Name changed to The Magazine of the SPR in 2021.
Paranormal Review (2014 - 2020)
Back Issues (Content lists)
Parapsychology in the Far East - Paranormal Review 96 (2020)
Star Gate (Part 2) - Paranormal Review 95 (2020)
Star Gate (Part 1) - Paranormal Review 94 (2020)
Every Day Psi - Paranormal Review 93 (2020)
The Other Side - Paranormal Review 92 (2019)
The Roots of Reailty - Paranormal Review 91 (2019)
Time, Retrocausality, Synchronicity - Paranormal Review 90 (2019)
The Paranormal Preservers - Paranormal Review, 89 (2019)
The SPR at War - Paranormal Review, 88 (Autumn 2018)
Guy Lyon Playfair - Paranormal Review, 87 (Summer 2018)
Back to the Past - Paranormal Review, 86 (Spring 2018)
Back to the "Lilly" Pond - Paranormal Review, 85 (Winter 2018)
The Art of the Impossible - Paranormal Review, 84 (Autumn 2017)
Ghost Hunting Part 2 - Paranormal Review, 83 (Summer 2017)
Ghost Hunting Part 1 - Paranormal Review, 82 (Spring 2017)
'Just One of Those Things' - Paranormal Review, 81 (Winter 2017)
'Parazoology' - Paranormal Review, 80 (Autumn 2016)
'Conjuring Up Enfield' - Paranormal Review, 79 (Summer 2016)
'Tanous' - Paranormal Review, 78 (Spring 2016)
'Bring on Your Ghosts!' - Paranormal Review, 77 (Winter 2016)
World War I and the Paranormal, Part 2 - Paranormal Review, 76 (Autumn 2015)
Kai Mügge - Paranormal Review, 75 (Summer 2015)
Fall of the House of Felix? - Paranormal Review, 74 (Spring 2015)
Possessed Science - Paranormal Review, 73 (Winter 2015)
Saving the Paranormal - Paranormal Review, 72 (October 2014)
World War I and the Paranormal, Part 1 - Paranormal Review, 71 (July 2014)
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