Library Catalogue
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.alpha-pagination ul > li { display: inline; list-style: outside none none; margin: 0 -4px 0 0; padding: 2px 6px 2px 5px; text-align: center; }Authors | Title |
Keil, Jurgen (Editor) | Gaither Pratt: A Life For Parapsychology |
Kelly, Edward F. (Co-Author); Kelly, Emily Williams (Co-Author); Crabtree, Adam (Co-Author); Gauld, Alan (Co-Author); Grosso, Michael (Co-Author); Greyson, Bruce (Co-Author) | Irreducible Mind |
Kelly, Edward F. (Co-Author); Kelly, Emily Williams (Co-Author); Crabtree, Adam (Co-Author); Gauld, Alan (Co-Author); Grosso, Michael (Co-Author); Greyson, Bruce (Co-Author) | Irreducible Mind |
Kelly, Edward F.; Locke, Ralph G. | Altered States of Consciousness and PSI: An Historical Survey and Research Prospectus |
Kelly, Emily Williams | Science, the Self, and Survival After Death |
Kelsey, Denys | Now And Then |
Kelsey, Morton T. | Christian And The Supernatural, The |
Kendrick, T.D. | Mary Of Agreda |
Kenny, Michael G. | Passion of Ansel Bourne |
Kent, Caron Dr. | Puzzled Body, The |