Recordings of SPR Events (Audio & Video)

Our AUDIO ARCHIVE up to April 2017:

See a complete list of the audio archive

See an index of our archive of audio recordings (by speaker's name)

See an index of our archive of audio recordings (by subject)


RECORDINGS ARE AVAILABLE DIRECTLY ON THIS PAGE FOR MEMBERS.  Keep scrolling down this page for the links. Non-members may also purchase the links (see Shop).

2015 Lectures

David Saunders & Cal Cooper - Dreaming of the Dead: Evidence of Survival? - 12th February 2015

Lew Sutton - Rare Séance Recordings from the Past - 5th March

Paul Marshall - GWEN TATE MEMORIAL LECTURE - Mystical Experience and Postmortem Survival - 4th June 2015

Caroline Watt - 30 years at The Koestler Parapsychology Unit: What we've learned so far - 2nd July 2015

Zofia Weaver - GWEN TATE MEMORIAL LECTURE - Inconsistencies in Survival Evidence? - 1st October 2015

2016 Lectures

Ciarán O'Keeffe - The San Pantaleon Phenomena: Miraculous Healing & Miracle Blood - 8th December 2016

Anthony Peake - Opening the Doors of Perception - 3 November 2016

Alan Murdie  - GWEN TATE MEMORIAL LECTURE - Letters from the dead: evidence of survival in poltergeist cases - 14th July 2016

John Fraser - The Cage St Osyth: A Haunting That Needs to be Taken Seriously? - 10th March 2016

Video Lectures: SPR Annual Conference 2016 (Leeds)

Dr Engelbert Winkler: "Lucid Dreams"

Professor Adrian Parker: "Conference Introduction"

Professor Caroline Watt: "Stimulating Progress in Parapsychology: Prospective Meta-Analysis"

Trevor Hamilton: "Assessing the Assessors" (Cross-Correspondences)

Dr Leo Ruickbie: "The SPR at War"

Dr Wim Kramer: "Dutch Mediumistic Art of the Interbellum"

Professor Erlendur Haraldsson: "Indridi Indridasson, Comparison with Other Outstanding Mediums"

Dr Annekatrin Puhle: "Lucid Dreaming of the Deceased"

Professor Chris Roe & Lucy Desborough: "A Reconsideration of Sheldrake's Theory of Morphic Resonance"

Dr David Vernon - "Exploring precall, using arousing images and utilising a memory recall practice task on-line"

Steve Parsons: "What have the Romans ever done for us...?"

Keith Hearne: "The Alpha-Numeric Dream Code"

Anne Winsper: "Voices of the Living or Voices of the Dead"

Ross Friday and David Luke: "Now See Hear"

Fergus Hinds: "No Time and Nowhere"

Kimberley Thomas and Callum Cooper: Investigating Viewer Opinions on the use of 'Science' in Paranormal TV Reality Shows

Dr Michael Potts: A Survey of University Students Concerning Putative Apparitions of the Dead

Steve Webley: Psychoanalytic Perspective of the Uncanny, Modern Anxiety and New Age Occultism

Sean O'Donnell: Bright Future for Psi? Through Physics and Phenomenology

Professor Chris Roe & Rebecca Linnett: Content Analysis of Spontaneous Cases of Psi Using Alister Hardy Database

Mary Rose Barrington: Telepathy, Putting the Horse Before the Cart

Terence Palmer: A Pragmatic Methodology for Investigating Command Hallucinations and Veridical Voices

Discussion Panel: Lucid Dreaming

2017 Lectures

Cal Cooper - Water, Altered States & Psi - 2nd February 2017

Ann Treherne - GWEN TATE MEMORIAL LECTURE - Arthur Conan Doyle: He Is Not Dead! - 9th March 2017

Sean O'Donnell - Bringing Psi and Science Together - 1st June 2017

Edwin May - Star Gate Archives: Reports of the US Government-sponsored Psi Programme, 1972-1995 - 17th October 2017

Erlendur Haraldsson - GWEN TATE MEMORIAL LECTURE - Children's Experiences of Reincarnation - 23rd November 2017

2018 Evening Lectures, Discussion Groups & Study Days

Simon Duan - Breaking the Code of Psi - 15th February 2018

Serena Roney-Dougal - The Magic of Psi - 1st March 2018

Alejandro Parra - Paranormal Experiences in a Hospital Setting - 22nd March 2018

STUDY DAY 75 - Psi and Lucid Dreaming - 28th April 2018

Terence Palmer - Telepathic Hypnosis: A Neglected Research Field - 7th June 2018

Krister Knapp - William James: Psychical Research and the Challenge of Modernity - 19th July 2018

SPR Discussion Group - Reincarnation, overshadowing, or fraud: the Wieczorek case - 29th August 2018

Callum Cooper - Dear Ringers or Mistaken Mechanisms? - 11th October 2018

Simon Duan - Psi Research in China - 6th December 2018

SPR STUDY DAY 76 - Understanding the Uncanny - 10th November 2018   (Peter Heinl's talk is not available)

2018 SPR Annual Conference Videos

Individual  talks:

Panel Discussion. What is Consciousness?

Terence Palmer - Anomalous Paranormal Experiences in the Hospital Environment

Wu Zhengbing - Theoretical Analysis & Curriculum Development of the Sixth Sense for Blind Children

Erlendur Haraldsson - Fantastic & (Almost) Unbelievable Phenomena in Old Reputable Sources: Is There Anything Comparable?

John Fraser - Proving the Paranormal by Prioritising the Poltergeist

Chris A. Roe - J. B. Priestley's Man and Time Letters: A Reanalysis

Chetak Nangare - Parapsychology and Buddhism: Interviews with Vipassana Meditation Practitioners Across India

David Luke - Psychodelomancy: Precognition with Psychedelics

Callum E. Cooper & David T. Saunders - Potential Psi Conducive Imagery Perceived within Flotation Tanks

Trevor Hamilton - The Return and Continuing Presence of F. W. H. Myers

Bernardo Kastrup - The Nature of Consciousness

Trevor Hamilton - Letters from Eileen

Mia Jakeman & Callum Cooper - Negative Anomalous Experiences During Bereavement

Caroline Watt, delivered by Deborah Delanoy - Testing Precognition and Altered State of Consciousness with Selected Participants in the Ganzfeld

Adrian Parker - Research Projects That I Would Carry Out if I Had the Millions Needed

kitt price - Uses of Media Technology in Precognition Research

Ross Friday & David Luke - Now See Hear! Detecting Being Watched or Listened to via Extrasensory Means

Chris Roe, Chetak Nangare & Johnny Ryan - Comparing Individual Versus Group Judgments in a Dream ESP Study

Marios Kittenis - Investigating EEG Correlations Between Physically Isolated Participants

David Vernon & Laura Ivancevic - Testing Precognition Using a Novel Computer Driving Game

Rupert Sheldrake - Psi in Everday Life

Simon Duan - Understanding Psi by a Model that Unites Consciousness, Mind and Matter

Annekatrin Puhle - Dreams as Doors of Perception

Alan Murdie - Poltergeists and Possession


2019 Evening Lectures, Discussion Groups & Study Days

Lecture - 7th February - Matthew Colborn - Strange Beings: A New Look at Entity Experiences

Discussion Group - 6th March 2019 - Washington Poltergeist Case

29th March 2019 - SPR & The Ghost Club present A GHOSTHUNTING WORKSHOP

Gwen Tate Memorial Lecture - 11th April  - David Saunders - The Carington Case: The Dreams of Eileen J Garrett

Study Day 77 - 27th April 2019 - Remembering Guy Lyon Playfair

Lecture - 23rd May - Sandy Edwards - Healing in a Hospital; Scientific Evidence that Spiritual Healing Improves Health

Lecture - 6th June - Ann Winsper - Ghosts or (Sheep) Goats?

Lecture - 18th July - Ross Bartlett & Matthew Smith - Reimagining the Out-of-body Experience

Study Day 78 - 16th November 2019 - Making Space for Psi

Ghost Hunting Workshop - 2019

1 Alan Murdie - Ghost Hunting Testimony, Evidence and New Directions in Research

2 Ann Winsper - Electronic Voice Phenomena

3 James Tacchi - Monitoring and Measuring Practical Perspectives

4 Steve Parsons

5 John Fraser - Black Monks, Witches and Background Research

6 Panel Discussion

2020 Evening Lectures

Lecture - 13th February - John Fraser - Are Poltergeists Rare? Or are all cases 'Intermediate' with a strange mix of phenomena?

Lecture - 5th March - Matt Colborn - GWEN TATE MEMORIAL LECTURE - STICKY BUNDLES, LEAKY BUCKETS AND RABBIT HOLES: Understanding the Survival Experience


June 9th, 2020    Web Event - Discussion with Steve Parsons
Topic: Ghost Tech      (The Ghost Tech recordings are incomplete! The start is missing.)

June 23rd, 2020    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Cal Cooper
Topic: Flotation Tanks

July 21st, 2020    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Patrizio Tressoldi
Topic: Discussing research on Exceptional Experiences

August 11th, 2020    Web Event - Discussion with Caroline Watt
Topic: Promoting excellence in parapsychological research and education

September 8th, 2020    Web Event - Presentation and discussion with Bernard Carr
Topic: Making Space and Time for Psi

September 22nd, 2020    Web Event - Presentation from Deborah Erickson
Topic: Can you hear me now? Current telepathic interspecies communication research.

November 23rd, 2020    Web Event - Presentation from Chris French
Topic: Twenty Years of Weird Science at Goldsmiths - some reflections.

December 14th, 2020    Web Event - Presentation from Dean Radin
Topic: Toward a Scientific Resurrection of Magic.


Chairman's Introduction: Bernard Carr.

David Lorimer. An invitation to look through the telescope.

Harald Walach. Psi and the limitations of materialist science (plus Morning questions)

Brian Josephson. Shaping post-materialist science.

Evelyn Elsaesser. Spontaneous and direct After-Death Communications: Hints of a new paradigm.

General Discussion.


January 18th, 2021    Web Event - Chris Roe
Topic: Sceptical of scepticism: an appraisal of the counter-advocate position.

February 22nd, 2021    Web Event - Adrian Parker
Topic: Can Psychical Research Give Us a Theory of Everything?

March 1st, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Neil Langdon Inglis
Topic: A Passionate Believer's Legacy: The Life and Work of Brian Inglis, Advocate for Psi and Scourge of Skeptics Everywhere.

March 29th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Simon Duan
Topic: Non-physical existence - can we model it theoretically and explore it experimentally?

April 12th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Malcolm Schofield
Topic: Everybody Believes in Something: Researching Paranormal Belief

May 17th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Eric Dullin
Topic:  Methodology and Results in Macro-PK Experimental research.

May 24th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Christine Simmonds-Moore
Topic:  Synaesthesia and Seeing Things

June 14th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Everton Maraldi
Topic: The Psychology of the Paranormal: a critique

July 5th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Simon Duan
Topic: Recent Developments in Thoughtography in China

July 26th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Rodrigo Machado Tavares
Topic: The Psychical Research of Sir William Crookes

September 6th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Gary Schwartz
Topic: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence: Randomized Control Trial SoulPhone Experiments

November 22nd, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Diane Hennacy Powell
Topic: Savant Syndrome and Out-of-Body Experiences

December 13th, 2021    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Julia Mossbridge
Topic: Pre-Emptive Intelligence: Precognition as a Forecasting Tool


Bernard Carr. Chairman's introduction.
Zofia Weaver on Mary Rose Barrington. Survival, psychic force and a small theory of everything.
David Rousseau on Mary Rose Barrington. Discontinuities in everyday reality.
Adrian Parker on Donald West. Success against the odds.
Melvyn Willin on Donald West. A very private and erudite man.
Jim Matlock on Erlendur Haraldsson. On Mediumship and Reincarnation.
Cal Cooper on Erlendur Haraldsson. Rediscovering the departed among the living.
Matt Colborn. Survival Research: where do we go from here?
General Discussion.

44TH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL SPR CONFERENCE 2021 - 18th/19th September 2021

SATURDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER - list of sessions

Session 1

Chairman's introduction, Adrian Parker; Parapsychology and Public Perceptions of Post-materialist Science, Claire Murphy-Morgan; A Brief Account of Some Historical Cases Investigated by the SPR, Ann Winsper; Parapsychology and Transpersonal Psychology in Clinical Practice, Christian Grönvall

Session 2

Launch of the SPR's new book "Using Equipment: Guidance Notes for Investigators of Apparitions, Hauntings, Poltergeists and Simlar Phenomena", Steve Parsons; Philosophical Aspects of the OBE Arising from Plotinos, Jakob Henninsgon

Session 3

Children's Memories of Past Lives, Jim Tucker; After: What NDEs Reveal About Life and Beyond, Bruce Greyson

Session 4

The Physics of Arrival and Survival, Bernard Carr; Panel Discussion with Adrian Parker, Jim Tucker, Bruce Greyson, Bernard Carr

SUNDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER - list of sessions

Session 1

Chairman's Introduction, Adrian Parker; Becoming a Spiritualist Medium: Process and Phenomenology, Fil Kinnersley; Pathways to Mediumship Experiences, Ewen Maclean; The Role of Cognitive Executive in Individuals with Mediumistic Abilities, Chris Connelly

Session 2

Psychic Personality, Christine Simmonds-Moore; Sender-Receiver Relationship in the Ganzfeld, Abby Pooley

Session 3

Towards an Optimal Psychic Nutrition, Michael Daw; Mystical Experiences During Meditation, Psilocybin and NDEs: Are There Reconizable Neural Correlates?, Marjorie Woollacott

Session 4 Video to be added later

What I have learned about psi and what continues to fascinate me, Stanley Krippner

Session 5

Panel discussion with Adrian Parker, Marjorie Woollacott, Stanley Krippner, David Luke



January 31st, 2022    Web Event - Rupert Sheldrake
Topic: The Sense of Being Stared At. Scopaesthaesia and its implications

February 28th, 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Gary Schwartz
Topic: Synchronicities: A Challenge for Materialist Science

11th April 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Jerry Kroth
Topic: The most important crop circle of all time

25th April 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Graham Nicholls
Topic: The Science & Theory of Out-of-Body Experiences

23rd May 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Marco Bastos Jr.
Topic: Psychophysiological investigation of trance mediums

20th June 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Eric Dullin
Topic: Trying to validate and get some clues about poltergeist activities using quantitative and qualitative studies: An historical overview

11th July 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with David Orme-Johnson
Topic: The global impact of the Maharishi effect

15th August 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Jan Holden
Topic: PART ONE OF Near Death Experiences - Four Decades of Research

24th October 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Mike Daw
Topic: Might psychic abilities be enhanced by fasting, vegetarianism, and other dietary practices?

28th November 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Jan Holden
Topic: PART TWO OF Near-Death Experiences: Four Decades of Research

12th December 2022    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Steve Taylor
Topic: Spiritual Alchemy: When Trauma Leads to Transformation


16th January 2023    Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Steve Parsons
Topic: Going Equipped. The Technology of the Ghost Hunter

6th February 2023     Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Dr Humberto Schubert Coelho
Topic: The consistent patterns of spiritual, religious and psychic experiences across cultures

13th March 2023     Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Mauricio Arenas Ibarra
Topic: The Psychic Phenomenon of Dermo-Optical Vision: An experiment that demonstrates the existence of psychic phenomena

17th April 2023    Web Event - Dr Kekecs Zoltán - Lessons learned during the Transparent Psi Project - a consensus-based multi-site replication of Bem 2011 experiment 1.

22nd May 2023    Web Event - Dr Helané Wahbeh - The IONS Channeling Research Program: Exploring our capacity to know and affect beyond the traditional five senses.

12th June 2023 Web Event - Rodrigo Montenegro - What does science know about OBEs? A brief introduction to OBE theories and phenomenology

17th July 2023 Web Event - Dean Radin - What does precognition "see"?

18th September 2023 Web Event - Prof. Jan Holden - Systematic Review of Research on After Death Communication

23rd October 2023 Web Event - Debra Katz - Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) and other intuitive-based approaches for predicting future outcomes: Is the proof in the science or in the pudding?

14th November 2023 Web Event - Jon Barker - Working with a group communicating with the spirit of Joseph Merrick

11th December 2023 Web Event - Presentation & Discussion with Damien O'Dell - Chicksands Priory. Is this Britain's most haunted house?



22nd January 2024 Sean Richards - Furthering Research into Electronic Voice Phenomena

12th February 2024 Dr Arnaud Delorme - Exploring mind wandering within and beyond the brain and where thoughts come from

18th March 2024 Dr Roger Nelson - Your Mind Lives In The World

22nd April 2024  Dr Thomas Rabeyron - Psi and the Orpheus Model

9th April 2024 Myers Memorial Lecture - Dr Ed Kelly - My tangled path to Myers and James

9th April 2024 Presidential Address - Prof. Chris Roe - Psi and altered states of consciousness



Bernard Carr. Chairman's introduction.
Richard Noakes on The convergence of physical and psychical research in the late nineteenth century.
Leo Ruickbie on Phantasms of the Victorians: Apparitional experiences and the early SPR.
Zofia Weaver on The heyday of mental mediumship 1880s-1930s: Alan Gauld's new book.
Melvyn Willin on You can learn a lot from the archives: Mrs Bulford’s spirit donkey!
Adrian Parker on Looking to the future: The next 140 years.


45TH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL SPR CONFERENCE 2022 - 9th, 10th & 11th September 2022

DAY ONE - Friday 9th September 2022

Chairman's Introduction - Callum Cooper

SURVIVAL THEMES - PART ONE, Chair: Rachel Evenden

Post-Mortem Consciousness and Spirit Art - Ann Bridge Davis

A Question of Survival: After Death Communications Cases that Contain Evidential Information - Evelyn Elsaesser, Chris A. Roe, Callum E. Cooper, SOPHIE MORRISON, David Lorimer

F. R. Melton's Mysterious telephone - Callum E. Cooper

Is Mediumship Really a Dissociative Phenomenon? - Everton de Olivera Maraldi

INVITED SPEAKER. HARALD WALACH. Spirituality, Science and the Survival of our Culture


An Empirically Based Exploration: Preternatural Cold Spots - Ciaran Farrell

"Some sort of astral vision of myself": An IPA Study of Exceptional Experiences in Epilepsy - Louise Spiers

Glimpses of Death: Analysis of Letters Submitted in Response to a BBC Documentary on NDEs - Chris A. Roe, ASHLEE LEWIS-EARL

Mediumship Events and Well-Being - Valerie Harkness

PANEL DISCUSSION - 21st Century Nonexperimental Approaches - Steve Parsons, Ann Winsper, Malcolm Schofield, Mike Daw


DAY TWO - Saturday 10th September 2022

INVITED SPEAKER. DAVID MARKS. Synchronicity, Numinosity, and Science

CONSCIOUSNESS AND PSI, Chair: Richard Broughton

The Synchronicity of Schopenhauer ... and what is so bad about determinism anyway? - Christof King

The Simulation Hypothesis and Psi - Simon Duan

Consciousness - Where May It Exist? - Göran Brusewitz


Post-Mortem Consciousness and Alan Gauld's Lates Book: Unexplored Aspects of Mental Mediumship - Zofia Weaver

The Phenomenological Nature of Apparitional and Related Anomalous Experiences Reported during the COVID-19 Pandemic - AARON LOMAS, Chris A Roe, Callum E Cooper & David Saunders

Proof of Survival After Death: Some Evidential Problems Arising with a Judicial Approach - Alan Murdie

Hedwig Conrad-Martius and Edith Stein on the Soul-Body Relationship: Implications for the Nature of Apparitions - Michael Potts

Afterlife Experiences Across Jewish Denominations - Christopher Moreman

PANEL DISCUSSION - The Impact of the Bigelow Initiative on Survival Research - Adrian Parker, Bernard Carr, Jeffrey Mishlove


DAY THREE - Sunday 11th September 2022


An online survey investigating sensory processing sensitivity, transliminality, and boundary-thinness as predictors of anomalous experience and belief - ELIZABETH C. ROXBURGH, David Veron, Malcolm B. Schofield.

Individual Difference Factors Affecting ESP Performance Following Ganzfeld Stimulation - GLENN HITCHMAN, Adam Rock, Chris A Roe

A Survey of Spiritualist Mediums: Preliminary Results - Chris A Roe, Glenn Hitchmann, FIL KINNERSLEY

A Survey of Sleep Paralysis and Other Anomalous Sleep Experiences in Brazil - Everton de Oliveira Maraldi

The Phenomenon of Extrasensory Perception and Remote Viewing - Mauricio Arena Ibarra

INVITED SPEAKER. LEO RUICKBIE. The Ghost in the Time Machine

PANEL DISCUSSION. Scepticism and Psychical Research - Chris A Roe, Caroline Watt, David Marks



Prof. Bernard Carr - Chairman's introduction.
Dr David Rousseau and Mrs Julie Rousseau on Hidden motives: The moral quest behind the founding of the SPR
Dr Adreas Sommer on The ‘Problem of Myers’: William James, the early SPR, and the origins of experimental psychology
Dr Nancy Zingrone on The formidable women in the early SPR
Dr Michael Nahm on Building bridges from psychical research to biology: The work of Hans Driesch
Panel Discussion


Dr David Vernon - Chairman's introduction.
Prof. Chris Roe on The prevalence and phenomenology of ADCs
Assoc. Prof. Cal Cooper on Telephone Calls from the Dead
Dr Sara MacKian on Situating ADCs within an everyday experiential context
Assoc. Prof. Cal Cooper on What can ADCs tell us about the possibility of survival?
Panel Discussion

RECORDINGS OF SPR WORKSHOP - Saturday 27th April 2024 - From the Mouths of Babes: Children and Psychical Experiences

Dr Cal Cooper - Chairman's introduction.
Donna Thomas.  "My mind is not in my brain" Exploring consciousness with children
Natalia Lavin.  Childhood Anomalous Experiences: The Implications for Therapists
Kate Adams. Visions in the night: Children’s ’extraordinary’ dreams
Kirsty Allan.  Psi and Sensitivity: Highly Sensitive Children and Unusual Experience
Elaine Rycroft.  Through the Eyes of the Child: Reincarnation Experiences
Panel Discussion



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Non-members may purchase recordings of events in our bookshop.