Transpersonal Psychology conference to be held 22-24 September

On 22-24 September the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society will be holding its annual conference on the theme '2017: Coming of Age: The BPS Transpersonal Section after 21 years'.

SPR members will be present at the conference. Keynote Speakers are Michael Daniels, Jorge N. Ferrer and Stanley Krippner.

"Transpersonal Psychology addresses the spiritual nature of humankind. Unlike religion and theology, its interest centres on the mind and behaviour; hence it is a branch of Psychology. All the major spiritual and mystical traditions of the world incorporate teachings about the nature of mind and promote behavioural practices intended - amongst other goals - to bring about psychological transformations. Transpersonal psychology addresses these teachings and practices, researching their value and evaluating their relationships to ideas promulgated in Psychology. In essence Transpersonal Psychology seeks to integrate non-scientific spiritual insights with observations and models associated with the rigorous methodological approach of psychological science."

Further information on the conference can be found here:

The programme is availablle as a PDF: