Library Catalogue

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Authors Title
Kramer, W. (Ed); Bauer, Eberhard; Hovelmann, Gerd H. Perspectives of Clinical Parapsychology
Krauss, Rolf H. Jenseits Von Licht Und Schatten
Kreiman, Naum Elementos Descriptivos Y Conceptuales De Parapsicologia
Kreiman, Naum Investigaciones Experimentales En Parapsicologia Tomo 111
Kripal, Jeffrey J. Authors of the Impossible
Krippner, Stanley Human Possibilities
Krippner, Stanley Song Of The Siren
Krippner, Stanley (Co-Author); Bogzaran, Fariba (Co-Author); De Carvalho, Andre Percia (Co-Author) Extraordinary Dreams And How To Work With Them
Krippner, Stanley (Co-Author); Welch, Patrick (Co-Author) Spiritual Dimensions Of Healing
Krippner, Stanley (Ed) Psychoenergetic Systems