Consciousness Unbound
Dr. Michael Grosso's blog.
Psience Quest
MJ Wayland
An online exploration of ghosts, mysteries, folklore and weird history.
The OBE Outlook On Life
News and articles on mediumship, psi and survival after death
Journal of Nonlocality
The Journal of Nonlocality has been set up to address an experimental and conceptual impasse in understanding the nature of nonlocality and observer effects in quantum mechanics.
Andrew Endersby's blog
The Fortean
The blog aims to encourage discussion around Fortean phenomena worldwide.
Heymans Anomalous Cognition Group
Ashley Knibb
The official Blog Site of Ashley Knibb - Paranormal Explorer, Investigator & Researcher
EVP Voices was founded in 2005 to research Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) in controlled and non-controlled environments; research continues to the present day.
New Zealand Strange Occurrences Society
Conducts site investigations, interviews, discussions and other research throughout New Zealand, aiming to help people who have experienced phenomena they can't explain.
After Death Communications Research Foundation
ADCRF is dedicated to spontaneous after-death-communication experiences.
Anomalous Experience Research Unit
Established in 2006 and based at York University, the Unit seeks to develop interdisciplinary social science research on anomalous experiences.
Austrian Society for Parapsychology
Based at Vienna University, the society organises public lectures and maintains a library.
Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research
The aim of the Institute, based in Sydney, is to collect claims of paranormal phenomena and to support the development of parapsychology.
The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena is a scientifcally-oriented educational charity and amateur research organisation dedicated to a better understanding of anomalous phenomena.
Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit
Based at Goldsmiths, University of London, the unit is part of the Department of Psychology and is headed by Professor Chris French.
American Society for Psychical Research
The oldest psychical research organization in the United States.
After-Death Communication
A forum for sharing after-death communications.
L'Institut Metapsychique International in Paris, established in 1919, supports scientific study of phenomena referred to as 'paranormal'.
International Association for Near-Death Studies is an organisation whose mission is to build global understanding of Near Death Experiences through research, education and support.
Fortean Times
A journal of strange phenomena.
Exceptional Human Experience
An educational, research, and information resource organization studying all types of anomalous (out of the ordinary) experiences.