zu Stans und das Leben von Melchior Joller [Terrible company: the haunted house at Stans and the life of Melchior Joller]
German language text.
From the author: Following isolated incidents starting in 1860, the spooky terror struck with full force on the holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on 15 August 1862. Over two months, especially during the day, one could feel strong rumbling and doors and windows flew open and closed; occasionally, voices were heard, objects flew through the air, and family members felt the cold touch of hands at night. This lasted until the family fled the house on 23 October 1862.
The events of late summer 1862 at the Spichermatt, the home of Melchior Joller (1818-1865), have so far been known from two sources. One of them is Joller’s own publication Darstellung selbsterlebter mystischer Erscheinungen (Zurich, 1863), written in the style of a detached, cool report and for this reason generally considered as trustworthy until now. The other is Fanny Moser’s complementary research in her book Spuk – Irrglaube oder Wahrglaube? (Baden, 1950). Lukas Vogel’s new book sheds light on the Joller ghost case both by using new sources and by placing it in its historical and biographical context.