18th November 2024 8 p.m. GMT - via ZOOM - Ciaran Farrell -The Preternatural Picnic: Making sense of a salad of paranormal experiences


In 1970, Ciaran went with his mother and sister and members of another family to an extremely haunted holiday home in Broadstairs in Kent. There was a great deal of paranormal activity during the holiday, which was cut short because of it. However, the real horror was yet to come, as the paranormal activity associated with several poltergeists/ghosts followed Ciaran and his family back to their home in London, and Ciaran to his boarding school. The other family was also severely affected. One of the phenomena that Ciaran experienced due to his psychic sensitivity was that of lucid telepathic veridical dreams from at least two murder victims. Ciaran has experienced these dreams in both sleeping and waking state which take the form of a video or movie clip seen, or filmed, from another person's perspective which are the experiences, and therefore memories, of one or other of those dead individuals. These telepathic veridical dreams repeat themselves at variable intervals and may be the result of the past trauma suffered by one individual in particular as the result of their own traumatic experiences. The quality of these experiences varies from that of being shown a movie-type clip, to a total experience, as if he were the individual concerned. There are hundreds of such clips, and he was faced with the problem of trying to assemble them into the correct chronological to understand the anatomy of a murder. In his talk, Ciaran will examine the events that led up to a single fateful day in 1946 and its consequences which led up to one of those two murders through an examination of the ‘movie’ he has assembled. He will then explain how he checked his work and his research through a comparison between the events he psychically witnessed with historical records which show that the people he saw within his dream experiences were real and lived where he thought they did, and may therefore have interacted in the way he witnessed by mediumistic means.

Ciaran Farrell BSc GRSC joined the SPR in February, was elected to the Council in 2017 and was appointed the Data Protection Officer that year. Since Ciaran joined the Society in 2015, he has regularly attended SPR events, which he finds very rewarding and is a regular contributor to the discussion section of these events. He has had psychical experiences from a very early age which have given him a lifelong interest in the psychical and paranormal, and he set off on a personal quest to explore psychical experiences and phenomena from a scientific point of view.

Ciaran had many psychical experiences and adventures when he was a boy. This led him to formulate his own early theories about ghosts, poltergeists and telepathic veridical dreams of the dead. He went on to build and design some of his own ghost-hunting equipment and to improve upon his previous theories about Cold Spots building on his own experience of them. He formulated the concept of ‘my body as an instrument’ to monitor and evaluate his perception of preternatural Cold Spots, poltergeist and ghost encounters. This gave him a deep desire to study science and he obtained a joint honours degree in chemistry and physics to study the philosophy of science and to start a PhD which was never completed due to funding problems. After resolving the reason for the existence of a nasty Cold Spot with presences associated with it that was the site of a previous murder within the grounds of his hall of residence and accurately describing the linked subsequent second murder in the case, the detective in charge of the case suggested that he train and register as a Private Investigator. This was so he could investigate the paranormal from the sound footing of being a PI, which he did. He therefore spent many years as a sole paranormal investigator working on solving hauntings as if they were “crimes” in a confidential manner following his boyhood hero, Sherlock Holmes.

18th November, 2024 from  8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Office Phone: 02079378984
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