Library Catalogue

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Authors Title
Keil, Jurgen (Editor) Gaither Pratt: A Life For Parapsychology
Kelly, Edward F. (Co-Author); Kelly, Emily Williams (Co-Author); Crabtree, Adam (Co-Author); Gauld, Alan (Co-Author); Grosso, Michael (Co-Author); Greyson, Bruce (Co-Author) Irreducible Mind
Kelly, Edward F. (Co-Author); Kelly, Emily Williams (Co-Author); Crabtree, Adam (Co-Author); Gauld, Alan (Co-Author); Grosso, Michael (Co-Author); Greyson, Bruce (Co-Author) Irreducible Mind
Kelly, Edward F.; Locke, Ralph G. Altered States of Consciousness and PSI: An Historical Survey and Research Prospectus
Kelly, Emily Williams Science, the Self, and Survival After Death
Kelsey, Denys Now And Then
Kelsey, Morton T. Christian And The Supernatural, The
Kendrick, T.D. Mary Of Agreda
Kenny, Michael G. Passion of Ansel Bourne
Kent, Caron Dr. Puzzled Body, The