Atlas of Paranormal Places: A Journey to the World's Most Supernatural Places, by Evelyn Hollow

Cover of Atlas of Paranormal Places

From the publisher's website: Uncover fascinating paranormal activity on this chilling, nerve-wracking global tour of over 50 paranormal locations, with a brilliant foreword from award-winning writer, Danny Robins. Set out on a uniquely dark armchair journey and witness the shocking supernatural events, ghosts and unexplained phenomena that have captivated humankind for as long as we have told stories to each other, looked to the skies, and wondered whether we really are alone…

Further information at the publisher's website: Quarto.

Review by Ciaran Farrell.

Publication Details
Quarto, ISBN: 9780711287969
Publish date
Book Review
Atlas of Paranormal Places: A Journey to the World's Most Supernatural Places, by Evelyn Hollow