21st October 2024 8 p.m. GMT - via ZOOM - Kyle Hankee - Consciousness and Interoceptive Awareness

REGISTRATIONS FOR THIS EVENT WILL CLOSE ONE HOUR BEFORE THE TALK IS DUE TO START. This presentation will explore the concept of interoceptive awareness, focusing on phenomena such as ESP, intuition, premonitions, synchronicity, near-death experiences (NDEs), out-of-body experiences (OBEs), and ecstatic/heightened/altered states. It will be proposed that the recurring themes and patterns observed in these states can be linked to specific bodily structures and functions, offering a novel approach to understanding how subconscious processes integrate and emerge into conscious awareness. By examining these phenomena through the lens of interoception, we gain a compelling insight into the fundamental structures and pathways of consciousness. This perspective could provide new avenues for exploring NDEs, altered states, and spiritual experiences. A deeper comprehension of these structures holds the potential to drive innovation in related fields and significantly advance our understanding of conscious experience.

Kyle Hankee, of Allentown and Germansville, Pennsylvania, is a real estate developer, philanthropist, and Freemason. He and his wife Cheng currently reside in the beautiful La Jolla coastal community of San Diego, California. Beyond his professional pursuits, Kyle is engaged in philanthropic efforts in memory of his sister, Krysta. She was an organ donor, saving 5 lives, helping to restore the sight of 2 individuals, and donating skin to the New York Fire Department’s skin bank. Her untimely passing at the age of 22 inspired the establishment of a nonprofit organization focused on 3 initiatives that include facilitating medical transport for those in need, promoting organ donation awareness, and providing leadership-inspired, merit-based scholarships. The work of the foundation has led to a shared understanding that helping others, especially in times of crisis, is essential for personal healing and growth. The foundation's motto, "We must move forward with purpose to look back with pride," has become a guiding principle in Kyle's life.

A few years following Krysta's passing, Kyle experienced yet another period of intense and traumatic stress, culminating in what could be described as an "ecstatic or spiritual awakening." This transformative period led to a strong interest in symbols, themes, and concepts that he later discovered were central to Carl Jung's work - Particularly Jung's ideas relating to synchronicity, collective consciousness, premonition, active imagination, individuation, and the symbolism of the" Red Book". Kyle found that his experiences bore striking similarities to Jung’s descriptions, particularly in the way they seem to facilitate deeper integration of the subconscious into operational consciousness.

Through practices like Jungian active imagination, meditation, and yogic breathing, Kyle became increasingly aware of themes and patterns often associated with near-death experiences (NDEs). Unlike the sudden intensity of NDEs, his experiences unfolded subtly and gradually,  allowing for a more slowly processed version of an NDE, spanning days, rather than minutes. This slowed, less intense version of NDE allowed for practical integration of patterns, structures, and themes commonly shared by many heightened state experiences. He then began applying the structures realized during this experience to art, literature, film, mythology and the human body, finding a pattern beginning to develop.

Kyle's realizations relating to the connections between emerging symbols, patterns, and themes led him to follow in his father's footsteps, becoming a Freemason. He joined a European Concept - Esoteric Research Lodge, where he found a community that shared his interests in the intersection of science, history, and esoteric studies. The lodge hosts monthly presentations related to these topics and  provides a forum for meaningful discussion often leading to collaborative opportunities.

 In addition to his work within the lodge, Kyle began collaborating with a few like minded associates on the "Insight Project," with an aim to explore interoceptive awareness, the emergence of bodily structures into conscious experience, and the role these altered perspectives play in our understanding of NDEs, ecstatic/altered/heightened states, and other spiritual experiences. The project quickly garnered interest from his Masonic brethren, with several esteemed members offering their support in its development.

Kyle Hankee’s journey is characterized by a commitment to understanding the complexities of human experience and consciousness. His work, which bridges the gap between traditional scientific inquiry and the exploration of deeper human experiences, positions him as a unique figure within academic and research communities. Through his nonprofit work, intellectual pursuits, and contributions to esoteric research, Kyle continues to seek answers to the profound questions that drive human inquiry, always with the aim of contributing to the broader understanding of consciousness and its potential.

21st October, 2024 from  8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Office Phone: 02079378984
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