New Books and Media

From Nowhere: Artists, Writers, and the Precognitive Imagination, by Eric Wargo

Publication Details: Anomalist Books, ISBN: 9781949501339
Publish Date: May, 2024
Cover of From Nowhere

From the publisher's website: Artists and writers very often predict future events in their work. Skeptics dismiss these anomalies, but what if they hold the key to the creative imagination? In this mind-bending book, the 40,000-year history of art is reconsidered as a literally prophetic enterprise. From Ice Age cave paintings to the novels of Virginia Woolf and Philip K. Dick, the films of Werner Herzog and David Lynch, and even the songs of The Beatles, Wargo makes a case for the inherently time-defying nature of inspiration. Creators often channel their own futures—and the future of their culture—in their art. It is an entirely new way of thinking about one of humanity’s oldest questions: Where do new ideas come from?

Further information at the publisher's website: Anomalist Books.

Teachings from the Gatekeeper: A Memoir and Journey into Parapsychology, by Davis K Brimberg

Publication Details: Independently published, ISBN: 9798321539620
Publish Date: April, 2024
Cover of Teachings from the Gatekeeper

From the author's website: In these pages of exploration, Dr. Davis K. Brimberg takes the reader through the fascinating world of parapsychology and the paranormal. Grounded by serious academic research from major institutions and Nobel laureates, Dr. Brimberg translates the scholarship of the field into readable, page-turning prose for the general audience. By weaving in heartfelt personal anecdotes as teaching examples, Dr. Brimberg paints a moving picture of how the paranormal touches us all.

Further information at the author's website: Davis K Brimberg

Enfield Poltergeist Revisited: A Fresh Look at the UK's Most Infamous Haunting, by Lee Brickley

Publication Details: Independently published, ISBN: 9798322729006
Publish Date: April, 2024
Cover of the Enfield Poltergeist Revisited

From the back cover: Dive deep into one of the UK's most chilling and debated paranormal phenomena with "Enfield Poltergeist Revisited." This gripping account by seasoned paranormal investigator Lee Brickley offers a fresh perspective on the mysterious events that haunted the Hodgson family in 1977. With meticulous research and riveting narrative, Brickley brings new life to the story that has captivated millions.

In an ordinary London suburb, an extraordinary series of events unfolded that would challenge the boundaries of reality and provoke a national sensation. Lee Brickley, leveraging years of investigative expertise, revisits the unsettling occurrences at 284 Green Street, where furniture moved on its own, chilling voices filled the air, and reality seemed to warp before the eyes of the witnesses.

Review by Melvyn Willin.

Ghosts of the British Museum, by Noah Angell

Publication Details: Monoray, ISBN: 9781800961340
Publish Date: April, 2024
Cover of Ghosts of the British Museum

From the publisher's website: What if the British Museum isn’t a carefully ordered cross section of history but is in instead a palatial trophy cabinet of colonial loot – swarming with volatile and errant spirits? When artist and writer Noah Angell first heard murmurs of ghostly sightings at the British Museum he had to find out more. What started as a trickle soon became a deluge as staff old and new – from overnight security to respected curators – brought him testimonies of their supernatural encounters. It became clear that the source of the disturbances was related to the Museum’s contents – unquiet objects, holy plunder, and restless human remains protesting their enforced stay within the colonial collection’s cabinets and deep underground vaults. According to those who have worked there, the institution is heaving with profound spectral disorder. Ghosts of the British Museum fuses storytelling, folklore and history, digs deep into our imperial past and unmasks the world’s oldest national museum as a site of ongoing conflict, where restless objects are held against their will. It now appears that the objects are fighting back. 

Further information at the publisher's website: Monoray.

Spiritualisms' Scandal: Mediumship in America, by Gerald O'Hara

Publication Details: Independently published
Publish Date: March, 2024
Cover of Spiritualisms' Scandal: Mediumship in America

From the back cover: The summer of 1960 saw the Spiritualist world rocked by scandal, arguably the greatest to hit the movement. This author calls the scandal "Rifflegate." The editor of the Psychic Observer, America's leading psychic newspaper, and a paranormal investigator filmed six blatantly fraudulent seancés in infrared. Dressed as spirits, conspirators moved in and out of the seancés, unaware that their fraud and identities were about to be exposed on the front page of the Psychic Observer.

The Science of Weird Shit: Why Our Minds Conjure the Paranormal, by Chris French

Publication Details: The MIT Press, ISBN: 9780262048361
Publish Date: March, 2024
Cover of The Science of Weird Shit

From the publisher's website: Ghostly encounters, alien abduction, reincarnation, talking to the dead, UFO sightings, inexplicable coincidences, out-of-body and near-death experiences. Are these legitimate phenomena? If not, how should we go about understanding them? In this fascinating book, Chris French investigates paranormal claims to discover what lurks behind this “weird shit.” French provides authoritative, evidence-based explanations for a wide range of superficially mysterious phenomena, and then goes further to draw out lessons with wider applications to many other aspects of modern society where critical thinking is urgently needed.

Using academic, comprehensive, logical, and, at times, mathematical approaches, The Science of Weird Shit convincingly debunks ESP, communicating with the dead, and alien abduction claims, among other phenomena. All the while, however, French maintains that our belief in such phenomena is neither ridiculous nor trivial; if anything, such claims can tell us a great deal about the human mind if we pay them the attention they are due. Filled with light-bulb moments and a healthy dose of levity, The Science of Weird Shit is a clever, memorable, and gratifying read you won't soon forget.

Further information at the publisher's website: The MIT Press.

Review by Nemo C. Mörck.

Telephone Calls from the Dead (rev. Ed.), by Callum E Cooper

Publication Details: Tricorn Books, ISBN: 9781914615993
Publish Date: January, 2024
Cover of Telephone Calls from the Dead

From the back cover: There are potentially hundreds of people who have experienced bizarre events of Telephone Calls from the Dead, and much like ghosts, and any other parapsychological phenomena, they appear to be highly common. Once all explanations have been considered, psychological and physical, are we genuinely faced with the reality of contact with the dead and evidence for survival? This question has been asked before, and was investigated back in 1979, in a book entitled Phone Calls from the Dead, written by D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless. For many years, this subject has remained dormant, until now.

Mind-Dust and White Crows: The Psychical Research of William James, edited by Gregory Shushan

Publication Details: White Crow Books, ISBN: 9781786772046
Publish Date: January, 2024
Cover of Mind-Dust and White Crows

From the publisher's website: William James (1842–1910) was a leading figure in Western psychology, philosophy, and psychical research. While there is an inextricable relationship between the various strands of James’s work, his psychical research has been unfairly neglected in favor of classics such as The Principles of Psychology and The Varieties of Religious Experience. Read in light of one another, however, James’s “mainstream” writings can be seen as efforts to make philosophical, metaphysical, and psychological sense of his psychical research.

Mind Dust and White Crows bridges the illusory divide, placing James’s widely accepted works on mystical experience, theories of the soul, immortality, and metaphysics alongside his key writings on mediumship, telepathy, possession and other areas of psychical research. The result is a more integrated picture of James’s spiritually-minded writings, transcending the disciplinary stigmas so often imposed on them. Interestingly, some of James’s ideas seem to align with current interpretations of the soul and extended consciousness as derived from quantum physics.

This volume includes many rare articles, including material that has not been previously published in book form. Andreas Sommer’s introduction – written especially for this volume – highlights the importance of James’s work to the history and development of psychical research.

Further information at the publisher's website: White Crow Books.

Healing and Medicine. A Doctor's Journey Toward Their Integration, by Paul Dieppe

Publication Details: Routledge, ISBN: 9781032610597
Publish Date: December, 2023
Cover of Healing and Medicine

From the publisher's website: Healing is on many people’s minds today. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and a host of other disruptions and disasters, many of us feel that we need healing – in our personal lives, for the environment and for our planet. But healing is rarely defined and is not an accepted part of medicine in the West. This book examines the relationship between healing and medicine through the eyes of an academic physician who changed his interests from biomedical research to healing late in his career in medicine. It is based on his experiences and stories of his encounters with patients, practitioners and others for whom healing has had a particular significance, as well as his rigorous research into the subject. A central theme of the book is that modern medicine needs to be more pluralistic in its approach to health and accept that spirituality and healing techniques have roles to play alongside scientific medicine, which currently has its base in materialism alone.

Further information at the publisher's website: Routledge

Review by Ciaran Farrell

Becoming Psychic: Lessons from the Minds of Mediums, Healers, and Psychics, by Jeff Tarrant

Publication Details: Health Communications Inc, ISBN: 9780757324789
Publish Date: November, 2023
Cover of Becoming Psychic

From the publisher's website: Jeff Tarrant was fascinated by the paranormal as a child but then his training as a neuropsychologist turned him into a hardcore skeptic. If something could not be reliably and consistently demonstrated in the laboratory, then it wasn’t real. These rigid ideas were gradually worn away as he repeatedly witnessed and experienced things that simply should not be possible—telekenesis, clairvoyance, telepathy, mediumship, energy healing, and more….This book follows his journey of studying, interviewing, and testing a wide variety of mediums, psychics, and healers as he tries to determine what is going on in their brains when they engage in these supernormal abilities. Readers will get to know these gifted people, exploring what makes them tick and discovering firsthand evidence that this stuff is real.

Further information at the publisher's website: Health Communications Inc

The Art of Ectoplasm: Encounters with Winnipeg’s Ghost Photographs, edited by Serena Keshavjee

Publication Details: University of Manitoba Press, ISBN: 9781772840377
Publish Date: November, 2023
Cover of The Art of Ectoplasm

From the publisher's website: In the wake of the First World War and the 1918–19 pandemic, the world was left grappling with a profound sense of loss. It was against this backdrop that a Winnipeg couple, physician T.G. Hamilton and nurse Lillian Hamilton, began their research, documenting and photographing séances they held in their home laboratory. Their extensive study of the survival of human consciousness after death resulted in a stunning collection of hundreds of photographs, including images of tables flying through the air, mediums in trances, and, most curious of all, ectoplasm—a strange, white substance through which ghosts could apparently manifest.

Further information at the publisher's website: University of Manitoba Press.

Ted Serios: The Mind’s Eye

Publication Details: Atelier Éditions, ISBN: 9781954957039
Publish Date: October, 2023
Cover of Ted Serios

From the publisher's website: Our thoughts are known to us, and us alone. But for a brief period in the 1960s, Ted Serios (1918–2006) attempted to prove that his inner reality could be documented. Serios demonstrated an ostensibly psychic act termed “thoughtography,” involving the transfer of mental images onto undeveloped Polaroid film. In studies supervised by respected Denver-based psychiatrist Dr. Jule Eisenbud, Serios produced over 1,000 anomalous photographs, a feat that has never been fully dismissed or wholly verified. Existing as an uncomfortable knot in time, the details of the Serios phenomenon can’t be disentangled without questioning the social conditions that produced it in the first place.

Further information at the publisher's website: Atelier Éditions