From Nowhere: Artists, Writers, and the Precognitive Imagination, by Eric Wargo

Cover of From Nowhere

From the publisher's website: Artists and writers very often predict future events in their work. Skeptics dismiss these anomalies, but what if they hold the key to the creative imagination? In this mind-bending book, the 40,000-year history of art is reconsidered as a literally prophetic enterprise. From Ice Age cave paintings to the novels of Virginia Woolf and Philip K. Dick, the films of Werner Herzog and David Lynch, and even the songs of The Beatles, Wargo makes a case for the inherently time-defying nature of inspiration. Creators often channel their own futures—and the future of their culture—in their art. It is an entirely new way of thinking about one of humanity’s oldest questions: Where do new ideas come from?

Further information at the publisher's website: Anomalist Books.

Publication Details
Anomalist Books, ISBN: 9781949501339
Publish date