Library Catalogue
Please select a letter to search for books held at our Vernon Mews library. Alternatively, enter the author's name or publication title into the search boxes below, then click on SEARCH button.
.alpha-pagination ul > li { display: inline; list-style: outside none none; margin: 0 -4px 0 0; padding: 2px 6px 2px 5px; text-align: center; }Authors | Title |
Delgado, Pat (Co-Author); Andrews, Colin (Co-Author) | Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence |
Delgado, Pat (Co-Author); Andrews, Colin (Co-Author) | Circular Evidence |
Dening, John C. | Restless Spirits Of Langenhoe |
Dening, John C. | From Darkness To Light |
Dennett, Daniel C. | Consciousness Explained |
Denton, William | Soul of Things |
Desmond, Shaw | Psychic Pitfalls |
Deveney, John Patrick | Paschal Berverly Randolph |
Devereux, George (Editor) | Psychoanalysis And The Occult |
Devereux, Paul | Long Trip, The |