Teachings from the Gatekeeper: A Memoir and Journey into Parapsychology, by Davis K Brimberg

Cover of Teachings from the Gatekeeper

From the author's website: In these pages of exploration, Dr. Davis K. Brimberg takes the reader through the fascinating world of parapsychology and the paranormal. Grounded by serious academic research from major institutions and Nobel laureates, Dr. Brimberg translates the scholarship of the field into readable, page-turning prose for the general audience. By weaving in heartfelt personal anecdotes as teaching examples, Dr. Brimberg paints a moving picture of how the paranormal touches us all.

Further information at the author's website: Davis K Brimberg

Review by Gregory M. Westlake


Publication Details
Independently published, ISBN: 9798321539620
Publish date
Book Review
Teachings from the Gatekeeper: A Memoir and Journey into Parapsychology, by Davis K Brimberg