From the publisher's website: Do we survive our biological death? This is a most important question; many people are very interested to know the answer. This book provides a rational answer, combining empirical evidences and conceptual analysis. It also examines the implications of postmortem survival on science, personal morality, and the meaning of life. Empirical evidences used include those from the existing literatures in English and Chinese, and personal experience. Some photographical evidence is provided and a repeatable paranormal experience is suggested that any reader may try. A theory on the emergence of souls from minds is also advanced. If consciousness may emerge from mindless things by ‘brute force’ (natural random changes, including in Darwinian evolution) in our un-created universe of only 14 billion years old, as believed in simple materialism (apparently the position of most scholars, including scientists and philosophers), it should be easier for souls to emerge from minds if our universe was created for fast evolution.
Further information at the publisher's website: Eliva Books.