Library Catalogue

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Authors Title
Picknett, Lynn Encyclopaedia Of The Paranormal
Picknett, Lynn Flights Of Fancy
Picknett, Lynn (Co-Author); Prince, Clive (Co-Author) Turin Shroud: In Whose Image?
Pierri, Maria; Elgar, Adam (Translator) Occultism an the Origins of Psychoanalysis
Pigram, Ron Strange Happenings in Hitchin and North Herts
Pike, James A. Other Side, The
Pilkington, Rosemarie Spirit Of Dr Bindelof
Pilkington, Rosemarie (Ed) Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections
Pilkington, Rosemarie (Ed) Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections, Esprit, Volume 2
Pilkington, Rosemarie (Editor) Men And Women Of Parapsychology