Library Catalogue
Please select a letter to search for books held at our Vernon Mews library. Alternatively, enter the author's name or publication title into the search boxes below, then click on SEARCH button.
.alpha-pagination ul > li { display: inline; list-style: outside none none; margin: 0 -4px 0 0; padding: 2px 6px 2px 5px; text-align: center; }Authors | Title |
Marabini, Enrico | Introduzione Alla Parapsicologia |
Marcel, Gabriel | Influence Of Psychic Phenomena On My Philosophy |
Marchant, Sir J. | Life After Death |
Marchant, Sir J. (Editor) | Survival |
Margenau, Henry | Miracle Of Existence |
Margolis, Jonathan | Uri Geller: Magician Or Mystic? |
Margolis, Jonathan | Secret Life of Uri Geller: CIA Masterspy? |
Marion, Frederick | In My Mind's Eye |
Marks, David F. | Psychology and the Paranormal |
Marks, David; Kammann, R. | Psychology of the Psychic |