New Books and Media

The Life After Death Project (DVD), by Paul Davids

Publication Details: Yellow Hat Productions.
Publish Date: July, 2013

From the project website: A mesmerizing CSI-calibre quest for proof of life after death. Four New York Times best-selling authors, three top science professors and three well-respected mediums make a leap into the unknown, investigating astonishing evidence in the case of apparent “After Death Communication” (ADC) from Sci-Fi luminary Forrest J Ackerman. We journey from spiritualists to skeptics, and from chem labs to ground-breaking computer software that may enable communication between the living and the deceased. Author Richard Matheson says Forry Ackerman was an atheist who did not believe in life after death, but Forry told close friends if it turned out he was wrong, he would drop them a line. He passed away on December 4, 2008. Here's "the line" we think he dropped to the director of this film, his long time friend Paul Davids: The ink has been scientifically tested by top chemists at Indiana University and the College of New Jersey. After 3 years of study, the chemists are convinced it's very strange and science has yet to explain it. The Life After Death Project 2 - Personal Encounters: Spellbinding accounts of personal encounters with life after death from archaeologists, physicists, a retired colonel, a librarian, clinical psychologist, sales executive, publisher and doctors and nurses who have worked with hundreds of dying patients. They have seen souls leaving the body at death, angelic beings, spirit entities, golden orbs, physical manifestations and more. Updates the continuing saga of the Forrest J Ackerman case. The DVDs are NTSC, Region 0. Go here for further details.

Review by Tom Ruffles

The Science of Spirit Possession: A 21st century approach for research & intervention within the conceptual framework of F.W.H. Myers, by Terence Palmer

Publication Details: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-3659434846
Publish Date: July, 2013
From the publisher’s website: Anthropologists, exorcists and psychiatrists all approach the enigmas of spirit possession from differing perspectives and unsurprisingly fail to arrive at a consensual explanation for the phenomena. This creates problems for therapeutic interventions for perceived spirit possession cases. However, the 19th century researcher F.W.H. Myers developed a conceptual framework using rigorous scientific methods that provides a unified theory to explain all forms of spirit possession across all cultures, religions and societies. Myers declared that all so-called paranormal and supernatural phenomena are natural and normal, and all such experiences exist on a continuum of human experience. Discarded, forgotten and denied by mainstream science until now, Myers is being re-discovered by 21st century psychology. Using Myers’ scientific framework, this book fills the gaps in knowledge left by the inadequate theories of anthropology and psychiatry, and gives religious exorcism and clinical practice an alternative approach to research and intervention that is grounded in pragmatic and proven clinical experience.

Defending Bridey's Honor: The Reality of Reincarnation, by Miles Edward Allen

Publication Details: CreateSpace, ISBN-13: 978-1490312101
Publish Date: June, 2013

From the publisher: The idea that we live more than one life on Earth has been taught since philosophy and theology were invented. But not everyone accepts it. There are secular critics who find the idea unscientific, religious critics who feel it violates their unassailable doctrines, and just plain critics who attack it on pragmatic grounds. Not only does the author of this book demonstrate the faults in such criticisms, he presents conclusive evidence that reincarnation is a reality, at least for some of us, some of the time.

Extra Sensory: The Science and Pseudoscience of Telepathy and Other Powers of the Mind, by Brian Clegg

Publication Details: St Martin’s Press. ISBN-13: 978-1250019066
Publish Date: June, 2013

From the publisher’s website: Extra Sensory is a pop-science look at the untapped abilities of human beings, from ESP to Telekenesis and other real life sciences that are currently being studied today, from physicist Brian Clegg. We'd all love to have 'psi' abilities like telepathy, telekinesis, and remote viewing. But is there any solid evidence to back up these talents, or are they nothing more than fantasy? We still only understand a small percentage of the capabilities of the human brain—and we shouldn’t dismiss such potential powers out of hand. Although there is no doubt that many who claim these abilities are frauds, and no one has yet won James Randi’s $1M prize for demonstrating ESP under lab conditions, we still have a Nobel prize winner suggesting a mechanism for telepathy, serious scientists researching the field and university projects that produced potentially explosive results. What’s the verdict? By looking at possible physical mechanisms for ESP and taking in the best scientific evidence, the reader can discover if this is all wishful thinking and deception, or a fascinating reality. The truth is out there.

Review by Nemo C. Mörck


Hereafter: 12 Accounts of Personal Experiences from the World Beyond, by Beatrice Brunner

Publication Details: ABZ Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-85516-011-2
Publish Date: June, 2013

From the publisher’s website: This book contains 12 accounts of personal experiences from the world beyond. They come from deceased human beings who transmitted their individual story through the deep trance medium Beatrice Brunner during the years 1961 to 1969. In a vivid manner they describe their initial experiences and encounters in the next world. These reports are impressive testimonies of the continuation of life after death.

Review by Tom Ruffles

Things You Can Do When You’re Dead!: True Accounts of After Death Communication, by Tricia J. Robertson

Publication Details: White Crow Books. ISBN-13: 978-1908733603
Publish Date: June, 2013

From the publisher’s website: Things You Can do When You’re Dead! by Tricia Robertson is the long awaited book from one of Scotland’s foremost psychical researchers. In this book the author shares some of her thirty-year research into mediumship, reincarnation, psychic healing, apparitions, poltergeists, and after death communications. Tricia’s refreshing no-nonsense approach to the subject makes for compelling reading and should interest sceptics, believers, and anyone who wants to know what you can do when you’re dead! A former teacher of mathematics and physics, Tricia is a long term council member, past Vice President and Immediate Past President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research. She is a tutor for the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE) at the University of Glasgow. In conjunction with Professor Archie Roy she provided a programme of lectures for DACE in a series entitled “An In Depth Study of Psychical Research.” This course has now been running for six years. In addition to 29 years of experience in investigating spontaneous cases Tricia has appeared on various radio and TV programmes and has been invited over many years to speak to varied organisations throughout the UK.

Review by Tom Ruffles

A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife, by Victor and Wendy Zammit

Publication Details: White Crow Books. ISBN-13: 978-1908733221
Publish Date: May, 2013
From the publisher’s website: There could be many reasons why you are interested this book. Perhaps you are just curious about the afterlife. Or perhaps you have experienced the death of a loved one. It may be that you have had an out of body experience or a near death experience or another mystical experience. Or you may be realizing that we all inevitably have to make the journey to the afterlife one day. If you have been trained to respect scientific method you will not just accept tradition or wishful thinking. You want something that can be supported by evidence. You want highly reliable information as to whether or not we continue to live in the afterlife. And you want to know whether it is possible to get a message from your loved ones. You want to know that the things people report about the afterlife are real and can be validated. You want hard, repeatable evidence that no one can rebut. You want witnesses, scientists, professionals and others with the highest credibility. You want to feel that the information you are receiving about the afterlife is the truth, the whole truth. And you may want something that you can share with friends and family members to show that there are good scientific reasons for accepting that there is more to life than the materialists claim.

This book presents highly convincing evidence amounting to proof for the existence of the afterlife. It shows that after investigating the evidence, some of the most brilliant men and women ⎯ scientists and others – came to the conclusion that we all survive death. The mediums and psychics studied by scientists were of course exceptional. They were the best of the best. People should be aware that not all psychics and mediums are developed to this degree and people take care in choosing a medium. This new and expanded version includes important new research and the latest discoveries. But once again it concentrates on evidence that is credible, repeatable and admissible in a court of law. The book gives an introduction to more than twenty different areas of evidence for the afterlife giving you the key facts and references Victor and Wendy Zammit, Since 2001 and Victor and Wendy have maintained a website which makes available scientific and objective evidence on the afterlife free of charge and has been viewed by over a million visitors. Every Friday they send out a weekly Afterlife Report containing the latest research to many thousands of subscribers in more than 70 countries.

Scientist and Psychic, by José Maria Feola

Publication Details: Editorial Antigua, ISBN: 978-987-28949-1-7
Publish Date: May, 2013
Cover of Scientist and Psychic

This book is freely available at the publisher's website: Editorial Antigua

Evenings at Home in Spiritual Séance: Second Series, by Georgiana Houghton

Publication Details: Victorian Secrets, ISBN-13: 978-1906469269
Publish Date: April, 2013

From the publisher’s website: Spanning the years 1870–1881, Evenings at Home in Spiritual Séance documents the everyday, yet astonishing, experiences of spirit activity within the domestic space of the Victorian parlour. Through the intimacy of her diary-like prose, Houghton conjures cosy images of spirits laying the table for tea in what she called the “interblending of the heavenly and the mundane”. She is equally comfortable communicating with her beloved pet dove as she is with the archangel Gabriel, living an unassuming yet spiritually rich life, filled with people of this world and the next. Houghton narrates her experiences of séances and trance mediumship with close friends, discusses her own automatic spirit drawings, and offers an autobiographical glimpse into her day-to-day business. This critical edition, edited by Sara Williams, includes: Introduction; author biography; select bibliography; explanatory footnotes; appendices on ‘Houghton in the Spiritualist press’, ‘Automatic spirit drawings’ and ‘Houghton’s spirit photography’ Sara Williams is an Honorary Research Associate in the Department of English, University of Hull, where she completed her PhD ‘The Maternal Gaze in the Gothic’. Her research focuses on Victorian spirit photography and memorial portraiture, epistemologies of hysteria, Christian mysticism and Mariology and the everyday Gothic. She has published on the novel and film versions of The Exorcist and the life and work of H.P. Lovecraft, and her next project considers motifs of cannibalism in Catholic female hagiography. Further details can be found at The book is available in both paperback and Kindle editions.

Review by Tom Ruffles

Extreme Hauntings: Britain’s Most Terrifying Ghosts, by Paul Adams and Eddie Brazil

Publication Details: The History Press. ISBN-13: 978-0-7524-6535-7
Publish Date: April, 2013

From the publisher: A comprehensive guide to Britain’s most terrifying ghost stories, exploring the dark world of the paranormal. Ghost stories have both terrified and intrigued for centuries. Some people dismiss them off hand, others like to delve deeper into the mystery, and there are those that have had first hand experiences. In Extreme Hauntings, the most terrifying British ghost stories are brought together in this unique and original compilation of spine-chilling true encounters, both ancient and modern. Including tales of deadly curses, murderous ghosts, violent poltergeists, haunted relics and spirit possession, all manner of hauntings are detailed with unsettling insights into a supernatural realm. From the mysterious happenings at Hinton Ampner and the eerie Black Monk of Pontefract, to the celebrated Enfield Poltergeist and the sinister power of the Hexham Heads, this new title from paranormal historian Paul Adams & writer Eddie Brazil delves into paranormal cases that span over 250 years. Detailing supernatural happenings from the 18th century to the present day, Extreme Hauntings is a detailed examination of hauntings from across the UK that will chill you to the bone.

Review by Tom Ruffles

Men and Women of Parapsychology: Personal Reflections, Esprit Volume 2, by Rosemarie Pilkington

Publication Details: Anomalist Books. ISBN-13: 978-1938398018
Publish Date: April, 2013
Cover of Men and Women of Parapsychology

From the publisher’s website: It’s a science that keeps a low profile. But its results have the potential to change the face of science itself. The science is parapsychology and its findings have been put to use in fields from archaeology to medicine. Who are the men and women of parapsychology? Who are the brilliant, talented individuals who have spent most of their lives exploring the mysteries of consciousness? Why did they choose to enter such a controversial field of science? Why did they persist in their investigation and risk being ostracized by many mainstream scientists? What advice do they have for young people entering the field? The answers to these questions and more can be found in this new book entitled Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections, Esprit Volume 2, edited by Rosemarie Pilkington.

The book contains mini-autobiographies of 21 pioneering researchers from the United States and Europe. This work is the second in a series edited by Rosemarie Pilkington, the first being Esprit, Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections, Volume 1, which features the stories of 12 other notable researchers. Rosemarie Pilkington earned a Ph.D. in Psychology (Consciousness Studies) from Saybrook Graduate Institute, under the mentorship of Prof. Stanley Krippner. She has written articles and reviews of books on psi phenomena for Fate, the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, and other periodicals. The first volume in this series, Esprit, Men and Women of Parapsychology Personal Reflections, Volume 1, and her book, The Spirit of Dr. Bindelof: The Enigma of Seance Phenomena, a study of physical mediumship, are both also published by Anomalist Books. Visit her websites at and Contents: Editor’s Note Foreword by Nancy L. Zingrone The Questions Mary Rose Barrington: Beyond The Boggle Threshold: Confessions Of A Macro-Addict Eberhard Bauer: On the Magic Hill William Braud: On Exceptions and the Attraction of the Unexplained Residua Stephen Braude: My Career on the Margins Richard S. Broughton: Don’t Hold Your Breath Larry Dossey: Hooked on Healing: Adventures in Nonlocal Mind Sally Rhine Feather: Continuing the Legacy Erlendur Haraldsson: The Question of Appearance and Reality Arthur Hastings: A Confluence of Streams Stanley Krippner: My Parapsychological Odyssey Lawrence LeShan: An Interview Roger Nelson: Thirty Years and Counting John Palmer: My Career in Parapsychology and Advice for Others Guy Lyon Playfair: Adventures on the Night-Side William G. Roll: A Lifetime of Searching Serena Roney-Dougal: For the Love of Mind: Exploring Psyche Stephan A. Schwartz: Explorations in the Infinite Rex G. Stanford: Personal Reflections Russell Targ: Why I Am Convinced of the Reality of Psychic Abilities, and Why You Should Be, Too Charles T. Tart: The Parapsychological Side of My Career Walter von Lucadou: The Paranormal is Normal But Quite Different

Review by Tom Ruffles

Shadows on the Sea: The Maritime Mysteries of Britain, by Neil Arnold

Publication Details: The History Press. ISBN-13: 978-0752487724
Publish Date: April, 2013

From the publisher’s website: Sink into the depths … The great oceans of the world have long been considered alien environments said to harbour strange creatures and unfathomable mysteries. This new book from full-time monster hunter Neil Arnold examines the maritime-rich heritage surrounding the coastline of Britain and the mysterious activity said to take place there. Shadows on the Sea explores eerie stories of phantom ships upon frothing waves, sailor’s stories, fishermen’s tales and impossible monsters said to hide within the inky depths, not forgetting weird tales of USOs – unidentified submarine-type objects – and other mysterious lights witnessed out at sea. Compiling hundreds of stories and many eyewitness accounts, from the spine-chilling to the utterly bizarre, this volume is an exploration of the unknown that takes the reader on a voyage through strange tales and roaring seas.

Review by Tom Ruffles