Library Catalogue

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Authors Title
Gurney, Edmund (Co-Author); Myers, Frederic W.H. (Co-Author); Podmore, Frank (Co-Author) Phantasms Of The Living. Volume II
Gurney, Edmund (Co-Author); Myers, Frederic W.H. (Co-Author); Podmore, Frank (Co-Author); Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (Editor) Phantasms Of The Living (Abridged)
Gurtis, F. (Ed); Clare, Lilian A. (Translator) Voices From Another World
Gutierrez, Cathy Plato's Ghost
Gwilliam, Sheila In Touch With Raynor C. Johnson
Hack, G.K. Modern Psychic Mysteries
Hack, Helen Mystery of the Mayanup Poltergeist
Hagan Iii, Md, John C. Science of Near-Death Experiences
Haining, Peter Dictionary Of Ghosts, A
Halifax, Lord Lord Halifax's Ghost Book