From the back cover: Be it a frightening childhood encounter, an unexplainable occurrence, or simply a fascination with all things strange and mysterious, the end result is the same; a lifelong obsession with the unseen world of the paranormal. This obsession leads some to spend long, cold nights in abandoned buildings in search of ghosts, while others dedicate their lives and careers to trudging through dense forests on a quest for monsters. And some pick up a film camera in hopes of documenting the existence of both for a viewing audience.
Paranormal investigators and authors Jason Hewlett and Peter Renn have collected the stories and adventures of more than twenty dedicated ghost hunters, cryptozoologists, and filmmakers in this Investigators’ Archive. With it comes a collection of frightening encounters across England, the United States, and Canada, as told by Ciaran O’Keeffe, Paul Bradford, Ken Gerhard and more. Hewlett, Renn and their colleagues also provide insight into investigative techniques and technology, a new, first-person account of the Exorcism of Cindy Sauer, and potential explanations for why hauntings occur. All backed up by eyewitness accounts and historical research.