Library Catalogue

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Authors Title
McConnell, R.A. Introduction To Parapsychology In The Context Of Science
McConnell, R.A. Parapsychology In Retrospect
McConnell, R.A., Are You There?
McConnell, R.A. (Co-Author); Forwald, Haakon (Co-Author) Psychokinetic Placement Effect
McConnell, R.A. (Editor) Parapsychology And Self-Deception In Science
McConnell, R.A. (Editor) Encounters With Parapsychology
McConnell, Robert Far Out In The New Age
McCorristine, Shane Spectres of the Self
McCreery, Charles Psychical Phenomena And The Physical World
McCreery, Charles Schitzotypy and Out-Of-The-Body Experiences