The Magazine of the Society for Psychical Research

The Magazine of the Society for Psychical Research 10 (2023) 

I'm generally not one to go for themed issues – the problem there is if you don't like the topic then there is potentially very little of interest for you.  However this issue is sort-of themed around online material.  The recent SPR Conference was a hybrid and we have a review presented here.

Dr David Vernon, in conjunction with our Secretary Peter Johnson, has been doing an incredible job of providing a series of talks for SPR members.  We have an interview with him this issue about the process, and sticking with the webinars we have an article  based on one of the lectures, Dr Sean Richards gives us an overview of his more recent EVP researches. 

Dr Tom Ruffles presents an article on the online presence of the Society through social media.  A perfect opportunity to sign up for these groups if you haven't already done so.  Nemo Mörck gives us a look at the Society website – along with social media the place for regular visits to keep up to date with what is happening.

This is not an exhaustive list of online aspects of the SPR but most can be accessed directly from the SPR webpage at

Moving away from online material to a rather useful little app courtesy of its creator, Dr Paul Lee. Paul is an  independent researcher and along with the many books he has written on the paranormal he has producd a Ghost Spotters app.  It's a guide to haunted locations throughout the UK.

There is some exciting news about the Enfield Poltergeist show from Apple TV+, a piece which had input from the SPR in the form of Dr Melvyn Willin.

We have our regular President's Pages where Professor Adrian Parker continues his journey showing how some of his early influences affected the rest of his life.

And finally, a couple of apologies from me.  In issue 9 the final editing inadvertently removed the name of a ship from Dr Peter A McCue's letter, altering the meaning of that part of the letter.  The final paragraph has been reprinted, as it should have been, on the letters page of this issue.  And secondly, the biographical data for Mike Daw on the back page of issue 9 was incorrect.  The correct information has been published on the back page of the current issue, along with the relevant information for the contributors to this issue.  My apologies to both individuals.

Remember, this is your magazine.  There is space for a lively letters page but that only works if you contribute.  And talking of contributions – if anyone would like to contribute an article then please get in touch.  If there are topics you would like to read about but don't necessarily want to write about yourself then please get in touch as well.  Please send all correspondence to the usual email address, [email protected].

Gordon Rutter


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