States Of Consciousness, Personality, Belief Systems
Perronnet, Claude. LE MAGNETISME ANIMAL, reviewed by A.T. Myers, Journal 2, 1885, pp. 95-8. French experiments with hypnosis, with some evidence of clairvoyance. book review/hypnosis/clairvoyance
Binet, A. & Féré, Ch. LE MAGNÉTISME ANIMAL, reviewed by Gurney, Edmund, Proceedings 4, 1886, pp. 540-55. Detailed overview of hypnotism as practised in France. book review/hypnosis
Tourettes, Gilles de la. L’HYPNOTISME ET LES ETATS ANALOGUES AU POINT DE VUE MÉDICO-LÉGAL, reviewed by O. Elton, Proceedings 4, 1886, pp. 555-61. Treatise urging the legal regulation of hypnotism in France. book review/hypnosis
Moll, Albert. HYPNOTISM, reviewed by Max Dessoir, Proceedings 5, 1889, pp. 566-74. ‘.. .fully meets all requirements as a standard text-book in the literature of hypnotism.’ book review/hypnosis
Forel, August and Baierlacher, ed. DER HYPTONISMUS, and: DIE SUGGESTIONSTHERAPIE UNO IHRE TECHNIK, reviewed by Walter Leaf, Proceedings 6, 1890, pp. 225-8. ‘These two short treatises have substantially the same object; that of assisting medical men in the employment of hypnotism in ordinary practice’. book review/hypnosis
Moll, Albert. DER RAPPORT IN DER HYPNOSE: UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DER THIERISCHEN MAGNETISMUS, reviewed by Walter Leaf, Proceedings 9, 1893, pp. 211-14. ‘Dr. Moll promised us in his well-known work on hypnotism a special study of the phenomena of rapport, and he has given us an exceedingly solid and valuable piece of work. He records an elaborate series of experiments, often most ingenious, carried out by himself with the aid of several friends...’. book review/hypnosis
Schmidkunz, Hans. PSYCHOLGIE DER SUGGESTION, reviewed by Walter Leaf, Proceedings 9, 1893, pp. 214-6. Ideas about suggestion, which the reviewer admits to difficulty in understanding but which he implies may have value. book review/hypnosis
Kirk, Robert & Lang, Andrew. THE SECRET COMMONWEATLH OF ELVES, FAUNS, AND FAIRIES: A STUY IN FOLKLORE AND PSYCHICAL RESEARCH & Lang, Andrew COMPARATIVE PSYCHICAL RESEACH, reviewed by H. Babington Smith, Proceedings 9, 1894, pp. 367-9. Lang’s argument that folklore deserves more research by the Society is disputed by the reviewer. book review/psi/beliefs
Anon. RECENT BOOKS ON HYPNOTISM, reviewed by Chas Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 11, 1895, pp. 145-8. Short reviews of books on hypnotism by mainly continental authors, including Van Eeden and Schrenk-Notzing. book review/hypnosis
Boirac. L’HYPOTHESE DU MAGNETISME ANIMAL, reviewed by Walter Leaf, Proceedings 11, 1895, pp. 599-600. No summary given. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 7, 1895, pp. 221-8. book review/hypnosis
Nevius, John L. DEMON POSSESSION AND ALLIED THEMES, reviewed by William R. Newbold, Proceedings 13, 1898, pp. 602-4. A missionary to China describes cases of demonic possession that he has collected. The review offers a few brief examples. book review/personality/altered states
Waldstein, Louis. THE SUBCONSCIOUS SELF AND ITS RELATION TO EDUCATION AND HEALTH, reviewed by Frank Podmore, Proceedings 13, 1898, pp. 614-6. Argues that Our mental personality is represented by the sum of all the impressions which have been deposited during our lifetime...’ Podmore finds the book difficult to read and the premise unconvincing. book review/personality
Wetterstrand, Otto George. HYPNOTISM AND ITS APPLICATION TO PRACTICAL MEDICINE, reviewed by Tuckey Lloyd Chas, Proceedings 14, 1898, pp. 139-43. Well-received study by a Swedish ‘pioneer’. book review/hypnosis/healing
Anon. LA REVUE DE PSYCHOLOGIE, reviewed by Chas Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 14, 1898, pp. 139-43. Brief description of a paper in which a French practitioner of hypnotism gives figures of the number of treatments and cures over four years. book review/hypnosis
Berillon, Edgar. L’YPNOTISME ET L’ORTHOPÉDIE MENTALE, reviewed by Chas Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 14, 1898, pp. 139-43. Conclusions of research on the therapeutic use of hypnotism with children. book review/hypnosis
Patrick, G.T.W. SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE SECONDARY PERSONALITY, reviewed by F.W.H. Myers, Proceedings 14, 1899, pp. 382-6. Myers welcomes an American psychologist’s interest in automatism, in an article partly stimulated by Richard Hodgson’s papers on Leonora Piper. book review/personality/psi/altered states
Sidis, Boris. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SUGGESTION: A RESEARCH INTO THE SUBCONSCIOUS NATURE OF MAN AND SOCIETY, reviewed by E.W. Taylor, Proceedings 14, 1899, pp. 386-8. Study of subconscious behaviour in individuals and social movements. With a foreword by William James. book review/consciousness/hypnosis
Muller, Rudolf. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE SEELENFORSCHUNG, reviewed by Harlow Gale, Proceedings 14, 1899, pp. 389-92. ...’seeks to sketch the foundations of a scientific method of the investigation of mind...’. consciousness/methodology/theory
Dailey, Abraham H. MOLLIE FLANCHER: THE BROOKLYN ENIGMA, reviewed by Wm. Romaine Newbold, Proceedings 14, 1899, pp. 396-8. Chronicle of the hysteric patient who over a long illness appeared to be possessed by different personalities and had the power of clairvoyance. book review/personality/psi/altered states
Braid, James. NEURYPNOLOGY: OR THE RATIONALE OF NERVOUS SLEEP..., reviewed by J. Milne Bramwell, Proceedings 15, 1900, pp. 101-3. Work by an early pioneer of hypnotism, with a biographical introduction and bibliography. book review/hypnosis
Creed, J.M. MY EXPERIENCE OF HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT, reviewed by Chas Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 15, 1900, pp. 103-5. Paper on hypnotism, chiefly of medical interest. book review/hypnosis
Goddard, Henry H. THE EFFECTS OF MIND ON BODY AS EVIDENCED BY FAITH CURES, reviewed by H. Gale, Proceedings 15, 1900, p. 105. Article surveying faith healing. book review/psi/healing
Tuckey, C. Lloyd. TREATMENT BY HYPNOTISM AND SUGGESTION: OR, PSYCHO-THERAPEUTICS, reviewed by G.F. Rogers, Proceedings 15, 1901, pp. 433-4. Urges the therapeutic use of hypnosis. book review/hypnosis/healing
Feilding, Alice. FAITH-HEALING AND CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, reviewed by G.F. Rogers, Proceedings 15, 1901, pp. 443-4. Attack on Christian Science. book review/beliefs
Lehmann, Alfred. ABERGLAUBEN UNO ZAUBEREI, reviewed by F.C.S. Schiller, Proceedings 15, 1901, pp. 437-41. Sceptical German treatise on superstition and magic. book review/psi/magic
Lowell, Percival. OCCULT JAPAN, OR: THE WAY OF THE GODS, AN ESOTERIC STUDY OF JAPANESE PERSONALITY AND POSSESSION, reviewed by Everard Fielding, Proceedings 15, 1901, pp. 434-7. ‘Lively and entertaining’ study of psychical phenomena encountered by the author in Japan. book review/psi/multiple personality/beliefs
Binet, Alfred. LA SUGGESTIBILITÉ, reviewed by F. Van Eeden, Proceedings 17, 1901, pp. 263-4. The French psychologist describes his latest experiments on the effects of suggestion on 46 subjects. His implication that no ‘superhuman or extrahuman agency’ is ever present in the automatic writings of mediums is not justified by the facts, the reviewer argues. book review/hypnosis
Mason, R. Osgood. HYPNOTISM AND SUGGESTION IN THERAPEUTICS, EDUCATION AND REFORM, reviewed by E. Fielding, Proceedings 17, 1901, pp. 265-8. A doctor describes the success of his therapeutic use of hypnotism and attempts to provide a unifying theory. book review/hypnosis/healing/theory
Hutchinson, Horace G. DREAMS AND THEIR MEANINGS, reviewed by N.W. Thomas, Proceedings 17, 1901, pp. 272-3. Popular book on dreams that, according to the reviewer, would have benefited from previous study of the Society’s work. book review/dreams
Cossmann, Paul Nicolaus. ELEMENTS DER EMPIRISCHE TELEOLOGIE, reviewed by F. Van Eeden, Proceedings 17, 1901, pp. 273-4. Study on teleology, lauded by the reviewer. book review/consciousness/theory
James, William. THE VARIETIES OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE, reviewed by F.C.S. Schiller, Proceedings 17, 1902, pp. 403-10. Classic work by the Harvard psychologist and philosopher, describing religious experiences, with several instances of mystical visions. The review offers an extended commentary on aspects of interest to psychical research. book review/consciousness/psi/beliefs
Maeterlinck, Maurice. LE TEMPLE ENSEVELI, reviewed by J.G. Piddington, Proceedings 17, 1902, pp. 411-416. Argues that luck, and human fate generally, is governed by the subconscious rather than external forces. book review/altered states/coincidences
Anon. DEUXIEME CONGRES INTERNATIONAL DE L’HYPNOTISME EXPERIMENTAL ET THERAPEUTIQUE, reviewed by Chas. Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 17, 1902, pp. 422-3. Conference report. book review/hypnosis
Ebbard, Richard J. WILL POWER, HOW TO ACQUIRE AND STRENGTHEN, reviewed by Chas. Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 17, 1902, pp. 423-4. Popularisation of Myers subliminal self ideas, arguing for the training of the subconscious to promote well-being. book review/consciousness/personality
Leland, C.G. HAVE YOU A STRONG WILL? reviewed by Chas. Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 17, 1902, p. 424. Recommends exercises to cultivate memory. book review/consciousness/personality
Moll, Albert. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, MEDICINE, AND OCCULTISM, reviewed by Chas. Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 17, 1902, pp. 424-5. Attack on Christian Science. book review/beliefs
Jung, C.G. ZUR PSYCHOLGIE UND PATHOLOGIE SOGENANNTER OCCULTER PHÂNOMENE, reviewed by N.W. Thomas, Proceedings 17, 1902, pp. 425-6. Brief description of two cases: hallucinatory attacks followed by amnesia, and trance ‘communication’. The review regrets that indications of impersonation of dead people were not followed up. book review/hallucinations/altered states
Spiller, Gustav. THE MIND OF MAN, reviewed by N.W. Thomas, Proceedings 17, 1902, pp. 426-7. Poorly received work on psychology. book review/consciousness
Bramwell, J. Milne. HYPNOTISM: ITS HISTORY, PRACTICE AND THEORY, reviewed by Walter Leaf, Proceedings 18, 1904, pp. 481-90. Well-received study by an experienced practitioner. book review/hypnosi
Sidis, Boris. MULTIPLE PERSONALITY: AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE NATURE OF HUMAN INDIVIDUALITY, reviewed by W. McDougall, Proceedings 19, 1905, pp. 345-353. Describes a case of total amnesia, in which a man, following a fall, loses all understanding of the external world and has to re-learn how to walk and talk, which he does rapidly. Subsequently he recovers his memory, but now has to integrate his new personality with the former. book review/consciousness/altered states/personality
Hyslop, James H. BORDERLAND OF PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, reviewed by Hereward Carrington, Proceedings 19, 1907, pp. 451-5. Survey by an American researcher, pointing out that much material included in the ambit of the paranormal can be explained as the natural workings of the mind. Covers hallucinations, subconscious action, mind and body, hypnotism, etc. book review/consciousness/psi
Hyslop, James H. ENIGMAS OF PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, reviewed by Hereward Carrington, Proceedings 19, 1907, pp. 451-5. Covers crystal gazing, telepathy, dreams, apparitions, clairvoyance, premonitions, mediums, etc. book review/psi
Jastrow, Joseph. THE SUBCONSCIOUS, reviewed by Frank Podmore, Proceedings 19, 1907, pp. 455-60. ‘...offers a comprehensive and sober-minded survey of the manifestations of the subconscious, alike in normal and in abnormal conditions, and a cautious attempt to explain them in accordance with the general principles of biological evolution.’ book review/consciousness/theory
Tuckey, C. Lloyd. TREATMENT BY HYPNOTISM AND SUGGESTION, Journal 13, 1907, pp. 46-7. New edition of a well-known work. ‘.. .interesting and instructive... ‘. book review/hypnosis
Tuckey, C. Lloyd. TREATMENT BY HYPNOTISM AND SUGGESTION: OR, PSYCHO-THERAPEUTICS, reviewed by Frank Podmore, Proceedings 21, 1908, pp. 149-56. ‘.. .sober and comprehensive statement of the present position and achievement of hypnotism in therapeutics’, including case histories. book review/hypnosis/healing
Forel, August. HYPNOTISM OR SUGGESTION AND PSYCHOTHERAPY, reviewed by Chas. Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 21, 1908, pp. 156-60. Well-received study by an experienced practitioner, translated from the original German. book review/hypnosis
Clouston, T.S. THE HYGIENE OF MIND, reviewed by Chas. Lloyd Tuckey, Proceedings 21, 1908, pp. 160-63. Study on therapeutic hypnotism for the educated lay reader. book review/hypnosis
Hamilton, Mary. INCUBATION, OR THE CURE OF DISEASE IN PAGAN TEMPLES AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, reviewed by M.A. Bayfield, Proceedings 21, 1908, pp. 162-3. Investigates the custom of seeking healing from injury, disease or mental affliction by sleeping in the temple of a god. book review/healing/beliefs
Podmore, Frank. THE NEWER SPIRITUALISM, reviewed by M.A. Bayfield, Proceedings 25, 1911, pp. 70-89. Sceptical study covering Myers’s theory of the subliminal self, secondary personalities, Eusapia Palladino, Home, Piper and Thompson, and the cross correspondences. book review/psi/consciousness/multiple personality
Carrington, Hereward. VITALITY, FASTING AND NUTRITION, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Journal 13, 1908, pp. 288-92. Urges fasting as a cure for disease, too uncritically in the opinion of the reviewer. book review/healing
Worcester, E. et al. THE MORAL CONTROL OF NERVOUS DISORDERS, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Journal 14, 1909, pp. 100-104. Describes a Christian approach to healing by psychotherapy. book review/healing/beliefs
Wingfield, H.E. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF HYPNOTISM: EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC, Journal 15, 1911, pp. 14-6. Introduction to hypnotism. book review/hypnosis
Marcel, Viollet, LE SPIRITISME DANS SES RAPPORTS AVEC LA FOLIE, Journal 15, 1911, pp. 45-7. Links belief in spiritualism with mental illness. book review/beliefs
Sharp, Elizabeth, A. WILLIAM SHARP (FIONA MACLEOD), Journal 15, 1911, pp. 57-63. Memoir of the author’s husband, a writer showing two quite distinct personalities that were nevertheless able to cohabit reasonably harmoniously. This case is discussed in the chapters on ‘Disintegrations of Personality’ in Myers’s Human Personality. book review/personality/altered states
Bleuler, E. DI PSYCHANALYSE FREUDS: VERTEIDIGUNG UNO KRITISCHE BEMERKUNGEN, reviewed by V.J. Woolley, Proceedings 26, 1912, pp. 367-9. Article defending Freud against the strong attacks appearing in German scientific and theological publications. book review/personality
Constable, F.C. PERSONALITY AND TELEPATHY, Journal 15, 1912, pp. 223-4. View of human personality as ‘a partial manifestation of a spiritual self existing out of time and space and called...the intuitive self. book review/personality/theory
Freud, Sigmund. PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF EVERYDAY LIFE, reviewed by Constance E. Long, Proceedings 27, 1914, pp. 411-4. Brief review of Freud’s classic work on the workings of the unconscious. book review/consciousness
Bergson, Henri. DREAMS, Journal 16, 1914, pp. 317-20. Theories of dreams, compared by the reviewer to Freud’s. book review/dreams/theory
Prince, Morton. THE UNCONSCIOUS, THE FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN PERSONALITY, NORMAL AND ABNORMAL, reviewed by F.C.S. Schiller, Proceedings 27, 1915, pp. 492-506. Study of disassociation and multiple personality. book review/personality/altered states
Woods, James H. THE YOGA-SYSTEM OF PATANJALI, Journal 17, 1916, pp. 174-6. Introduction to Yoga. book review/beliefs
Sidis, Boris. THE FUNDATIONS OF NORMAL AND ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by F.C.S. Schiller, Proceedings 29, 1916, pp. 186-90. Study by the American psychologist, found to be less interesting than the author’s previous works. book review/consciousness/theory
Jung, Carl G. COLLECTED PAPERS ON ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 29, 1916, pp. 191-6. Articles on the meaning and purpose of dreams. book review/dreams
Prince, Walter F. THE DORIS FISCHER CASE OF MULTIPLE PERSONALITY (IN PROC. OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH) reviewed by F.C.S Schiller, Proceedings 29, 1917, pp. 386-403. Detailed account of the author’s investigation and treatment of a case of multiple personality of a nineteen-year-old girl, who he adopted as his daughter and observed over an extended period. See Proceedings 31, 1921, pp. 30-74. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Nicoll, Maurice. DREAM PSYCHOLOGY, Journal 18, 1917, pp. 103-4. Maintains with Jung that dreams carry a symbolic purpose and can usefully be interpreted. book review/altered states/dreams
Davis, Albert E. HYPNOTISM AND TREATMENT BY SUGGESTION, Journal 18, 1918, pp. 246-8. Introduction to the use of psychotherapy and hypnotism in mental and nervous illnesses. book review/hypnosis/healing
Jones, Ernest. PAPERS ON PSYCHO-ANALYSIS, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 31, 1920, pp. 94-102. Favours the Freudian approach to the unconscious and dismisses rival views of Jung and Myers. book review/consciousness/personality
Freud, Sigmund. TOTEM AND TABOO, reviewed by J.C. Flugel, Proceedings 31, 1920, pp. 224-8. Freud’s classic work, subtitled ‘resemblances between the psychic lives of savages and neurotics’. book review/consciousness/personality/beliefs
Marrett, R.R. PSYCHOLOGY AND FOLKLORE, reviewed by F.C.S. Schiller, Journal 19, 1920, pp. 251-2. Anthropological essays touching on subjects of interest to psychical research. book review/psi/beliefs
Graham, John W. THE FAITH OF A QUAKER, Journal 19, 1920, pp. 282-3. History and philosophy of Quakerism. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 20, 1921, pp. 49-50. book review/beliefs
Brown, William. PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 32, 1921, pp. 379-84. Describes new outlooks on psychology influenced by Freud. book review/consciousness/personality
Long, Constance E. COLLECTED PAPERS ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PHANTASY, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 32, 1921, pp. 379-84. Describes new outlooks on psychology influenced by Freud. book review/consciousness
Tansley, A.G. THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY AND ITS RELATION TO LIFE, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 32, 1921, pp. 379-84. Describes new outlooks on psychology influenced by Freud. book review/consciousness
Wright, George E. THE CHURCH AND PSYCHICAL RESEARCH: A LAYMAN’S VIEW, Journal 20, 1921, pp. 51-2. Enlightened clerical view of psychical research. book review/beliefs
Forster, H.O.Arnold. STUDIES IN DREAMS, Journal 20, 1921, p. 72. Experiments in dream control. book review/experiments/dreams
Mitchell, T.W. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MEDICINE, reviewed by J.C. Flugel, Proceedings 33, 1922, pp. 430-32. Introduction to current developments in psychoanalysis. book review/personality/healing
Freud, Sigmund. INTRODUCTORY LECTURES ON PSYCHO-ANALYSIS, reviewed by J.C. Flugel, Proceedings 33, 1922, pp. 432-4. Introduction to Freud’s writings. book review/personality/healing
Murray, Margaret Alice. THE WITCH-CULT IN WESTERN EUROPE, reviewed by W.H. Salter, Journal 20, 1922, p. 348. Contemporary evidence of witchcraft in England and Scotland. book review/beliefs/witchcraft
Pear, T.H. REMEMBERING AND FORGETTING, Journal 21, 1923, pp. 58-9. A psychologist reviews the problems associated with dreaming and memory. book review/altered states/dreams
McDougall, William. AN OUTLINE OF ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 36, 1926, pp. 376-9. Study of abnormal mental processes such as dissociation, hallucination and delusion, with reference to hypnosis and suggestion, conflict and repression, automatisms, etc. book review/consciousness/altered states
Prince, Walter Franklin. ‘THE PSYCHIC IN THE HOUSE’ IN PROC. OF THE BOSTON SOCIETY FOR PSYCHIC RESEARCH, reviewed by E.J. Dingwall, Proceedings 36, 1926, pp. 379-87. Report on a haunting involving the author’s adopted daughter, who was the subject in the Doris Fischer case of multiple personality. The reviewer offers his own analysis. book review/haunting/altered states/multiple personality
Tartaruga, Ubald. WUNDER DER HYPNOSE, ERWEITERTE HYPNOTHERAPIE, Journal 23, 1926, pp. 115-6. Argues that hypnotherapy is not adequately explained by the idea of suggestion, as sceptics claim. book review/hypnosis
Barrett, William. THE RELIGION OF HEALTH: AN EXAMINATION OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, Journal 23, 1926, p. 28. Discussion of Christian Science. book review/beliefs
Summers, Montague. THE HISTORY OF WITCHCRAFT AND DEMONOLOGY, Journal 23, 1926, pp. 168-9. ‘.. .confused and illogical mass of descriptive matter attaining to [witchcraft and demonology], highly spiced with crapulent material... ‘. book review/witchcraft
Freud, Sigmund. COLLECTED PAPERS, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 36, 1927, pp. 433-5. Includes an article on the unconscious written for the SPR Proceedings 1912. book review/consciousness
Rouhier, Alexandre. LA PLANTE QUI FAIT LES YEUX EMERVEILLES: LE PEYOTL, reviewed by E.J. Dingwall, Journal 24, 1927, pp. 66-8. Monograph on the Mexican hallucinogen. book review/altered states
Bousfield, Paul. THE MIND AND ITS MECHANISM, reviewed by Eleanor Sidgwick, Journal 24, 1927, pp. 103-4. Subtitled: with special reference to ideomotor action, hypnosis, habit and instinct, and the Lamarckian theory of evolution. book review/consciousness/altered states
Graham, John W. THE DIVINITY IN MAN, reviewed by G.W.L., Journal 24, 1927, pp. 160-62. Quaker lectures on aspects of mystical religion. book review/belief
Butler, Dom Cuthbert. WESTERN MYSTICISM, Journal 24, 1927, pp. 163-4. Defends the Roman Catholic approach to mysticism. book review/beliefs
Dallas, H.A. LEAVES FROM A PSYCHIC NOTEBOOK, Journal 24, 1927, p. 164. Mainly concerned with ‘the relations between religious belief and the facts studied in psychical research’. book review/psi/beliefs
Mitchell, T.W. PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, reviewed by William McDougall, Proceedings 38, 1928, p. 101. Introduction to Freud for the general reader. book review/consciousness/personality
Burns, Geoffrey C.H. A CASE OF APPARENT OBSESSION: AND ITS TREATMENT ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE OBSESSING ENTITIES ARE TO BE TAKEN AT THEIR FACE VALUES, reviewed by Walter Franklin Prince, Proceedings 38, 1928, pp. 388-99. A patient hears voices and is seemingly ‘possessed’ by forty-three different personalities. Much veridical information is given through a medium, but there is little evidence to support the claims of identity by the communicators. book review/personality/altered states/multiple personality/psi
Anon. VOHN ESFOMA, Journal 24, 1928, p. 240. Manifesto of the Esean Community of India, formerly known as ‘Faithists’. book review/beliefs
Brown, William. MIND AND PERSONALITY, reviewed by V.J.W., Journal 24, 1928, p. 182. Psychoanalytic study of human personality. book review/personality/consciousness
Heyn, Leila H. & Maublanc, René. UNE EDUCATION PAROPTIQUE, Journal 24, 1928, pp. 234-9. Claims that through education under hypnosis a blind woman was made to ‘see’. The reviewer points out that the feats described in the book may have been achieved with the help of ordinary guidance and encouragement. book review/hypnosis/healing
Lowes, John Livingstone. THE ROAD TO XANADU, reviewed by Theodore Besterman, Journal 24, 1928, pp. 178-80. An analysis of Coleridge’s famous poem suggests that, far from being a creation of the poet’s subconscious mind, it consists of elements taken entirely from his previous reading, offering lessons for psychical researchers. book review/psi/altered states/theory
McDowall, R.S.J. THE MIND, Journal 24, 1928, p. 239. Multi-disciplinary lectures on mind-body problems. book review/consciousness
Oesterreich, T.K. LES POSSEDES, Journal 24, 1928, pp. 239-40. German study of possession translated into French. book review/altered states/multiple personality
Tillyard, Aelfrida. SPIRITUAL EXERCISES AND THEIR RESULTS, Journal 24, 1928, p. 240. Essay in psychology and comparative religion, applying modern psychological principles to meditations taught and practiced in various religions. book review/alterted states/beliefs
Tischner, Rudolf. FRANZ ANTON MESMER, Journal 24, 1928, p. 292. Biography of Mesmer, his theories and influence. book review/hypnosis
Goddard, Henry Herbert. TWO SOULS IN ONE BODY, Journal 24, 1928, p. 293. Case of dual personality in which a 19-year old girl sometimes behaved as if she were a child of four. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Biervliet, J.J. van. LA PSYCHOLGIE D’AUJOURD’HUI, Journal 24, 1928, p. 293. Argues that the study of memory is the most important task of modern psychology. book review/consciousness
Meade, Willoughby. CHINESE GHOULS AND GOBLINS, Journal 24, 1928, pp. 292-3. ‘.. .pleasing and enterprising excursion into the Chinese realms of the supernatural’. book review/psi/beliefs
Bousfield, W.R. THE BASIS OF MEMORY, reviewed by Eleanor Sidgwick, Journal 24, 1928, pp. 331-2. Points out shortcomings in mechanical theories of memory. book review/consciousness
Oesterreich, T.K. DIE PROBLEME DER EINHEIT UNDER DER SPALTUNG DES ICH, reviewed by F.C.S.Schiller, Journal 24, 1928, pp. 371-2. Pamphlet on the unity and dissociation of the self. book review/personality/altered states
Hill, J. Arthur. PSYCHICAL SCIENCE AND RELIGIOUS BELIEF, reviewed by H.A. Dallas, Journal 25, 1929, pp. 32-3. Views evidence for supernormal occurrences in the light of broader questions of religion and philosophy. book review/beliefs/psi
Seabrook, W.B. THE MAGIC ISLAND, Journal 25, 1929, pp. 95-6. Describes the superstitions and beliefs of the Haitian descendants of the slaves transported to America from West Africa. book review/beliefs
Ewen, C. L’Estrange. WITCH HUNTING AND WITCH TRIALS, Journal 26, 1930, pp. 81-2. Collection of original documents: bills of indictment depositions, examinations, etc. book review/beliefs/witchcraft
Anon. TWO OLD CASES REVIEWED, reviewed by Eleanor Sidgwick, Journal 26, 1930, pp 71-2. Account of divided personality cases of the late nineteenth century. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Brown, William. SCIENCE AND PERSONALITY, reviewed by Helen Salter, Journal 26, 1930, pp. 35-7. Lectures: consideration of religion in the light of science, philosophy and psychology. book review/personality/beliefs
Hove, Alois van. LA DOCTRINE DU MIRACLE CHEZ SAINT THOMAS ET SON ACCORD AVEC LES PRINCIPES DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, Journal 26, 1930 p. 38. Closely reasoned attempt to bring the Roman Catholic doctrine of miracles in line with the principles of science. book review/beliefs
Monnier, Henry. ETUDE MÉDICALE DE QUELQUES GUÉRISONS SURVENUES À LOURDES, reviewed by P-P-Solovovo, Proceedings 39, 1931, pp. 369-73. Sympathetic study by a Roman Catholic physician of three definitive cures attributed to visits to Lourdes. book review/healing/psi
Oesterreich, T.K. DAS MADCHEN AUS DER FREMDE, reviewed by Theodore Besterman, Journal 27, 1931, pp. 40-41. Case of dissociation, in which a disturbed German girl appears unable to speak any known language and adopts the outward persona of an oriental. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Viatte, August. LES SOURCES OCCULTES DUE ROMANTISME, Journal 27, 1931, p. 9. Describes and analyses occult interests in the period 1770-1820, such as Mesmerism and Swedenborgianism. book review/beliefs/psi/theory
Dingwall, E.J. GHOSTS AND SPIRITS IN THE ANCIENT WORLD, Journal 27, 1931, p. 10. Account of magic, divination and beliefs in the supernormal in the ancient world, with the chief emphasis on Egypt. book review/beliefs
Wright, C.J. MIRACLE IN HISTORY AND IN MODERN THOUGHT, reviewed by C.D. Broad, Journal 27, 1931, pp. 84-6. Study of psychism in the context of religious miracles. book review/psi/beliefs
Quercy, Pierre. L’HALLUCINATION, reviewed by Helen Salter, Journal 27, 1931, pp. 86-7. Study of hallucination, covering the history of theories of perception and its relation to mental life as expressed by philosophers such as Descartes and experienced by individuals such as St. Theresa; also a discussion of types and degrees of hallucinations. book review/hallucinations/theory
Adler, Alfred. THE PATTERN OF LIFE, reviewed by Ina Jephson, Journal 27, 1931, pp. 121-2. Summary of the author’s ‘individual psychology,’ with case histories of disturbed children. book review/personality
Lyttelton, Dame Edith. OUR SUPERCONSCIOUS MIND, reviewed by J.A.H., Journal 27, 1931, pp. 168-9. Seeks to extend Myers’s original classification ‘subliminal’ with further subdivisions of mental strata. book review/consciousness
Vesme, Caesar de. A HISTORY OF EXPERIMENTAL SPIRITUALISM, reviewed by W.H. Salter, Journal 27, 1931-2, p. 245. Comprehensive study Of the supernormal beliefs of mankind in all ages and parts of the world... ‘. book review/psi/beliefs
Vett, Carl. SELTSAME ERLEBNISSE IN EINEM DERWISCHKLOSTER, reviewed by T.K.Oesterreich, Journal 27, 1931-2, pp. 313-4. Insights into reports and beliefs on psychism in Islam, based on personal experiences with Turkish dervishes in Constantinople. book review/psi/beliefs
Frazer, James George. THE FEAR OF THE DEAD IN PRIMITIVE RELIGION, reviewed by Theodore Besterman, Journal 28, 1933, p. 150. ‘.. .provides in a brief space an almost comprehensive survey of man’s fear of the dead and of the steps he has taken to placate them’. book review/survival/beliefs
Thurston, Herbert S.J. THE CHURCH AND SPIRITUALISM, reviewed by Thedore Besterman, Journal 28, 1933, pp. 147-8. Previously published writings on psychical research and spiritualism by a Jesuit priest. book review/psi/beliefs
Jung, C.G. MODERN MAN IN SEARCH OF A SOUL, reviewed by E.R. Dodds, Proceedings 42, 1934, pp. 286-8. The brief review notes that Jung’s worldview is more hospitable to Occultism’ than Freud’s and that, while he believes that ‘we cannot know whether anything happens to a person after he is dead’ the idea of life after death is an important part of the imagination and should be encouraged for therapeutic purposes. book review/psi/beliefs
Beresford, J.D. THE CASE FOR FAITH-HEALING, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 42, 1934, pp. 316-8. Argues in favour of claims of miracle cures and seeks explanations in terms of a spiritual dimension. book review/psi/healing
Barnard, G.C. THE SUPERNORMAL, reviewed by H.B., Journal 28, 1934, p. 181. Links science, psychical research and oriental mysticism. book review/psi/beliefs
Freud, Sigmund. NEW INTRODUCTORY LECTURES ON PSYCHO-ANALYSIS, reviewed by Ina Jephson, Journal 28, 1934, pp. 224-6. Includes a lecture on dreams and the occult, modifying his earlier scepticism and conceding that analysis of a few of his patients’ associations can be best be accounted for as the direct impression from another mind. book review/dreams/psi
J.V.H. DEATH’S DOOR AJAR, reviewed by S.R.W. Wilson, Journal 28, 1934, p. 292. Spiritualism in South Africa. book review/beliefs/psi
Hegy, Reginald. A WITNESS THROUGH THE CENTURIES, reviewed by S.R.W. Wilson, Journal 28, 1934, p. 292-3. Spiritualism in South Africa. book review/psi/beliefs
Flugel, J.C. A HUNDRED YEARS OF PSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 43, 1935, pp. 546-7. Describes the origin and development of psychology. book review/consciousness
Carington, Whately. THREE ESSAYS ON CONSCIOUSNESS, reviewed by H.F. Saltmarsh, Journal 29, 1935, pp. 45-7. ‘.. .a courageous and valuable attempt to tackle some of the problems arising from consciousness,’ adopting an anti-behaviourist stance. book review/consciousness
Canon, Alexander. POWERS THAT BE, reviewed by Theodore Besterman, Journal 29, 1935, p. 48. The author is ‘associated with one of the L.C.C. lunatic asylums’ and styles himself Kushoo Yogi of Northern Tibeth. No indication of the book’s contents is given. book review/beliefs
Archer, William. ON DREAMS, reviewed by W.H.Salter, Journal 29, 1935, pp. 111-2. The writer, a professional playwright, is in the habit of recording his dreams. Seeking to explain them he offers a critique both of Freud’s theories and argues that any messages come from our own subconscious mind, not from spirits. book review/consciousness/dreams
Fortune, Dion. THE MYSTICAL QABALAH, reviewed by Ernest S. Thomas, Journal 29, 1935, pp. 133-4. Esoteric religious philosophy. book review/beliefs
Schmidt, R.R. THE DAWN OF THE HUMAN MIND, reviewed by Gerald Heard, Journal 30, 1937, pp. 39-40. English translation of a German study of palaeolithic man, with reference to art and magic. book review/psi/magic
Davids, Mrs Rhys. WHAT IS YOUR WILL? Reviewed by W.H.S., Journal 30, 1937, pp. 41-2. Critique of modern psychology and philosophy based on the author’s Buddhist background and sittings with mediums. book review/consciousness/beliefs
Brown, Dr William. MIND, MEDICINE AND METAPHYSICS, reviewed by E.N.B., Journal 30, 1937, pp. 90-91. Essays and lectures by a physician linking the medical with the metaphysical. book review/healing/psi/altered states/theory
Jones, Rufus M. THE TESTIMONY OF THE SOUL, reviewed by W. H. Salter, Journal 30, 1937, pp. 91-2. Quaker study of mysticism, touching on psychical experience. book review/beliefs/psi
Spearman, C. PSYCHOLOGY DOWN THE AGES, reviewed by Robert H. Thouless, Proceedings 45, 1938, pp. 88-96. Study of experimental psychology. book review/consciousness
Payne, Phoebe. MAN’S LATENT POWERS, review, Journal 30, 1938, pp. 205-6. The author describes her ability to make accurate medical diagnoses psychically. book review/healing/psi
Cuddon, Eric. HYPNOSIS: ITS MEANING AND PRACTICE, reviewed by T.W.M., Journal 30, 1938, pp. 238-9. ‘There is.. .much evidence that the author has had a good deal of personal experience of hypnotic practice, and that he has exercised independent judgment on the many problems that arise in the course of such experience’. book review/hypnosis
Freud, Sigmund. MOSES AND MONOTHEISM, reviewed by T.W. Mitchell, Proceedings 45, 1939, pp. 347-50. Study of racial unconscious. book review/consciousness
Singh, Sardar Sulakhan. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF YOGA, Journal 31, 1939, pp. 75-6. Handbook, presenting the original yogic ‘aphorisms’ of Patanjali, together with commentary. book review/beliefs
De La Mare, Walter. BEHOLD, THIS DREAMER! Reviewed by K. R., Journal 31, 1939, pp. 97-8. Poetic anthology of the dream in literature. ‘.. .the work of a subtle thinker, equipped as the philosopher and the psychologist seldom are with a craftsman’s skill in the expression of exact shades of meaning; and ... offers to the pedestrian student of dream-life a much wider outlook on the rich mental context of dream and fantasy than is usually within his range of vision’. book review/altered states/dreams
Findlay, Arthur. THE PSYCHIC STREAM, or THE SOURCE AND GROWTH OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. Reviewed by W. H. Salter, Journal 31, 1939, pp. 126-9. Spiritualistic study, describing the supposed relationship of the spirit world and mediums to orthodox religions in pre-historical periods. book review/psi/spiritualism/beliefs
Bacon, Charlotte. INFINITE TRAVELLER, reviewed by Keith Richmond, Proceedings 46, 1940, pp. 199-201. Philosophical discussion of human personality. book review/personality/theory
Baynes, H.G. MYTHOLOGY OF THE SOUL: A RESEARCH INTO THE UNCONSCIOUS FROM SCHIZOPHRENIC DREAMS AND DRAWINGS, reviewed by W.H. Salter, Proceedings 46, 1940, pp. 201-5. Jungian study. book review/consciousness/personality/altered states
Mégroz, R. L. THE DREAM WORLD, Journal 31, 1940, p. 174. Describes the status of dreaming ‘as it has been regarded by observant and more or less thoughtful people.’ book review/altered states/dreams
The Master of the Temple. THE TRUTH ABOUT SPIRITUALISM, reviewed by E. L., Journal 32, 1941, pp. 88-9. Urges Christians not to reject the evidence of psychical research, of which the Bible offers many examples. book review/beliefs/psi
Williams, Charles. WITCHCRAFT, reviewed by K. R., Journal 32, 1941, pp. 89-90. Historical study of a social and political phenomenon, in which actual psychism plays little part. book review/beliefs/witchcraft
Harding, Rosamond E. M. AN ANATOMY OF INSPIRATION, reviewed by W. H. Salter, Journal 33, 1943, pp. 13-4. Examination of mental processes involved in the creation of art, literature, and music and in scientific discovery from statements by authors and artists, and contemporary records. book review/consciousness/personality
Ehrenwald, H. J. TELEPATHY IN THE PSYCHO-ANALYTIC SITUATION, reviewed by K. R., Journal 33, 1944, p. 86. Article reprinted from the British Journal Of Medical Psychology, 1944, in which the author considers the extent to which psi-reactions between analysis and patient may need to be taken into account in psychotherapy, ‘now that on other evidential grounds telepathy is coming into the region of accepted fact’. book review/altered states/telepathy
Murphy, Gardner. ‘PSYCHICAL PHENOMENA AND HUMAN NEEDS’ & ‘REMOVAL OF IMPEDIMENTS TO THE PARANORMAL,’ in JASPR, 1943-4, reviewed by Kenneth Richmond, Journal 33, 1944, p. 56. ‘[Murphy] cites a number of cases from SPR and other records to show how intimately paranormal perception may be bound up with the inner motivations of the percipient’. book review/psi/altered states/personality/theory
Bendit, Laurence J. PARANORMAL COGNITION: ITS PLACE IN HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY reviewed by T.W.M., Journal 33, 1944, pp. 68-9. Examines the paranormal elements in human psychology, using the term ‘psi’ earlier proposed by Thouless. This is based on a thesis presented to, and accepted by, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cambridge. Includes a discussion of the biological and evolutionary significance of psi. book review/altered states/psi
Hole, Christina. WITCHCRAFT IN ENGLAND, reviewed by D. J. West, Journal 33, 1945, p. 184. ‘In a clear readable style Christina Hole has outlined the beliefs and practices of witchcraft down the ages. Magic rites and their connection with alien worship, good and evil witches and how they were detected, familiar spirits and prophets are all discussed’. book review/beliefs/witchcraft
Lebzeltern, Dr. Gustav. DER BEGRIFF ALS PSYCHISCHES ERLEBNIS, reviewed by H. H. Price, Journal 33, 1946, p. 264. ‘This book is a brief contribution to the subject which Germans call Denkpsychologie, or Psychology of Thinking, and is a praiseworthy attempt to revive and continue the work of the Kiilpe school. It has no direct concern with paranormal phenomena; but students of telepathy may be interested in the author’s discussion of the relation between concepts and images...’. book review/consciousness
Thompson, C.J.S. MAGIC AND HEALING, Journal 34, 1947, p. 100. Study of the uses of magic for healing. book review/healing/altered states/magic
Wydenbruck, Nora. DR MESMER, Journal 34, 1948, pp. 167-8. Imaginative reconstruction of episodes in the career of Mesmer. book review/hypnosis
Ogdon, J.A.H. THE KINGDOM OF THE LOST, Journal 34, 1948, pp. 237-8. A schizophrenic patient describes how he escaped from an asylum and later recovered. book review/altered states/healing
Brown, William. OXFORD ESSAYS ON PSYCHOLOGY, Journal 34, 1948, pp. 253-4. Lectures including comments on hypnotism and relaxation, but not on psychical research. book review/hypnosis/healing
Findlay, Arthur. THE CURSE OF IGNORANCE: A HISTORY OF MANKIND, Journal 34, 1948, pp. 286-7. Attempt by a leading spiritualist to write a ‘world history from the psychic angle of thought. book review/psi/beliefs/spiritualism
Lecron, L.M. & Bordeaux. HYPNOTISM TODAY, Journal 34, 1948, pp. 312-3. Study, covering early work on hypnosis, methods of inducing hypnosis, hypnotic and post-hypnotic phenomena, etc. book review/hypnosis
Eysenck, H.J. DIMENSIONS OF PERSONALITY, Journal 34, 1948, p. 313. Study of the nature of personality differences as revealed by the technique of multiple factor analysis. book review/personality
Tymms, Ralph. DOUBLES IN LITERARY PSYCHOLOGY, Journal 35, 1949, pp. 88-9. Reviews cases of people seeing their own double: folklore, Goethe, Shelley, Maupassant, literary authors, etc. book review/out of body experiences/bilocation/hallucinations
Jones, L.E. THE BISHOP AND THE COBBLER, Journal 34, 1948, pp. 287-8. Critique of religious forms by a SPR member. book review/beliefs
Butler, E.M. THE MYTH OF THE MAGUS, Journal 34, 1948, pp. 310-12. Finds a pattern in the lives of famous magicians, including Jesus, Zoroaster, Appolonius of Tyana, etc. book review/beliefs
Bennett, J.G. THE CRISIS IN HUMAN AFFAIRS, Journal 35, 1949, pp. 22-3. ‘Self as an illusion’, by a follower of Ouspensky. book review/beliefs
Cadbury, Henry J. GEORGE FOX’S ‘BOOK OF MIRACLES’, Journal 35, 1949, pp. 111-2. Origins of the Quaker movement. book review/beliefs
Price, Nancy. ACQUAINTED WITH THE NIGHT, reviewed by Renée Hayward, Journal 35, 1950, p. 195. Collection of the author’s dreams, with introductory discussion. book review/dreams
Pollard, Francis E. DEMOCRACY AND THE QUAKER METHOD, Journal 35, 1950, pp, 249-50. Examination of the non-coercive way in which Quaker meetings arrive at a conclusion. book review/beliefs
Dingwall, E.J. VERY PECULIAR PEOPLE: PORTRAIT STUDIES IN THE QUEER, THE ABNORMAL AND THE UNCANNY, Journal 35, 1950, p. 284. Swedenborg, sixteenth century stigmatic Johann Jetzer, sixteenth century ecstatic Mary Magdalene de’Piazzi, etc. book review/personality/beliefs/stigmata
Hyde, Lawrence. THE NAMELESS FAITH, Journal 35, 1950, pp. 285-8. Looks forward to a new unity of religious thought. book review/beliefs
Heard, Gerald. IS GOD EVIDENCE? AN ESSAY TOWARDS A NATURAL THEOLOGY, Journal 35, 1950, pp. 346-8. Attempts to synthesise religion and science. book review/beliefs
Gurdjeff, G. ALL AND EVERYTHING, Journal 35, 1950, pp. 350-52. Satire aimed at persuading readers to embark on the task of changing themselves. book review/beliefs
Ouspensky, P.D. IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS, Journal 35, 1950, pp. 350-52. Systematic exposition of Gurdjeff s oral teachings. book review/beliefs
Knight, Margaret. WILLIAM JAMES: A SELECTION FROM HIS WRITINGS, Journal 36, 1951, p. 402. Extracts from James’s writings on psychology. book review/consciousness/personality
Knox, R.A. ENTHUSIASM: A CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF RELIGION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 402-4. Study of fanatical sectarianism. book review/beliefs
Pelt, S.J. van. HYPNOTISM AND THE POWER WITHIN, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 404-5. Study of the therapeutic uses of hypnotism, for the general reader. book review/hypnosis/healing
Hubbard, L. Ron. THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 405-7. Dianetics, by the founder of Scientology (debunked in this review). book review/healing
Reitman, Francis. PSYCHOTIC ART, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 438-40. Study of art by the mentally ill. book review/personality/altered states
Stevens, William Oliver. THE MYSTERY OF DREAMS, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 440-41. Study of dreaming. book review/dreams
Lunn, Arnold. THE REVOLT AGAINST REASON, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 441-3. Catholic debunking of Darwinism. book review/beliefs
Baynes, H.G. ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY AND THE ENGLISH MIND, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 472-4. Papers by a follower of Jung, with some relevance to psychical research. book review/consciousness/personality/psi
Freud, Sigmund. COLLECTED PAPERS, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 472-4. Late essays, including ‘the Occult Significance of Dreams’. book review/consciousness/dreams/psi
Custance, John. WISDOM, MADNESS AND FOLLY: THE PHILOSOPHY OF A LUNATIC, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 527-9. ‘...surely the most comprehensive subjective study of cyclophrenia yet produced’. book review/altered states
Allen, Warner. THE UNCURTAINED THRONE, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 529-30. Mystical experience. book review/altered states
Smith, Alson J. RELIGION AND THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY, Journal 36, 1952, pp. 570-71. Discusses the theological relevance of parapsychology. book review/psi/beliefs
Parrinder, G. WEST AFRICAN PSYCHOLOGY, Journal 36, 1952, pp. 596-7. Study of psychological and religious beliefs of some West African peoples. book review/beliefs
Fodor, Nandor. NEW APPROACHES TO DREAM INTERPRETATION, Journal 36, 1952, pp. 681-6. Discussion of dreams and dreaming. book review/dreams
Dodds, E.R. THE GREEKS AND THE IRRATIONAL, Journal 36, 1952, pp. 686-8. Scholarly study of religious and superstitious beliefs in ancient Greece. book review/beliefs
Barlow, Fred. MENTAL PRODIGIES, Journal 36, 1952, pp. 597-8. ‘Fascinating and long overdue account of the extraordinary calculating feats performed by certain gifted individuals...’. book review/consciousness/personality
Crehan, Joseph. FATHER THURSTON: A MEMOIR, Journal 36, 1952, pp. 718-23. Memoir of the Jesuit priest and writer on the psychical aspects of religious miracles. book review/psi/beliefs
Starkey, Marion L. THE DEVIL IN MASSACHUSSETTS, Journal 36, 1952, pp. 730-31. Study of the Salem witch trials. book review/beliefs/witchcraft
Bjorkhem, John. DET OCKULTA PROBLEMET, Journal 37, 1953, pp. 35-8. Swedish experimenter in hypnosis reports numerous cases of paranormal phenomena. book review/hypnosis
Huxley, Aldous. THE DEVILS OF LOUDUN, Journal 37, 1953, pp. 38-9. Diabolic possession in a seventeenth-century French nunnery. book review/psi/personality/altered states/beliefs
Murray, Margaret Alice. THE GOD OF THE WITCHES, Journal 37, 1953, p. 74. Argues that the witch cult must be regarded as a religious cult, on a par with other religions, with origins in the Palaeolithic period. book review/witchcraft/beliefs
Sandhurst, B.G. WE SAW HER, Journal 37, 1953, pp. 72-3. Non-critical representation of ‘cures’ at Lourdes, through eye-witness reports. book review/psi/healing
Deren, Maya. DIVINE HORSEMEN: THE LIVING GODS OF HAITI, Journal 37, 1953, pp. 168-9. Scholarly study of Voodoo. book review/beliefs
Devereux, George, (ed.) PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE OCCULT, Journal 37, 1954, pp. 235-43. Comprehensive account of psychoanalysts’ thought on telepathy since Freud, fully reviewed. book review/personality/telepathy
Walter, W. Grey. THE LIVING BRAIN, Journal 37, 1954, pp. 290-1. ‘...a succinct, ingenious and witty account of the far reaching implications of modern brain psychology,’ by a leading pioneer of electro-encephalography. book review/consciousness
Ehrenwald, Jan. NEW DIMENSIONS OF DEEP ANALYSIS: A STUDY OF TELEPATHY IN INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS, Journal 37, 1954, pp. 349-52. Psychoanalytical study of psychical research. book review/personality/telepathy
Tyrrell, G.N.M. THE NATURE OF HUMAN PERSONALITY, Journal 38, 1955, pp. 30-1. No summary given. book review/psi/personality
Gregory, C.C.L. & Kohsen, Anita. PHYSICAL AND PSYCHICAL RESEARCH: AN ANALYSIS OF BELIEF, reviewed by R. Wilson, Journal 38, 1955, pp. 91-2. Addresses the disparity of belief between persons who may have had apparently identical experiences, with reference to different processes of understanding. book review/beliefs
Reitman, Francis. INSANITY, ART AND CULTURE, Journal 38, 1955, pp. 93-4. Includes a chapter on psychic art, comparing automatic pictures by spiritualists and mediums with pictures made by mental patients. book review/personality/altered states
Thurston, Herbert. SURPRISING MYSTICS, Journal 38, 1956, p. 221. Account of mystics who combined sanctity with neurotic symptoms. book review/altered states/personality
Jones, D. Caradog. SPIRITUAL HEALING: AN OBJECTIVE STUDY OF A PERENNIAL GRACE, Journal 38, 1956, p. 225. Case stories of healings attributed to prayers or faith. book review/healing/beliefs
Hutchison, Harry. THE CHURCH AND SPIRITUAL HEALING, Journal 38, 1956, p. 226. Deals ‘carefully and sensibly with the problems for faith, practice, and theology involved in the awakened interest in Spiritual Healing in the Churches’. book review/healing/beliefs
Huxley, Aldous. HEAVEN AND HELL, Journal 38, 1956, pp. 271-3. Sequel to Doors of Perception: hallucinogens, visions, etc. book review/altered states
Cranston, Ruth. THE MYSTERY OF LOURDES, Journal 38, 1956, pp. 375-6. ‘...very full account of the origin, organisation and influence of the shrine of healing at Lourdes...unashamedly partisan’. book review/healing/beliefs
Gardner, Gerald B. WITCHCRAFT TODAY, Journal 38, 1956, pp. 378-9. Describes the practice of witchcraft in the modern world. book review/witchcraft/beliefs
Shah, Sayed Idries. ORIENTAL MAGIC, reviewed by Geoffrey B. Riddehough, Journal 39, 1957, pp. 88-90. Experiences and speculations. book review/magic/beliefs
Rose, Ronald. LIVING MAGIC, reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 39, 1958, pp. 193-6. Subtitle: the realities underlying the psychical practices and beliefs of Australian Aborigines’. book review/psi/beliefs
Thigpen, Corbett H. & Cleckley, Hervey M. THE THREE FACES OF EVE, reviewed by William H. Gillespie, Journal 39, 1958, pp. 196-8. ‘.. .presents in great detail a remarkable case of multiple personality’. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Tenhaeff, W.H.C. AUSSERGEWÔHNLICHE HEILKRAFTE, reviewed by Anita Kohsen, Journal 39, 1958, pp. 199-203. Wide ranging collection of case material of psychic healing from the literature and the author’s own experience. book review/psi/healing
Jones, Ernest. SIGMUND FREUD: Life and Work. Vol. Ill, reviewed by D. J. West, Journal 39, 1958, pp. 242-4. Last volume of a critically acclaimed biography, with a chapter devoted to Freud’s interest in Occultism’. book review/psi/personality
Connell, R. & Cummins, Geraldine. HEALING THE MIND, reviewed by Richard Meyer, Journal 39, 1958, pp. 247-8. A physician and a psychic describe the success treatment of cases of neurosis. book review/psi/personality/healing
Lancaster, E. & Poling, J. STRANGERS IN MY BODY, reviewed by Anita Kohsen, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 19-27. Autobiographical account of a celebrated case of multiple personality, described in The Three Faces of Eve. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Elliott, Rev. G. Maurice. THE BIBLE AS PSYCHIC HISTORY, reviewed by W. H. Stevens, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 136-7. Clerical study of psychism in the Bible. book review/spontaneous psi/beliefs
Gardner, G.B. THE MEANIING OF WITCHCRAFT, reviewed by Geoffrey B. Riddehough, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 191-2. Study of witchcraft by a modern coven-member. book review/witchcraft/beliefs
Rose, Ronald. SOUTH SEAS MAGIC, reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 192-4. Follow-up to books revealing psychism in aboriginal societies in the Antipodes, here dealing with Western Samoa, although less evidence of psi phenomena is discovered. book review/beliefs/psi
Puri, Swami Omananda. THE BOY AND THE BROTHERS, reviewed by R. H. Thouless, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 312-4. Record of a case ostensibly of multiple possession. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Schmeidler, Gertrude. ESP IN RELATION TO RORSCHACH TEST EVALUATION: PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS. No 2, reviewed by Cyril Burt, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 422-4. Account of large scale ESP experiments linked to personality tests. book review/psi/personality
Murphy, G. & Ballou, Robert O. (eds.) WILLIAM JAMES ON PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, reviewed by D. J. West, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 82-3. Collection of writings on parapsychology by the American psychologist and philosopher. book review/consciousness/psi
Walker, Kenneth. THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 90-91. Introduction to mental phenomena, criticised for reliance on suspect authorities and factual errors. book review/consciousness
Myers, F.W.H. HUMAN PERSONALITY AND ITS SURVIVAL OF BODILY DEATH, reviewed by Celia Green, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 155-6. New abridged edition. book review/consciousness/personality
Koestler, Arthur. THREE ARTICLES AND CORRESPONDENCE IN THE SUNDAY OBSERVER/ April-May, 1961. Reviewed by G. W. Lambert, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 162-4. Articles on experimental psychological research, including the use of hallucinogenic drugs; inheritance of memory; and a visit to the Rhines at Duke University, with resulting correspondence. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 214-5. book review/psi
Field, MJ. SEARCH FOR SECURITY: AN ETHNO-PSYCHIATRIC STUDY OF RURAL GHANA, reviewed by E. J. Dingwall, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 156-7. Study of a developing society and mental stresses of its people, with reference to spiritual therapy, possession, glossolalia, and hallucination. book review/psi/beliefs
Bradford, E. & Bradford, M.A. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF SUPERSTITIONS, reviewed by Renée Haynes, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 210-11. Collection of folklore. book review/beliefs
Cunradi, Charles. SPIRITUALISM AS SEEN BY A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST, reviewed by Celia Green, Journal 41, 1961, pp. 211-2. Religious critique of spiritualism. book review/beliefs/spiritualism
Edmunds, Simeon. HYPNOTISM AND THE SUPERNORMAL, reviewed by Margaret Eastman, Journal 41, 1962, pp. 261-2. Discusses the relationship between various psychic phenomena with hypnosis. book review/psi/hypnosis
Stace, W.T. MYSTICISM AND PHILOSOPHY, reviewed by H. H. Price, Journal 41, 1962, pp. 299-312. Analytical study of mystical experience, fully reviewed by a philosopher and author of major contributions to the theory of parapsychology. book review/altered states/psi/theory
Davy, Charles. TOWARDS A THIRD CULTURE, reviewed by Margaret Eastman, Journal 41, 1962, pp. 320-1. Discussion of the idea of consciousness in contemporary culture. book review/consciousness/theory
Schjelderup, Harald. DET SKJULTE MENNESKE, UBEVISSTE OG UKJENTE KREFTERISJELSLIVET (‘Hidden Man, Unconscious and Unknown Powers of the Mind"), reviewed by Aage Slomann, Journal 41, 1962, pp. 366-8. ‘...the first Scandinavian book on [parapsychology] written by a psychologist of repute.’ Reviews the literature and describes the author’s own experiments with hypnosis and dreams. book review/psi/hypnosis/dreams
Whiteman, J.H.M. THE MYSTICAL LIFE, reviewed by R.H.Thouless, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 25-6. The author describes his ‘separations’ from the body in terms of mystical experience. book review/psi/out of body experiences
Cheek, David B. UNCONSCIOUS PERCEPTION OF MEANINGFUL SOUNDS DURING SURGICAL ANAESTHESIA AS REVEALED UNDER HYPNOSIS, reviewed by Celia Green, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 135-8. Two papers that describe the psychological reactions of patients to comments overheard by them while anaesthetized. book review/hypnosis
Fox, Oliver. ASTRAL PROJECTION: A RECORD OF OUT-OF-THE-BODY EXPERIENCES, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 138-40. Reprint of a classic account of personal experiences. book review/out of body experiences
Crookall, Robert. ASTRAL TRAVELLING, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 147-8. A doctor appears to succeed in projecting himself to his patient at a distance. See also Journal 43, 1966, pp. 440-41. book review/out of body experiences
Gaffe, Angela. APPARITIONS AND PRECOGNITION, reviewed by Margaret Eastman, Journal 42, 1964, pp. 303-6. Examines the psychological aspects of psychic experiences: their significance for the individuals who have them and in terms of the Jungian view of personality, and in terms of Jung’s theory of synchronicity. book review/personalityh/coincidences/psi/precognition
Thouless, R.H. MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS IN EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 42, 1964, pp. 306-8. Examines the benefits and drawbacks of the behaviourist revolution in psychology. book review/consciousness/theory
Gelfand, Michael. WITCH DOCTOR: TRADITIONAL MEDICINE MAN OF RHODESIA, reviewed by E. J. Dingwall, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 146-9. Account of the works and beliefs of the Shona nganga. book review/psi/beliefs
Eliade, Mircea. SHAMANISM: ARCHAIC TECHNIQUES OF ECSTASY, reviewed by E. J. Dingwall, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 146-9. Extensive survey of shamanism throughout the world. book review/beliefs/psi
Cavanna, R. & Servadio, E. ESP EXPERIMENTS WITH LSD, reviewed by J. R. Smythies, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 149-150. Monograph presenting the results of pilot experiments on the possible stimulation of ESP by hallucinogenic drugs. book review/psi/altered states
Crookall, R. THE TECHNIQUES OF ASTRAL PROJECTION, Journal 43, 1965, p. 157. ‘Erudite survey of the means by which Out-of-the-body experiences’ maybe induced’ (no review). book review/out of body experiences/altered states
Devitt, D.A. & Swift, E. (eds). HANDBOOK OF OCCULT AND RELIGIOUS MAGAZINE REVIEWS, Journal 43, 1965, p. 157. ‘Lists and comments on British and foreign occult and religious periodicals.’ (No review). book review/psi/beliefs
Shirley, Hon. Ralph. THE MYSTERY OF THE HUMAN DOUBLE, Journal 43, 1965, p. 157. (No review). book review/out of the body experiences
Lawson, John Cuthbert. MODERN GREEK FOLKLORE AND ANCIENT GREEK RELIGION, A STUDY IN SURVIVALS, reviewed by E. R. Dodds, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 216-7. ‘Though not all of Lawson’s ingenious speculations are acceptable today, it remains by far the best treatment of its subject in English’. book review/beliefs/survival
Strindberg, August. FROM AN OCCULT DIARY, Journal 43, 1965, p. 217. Diary entries, concerning the composer’s belief that he could be ‘possessed’ by his estranged wife, but of interest more to a psychologist than parapsychologist (no review). book review/altered states/multiple personality
Bentz, Hans W. SIGMUND FREUD IN UBERSETZUNGEN, Journal 43, 1965, p. 217. A bibliography of Freud’s writings (no review). book review/consciousness/personality
Marcuse, F. L. (ed.) HYPNOSIS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, reviewed by Simeon Edmunds, Journal 43, 1966, pp. 272-4. Contributions from medical practitioners in 15 countries. book review/hypnosis
E., A.(Russell, George William). THE CANDLE OF VISION, reviewed by H. H. Price, Journal 43, 1966, pp. 274-5. Discussion of personal visionary hallucinations, first published in 1918. book review/hallucinations
Smith, Susy. THE ENIGMA OF OUT-OF-THE-BODY TRAVEL, reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 43, 1966, p. 323. Popular introduction to out-of-the-body experiences. book review/out of body experiences
Michel, André. L’ECOLE FREUDIENNE DEVANT LA MUSIQUE, Journal 43, 1966, p. 325. ‘Psychoanalytic view of musicians and the function of music’ (no review). book review/personality
Stromberg, Gustaf. THE NEW HORIZONS, Journal 43, 1966, p. 325. Reprint of pamphlets entitled Psychic Phenomena and Modern Science and God’s Place in Modern Science (no review). book review/psi/beliefs
Wei, Wei Wu. OPEN SECRET, Journal 43, 1966, p. 325. ‘An exposition for Western readers of the Ch’an version of Mahayana Buddhism’ (no review). book review/beliefs
Boss, Medard. A PSYCHIATRIST DISCOVERS INDIA, Journal 43, 1966, p. 325. Personal quest to understand ‘the Indian mind’. book review/beliefs
Weil, G.M., Metzner, R. & Leary, T. (eds.) THE PSYCHEDELIC READER, reviewed by J.R. Smythies, Journal 43, 1966, p. 375. Papers on the psychedelic effects of LSD and natural hallucinogens. book review/altered states
Button, J. Bernard. HEALING HANDS, reviewed by E. J. Dingwall, Journal 43, 1966, pp. 375-6. Description of a practitioner of ‘spirit-surgery’ by a journalist who claims to have successfully undergone treatment. book review/volitional psi/healing
Schwarz, Berthold E. PSYCHIC-DYNAMICS, reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 43, 1966, pp. 377-8. Account by a psychiatrist of his researches into ESP with three individuals. book review/personality/psi
Oesterreich, T. K. POSSESSION DEMONIACAL AND OTHER, reviewed by E. J. Dingwall, Journal 43, 1966, pp. 432-3. [See Proceedings October 1922, Journal April 1928]. English translation of German study of case histories of possession. book review/altered states/multiple personality
Anon. ESP TODAY. Special Issue of Corrective Psychiatry and Journal of Social Therapy (the Official Publication of the Medical Correctional Assn. New York) vol. 12, No 2, March 1966, reviewed by D. J. West, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 36-7. Symposium with contributions from psychiatrists (Ullmann, Ehrenwald, etc) and psychical researchers (Schmeidler, Murphy, Tenhaeff, etc). book review/consciousness/altered states/psi
Servadio, Emilio. PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, reviewed by G. O. Douglas, Journal 44, 1967, p.38. ‘.. .well written book for the layman surveying, from a mainly psychoanalytical point of view, a wide range of psychological matters, personal, social, abnormal, cultural; including the odd, the unusual and the topical’. book review/personality/consciousness
Nichols, Beverley. POWERS THAT BE, reviewed by Peter Maddeley, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 41-2. Survey of paranormal healing. book review/volitional psi/healing
Archer, Fred. GHOST WRITER, reviewed by Peter Maddeley, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 41-2. Describes aspects of the Spiritualist movement, such as its support from members of the Establishment. book review/beliefs/spiritualism
Evants-Wentz, W.Y. THE FAIRY FAITH IN CELTIC COUNTRIES, Journal 44, 1967, p. 43. Substantial study by the translator of Tibetan religious works (brief notice). book review/beliefs
Hardy, Sir Alister. THE DIVINE FLAME, reviewed by Cyril Burt, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 189-195. A naturalist seeks to show that religious experience is ‘an essential part of man’s natural history.’ Second series of Gifford Lectures, sequel to THE LIVING STREAM, fully reviewed. book review/beliefs/theory
David-Neel, Alexandra. MAGIC AND MYSTERY IN TIBET, reviewed by Julian Duguid, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 199-201. Classic description of a Western traveller’s personal experiences with monks in Tibet, in which by a process of thought she conjures a seemingly real individual capable of being perceived by other people. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 44, 1968, p. 369. book review/altered states/beliefs
Wavell, S., Butt, Audrey & Epton, Nina. TRANCES, reviewed by E. J. Dingwall, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 198-9. Introduction to shamanistic ceremonies in Malaya, the East Indies, and South America. book review/psi/beliefs
Ouspensky, P.D. STRANGE LIFE OF IVAN OSOKIN, reviewed by G. W. Fisk, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 207-8. Novel, first published in 1947, by an esoteric philosopher. book review/psi
Podmore, Frank. FROM MESMER TO CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, reviewed by Simeon Edmunds, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 201-6. Sceptical survey of spiritual healing by a leading early member of the Society. The review gives a useful summary of Podmore’s career and thought. book review/healing/beliefs
Masters, R.E.L. & Houston, Jean. THE VARIETIES OF PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE, reviewed by John Shotter, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 255-7. Documents the wide-ranging experiential effects induced by psychedelic drugs. book review/altered states
Mead, G.R.S. THE DOCTRINE OF THE SUBTLE BODY IN WESTERN TRADITION, reviewed by Peter Maddeley, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 259-260. Scholarly study of the pervasiveness of ideas of the ‘subtle body’ in European culture. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 44, pp. 358-62. book review/psi/beliefs
Tanagras, A. PSYCHOPHYSICAL ELEMENTS IN PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL TRADITIONS, reviewed by Alan Mayne, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 293-5. Investigation of good and bad ‘luck’ concluding that these are due to ‘a hidden causality which springs from latent powers in man himself... ‘. book review/altered states/coincidences
Sherman, Harold. ‘WONDERN HEALERS OF THE PHILIPPINES, reviewed by Ian Fletcher, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 295-8. Describes a ‘psychic surgeon’ in the Philippines, Antonio Agpaoa. CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 426-8. book review/healing/psychic surgery
Gurney, Edmund. THE POWER OF SOUND, reviewed by Rollo Myers, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 350-1. ‘.. .monumental work on musical aesthetics’, first published in 1880. book review/consciousness/altered states
Baring-Gould, Sabine. CURIOUS MYTHS OF THE MIDDLE AGES, Journal 44, 1968, p. 355. ‘This reprint of a famous nineteenth-century work contains chapters on such entertaining oddities as Wandering Jew, the Divining Rod, Antichrist and Pope Jaon, the Piper of Hameln, Melusina and the Sangreal’ (No review). book review/beliefs
Neame, Alan. THE HAPPENING AT LOURDES, reviewed by D. J. West, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 399-401. ‘This sensitive and erudite historical account of Bernadette’s visions and of the subsequent development of the cult at Lourdes succeeds in being sympathetic and yet not too partisan’. book review/healing
Budge, Wallis. EGYPTIAN MAGIC, Journal 44, 1968, p. 416. Standard work on ‘the darker side of the Egyptian religion.’ (brief notice). book review/beliefs/magic
Barker, J.C. SCARED TO DEATH: AN EXAMINATION OF FEAR, ITS CAUSES AND EFFECTS, reviewed by G. O. Douglas, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 17-21. Describes cases of people who have literally been scared to death, with reference to voodoo, auto-suggestion and supernatural belief. book review/hypnosis/beliefs
Green, Celia. LUCID DREAMS, reviewed by J.H.M. Whiteman, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 21-5. Wide-ranging survey of dreams ‘ in which the subject is aware he is dreaming’. book review/dreams
Omananda, Swami. TOWARDS MYSTERIES, reviewed by R. H. Thouless, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 25-7. Account of channelled teachings. book review/beliefs
Steam, Jess. THE SLEEPING PROPHET: AN EXAMINATION OF THE WORK OF EDGAR CAYCE, Journal 45, 1969, p. 27. ? popular account of the prophecies, diagnoses and prescriptions given, in a state of trance, by the late Edgar Cayce of Kentucky’, (brief notice). book review/psi/healing
Rose, Louis. FAITH HEALING, reviewed by Ian Stevenson, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 85-7. Summarises the history of faith healing, reviews activities of present day healers, and reports some of the author’s own investigations of their claims. book review/healing/beliefs
Edmunds, H. Tudor, (ed). PSYCHISM AND THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND, reviewed by H. H. Price, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 138-9. Collected articles on theosophy, with little emphasis on the occult interests of its founders. book review/theosophy/beliefs/theory
Green, Celia. OUT-OF-THE-BODY EXPERIENCES, reviewed by J.H.M. Whiteman, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 172-8. Survey of case material, ‘skilfully analysed’. book review/out of body experiences
Anon. ‘PSr AND ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Parapsychology Foundation, New York, 1968. Reviewed by D. J. West, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 178-9. Proceeding of an international conference on hypnosis, drugs, dreams, and psi. book review/altered states/hypnosis/dreams/psi
Tart, Charles T. (ed). ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, reviewed by Robert H. Thouless, Journal 45, 1970, pp. 245-6. Study of topics with links to psychical research: psychedelic drugs, hypnosis, dreams and meditation. book review/altered states
Trevor-Roper, H.R. THE EUROPEAN WITCH-CRAZE OF THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES, reviewed by L. F. Newman, Journal 45, 1970, p. 310. Compact but wide-ranging study by a leading historian containing ‘a mass of carefully but cautiously analysed information’. book review/beliefs/witchcraft
Israel, Martin. AN APPROACH TO MYSTICISM, Journal 45, 1970, p. 311. Lectures on mysticism (brief notice). book review/beliefs
Walter, W. Grey. OBSERVATIONS ON MAN, HIS FRAME, HIS DUTY AND HIS EXPECTATIONS, reviewed by Renée Haynes, Journal 45, 1970, pp. 363-4. Lectures on psychology offering interesting sidelights on parapsychology. book review/consciousness
Dingwall, Eric J. (ed.) ABNORMAL HYPNOTIC PHENOMENA: A SURVEY OF NINETEENTH CENTURY CASES, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 45, 1970, pp. 408-13. Four separate volumes by different authors aimed at raising ‘the curtain on the almost unknown and forgotten activities of the mesmerists of the nineteenth century, while concentrating on the paranormal aspects of their work.’ ‘It is not often that one can say of a work, as one can of this, that it is unlikely ever to be superseded’. book review/hypnosis/psi
Hansen, Chadwick. WITCHCRAFT AT SALEM, reviewed by Geoffrey B. Riddehough, Journal 45, 1970, pp. 418-9. Reinterpretation of the witchcraft hysteria at Salem in 1692, arguing against the traditional view that innocent exhibitionists were manipulated by the Puritan clergy to support their own declining authority. book review/beliefs/witchcraft
Mesmer, F.A. LE MAGNETISM ANIMAL, Journal 46, 1971, pp. 147-8. Collection of Mesmer’s written work on animal magnetism. book review/hypnosis
Anon. PROC. OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PSI FACTORS IN CREATIVITY. (1969). Parapsychology Foundation Inc. Reviewed by Arthur Guirdham, Journal 46, 1971, pp. 185-7. Conference papers. book review/personality/psi
Elworthy, Frederick Thomas. THE EVIL EYE: THE ORIGINS AND PRACTICES OF SUPERSTITION, reviewed by G. W. Fisk, Journal 46, 1971, pp. 195-7. Study of the belief in the power of the eye to cast a malignant spell. book review/beliefs
Maple, Eric. SUPERSTITION AND THE SUPERSTITIOUS, reviewed by Renée Haynes, Journal 46, 1971, pp. 251-2. Discussion of beliefs and practices. book review/beliefs
Mundle, C.W.K. PERCEPTION: FACTS AND THEORIES, reviewed by Martha Kneale, Journal 46, 1971, pp. 243-5. Discusses the philosophical problems of perception. book review/consciousness
Thouless, Robert. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION, Journal 46, 1972, p. 46. New edition of this ‘admirable study’. book review/beliefs
Petitpierre, Dom Robert (ed.) EXORCISM: THE FINDINGS OF A COMMISSION CONVENED BY THE BISHOP OF EXETER, reviewed by R. H. Thouless, Journal 46, 1972, pp. 167-8. ‘.. .suggests forms of prayer and ceremonies both for the exorcism of evil spirits from persons and from places’. book review/beliefs/psi
Faraday, Ann. DREAM POWER, reviewed by Roger Woolger, Journal 46, 1972, pp. 168-9. Argues that the dream reflects Outer reality, hidden sides of the personality and, deeper still, the dreamer’s inner self ‘.. .an excellent popularisation’. book review/dreams/personality/theory
Price, H.H. ESSAYS IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION, reviewed by Robert Thouless, Journal 46, 1972, pp. 209-10. Lectures dealing with various problems of religion, most of which are closely connected with those of psychical research. book review/beliefs/psi/theory
Monroe, Robert A. JOURNEYS OUT OF THE BODY, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 48-52. Personal description of out-of-body experiences that the author claims to have been able to induce deliberately, with descriptions of the various ‘locales’ that he visited. book review/out of body experiences
Granone, Franco. TRATTATO DI IPNOSI (SOFROLOGIA), reviewed by Emilio Servadio, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 52-3. Study of hypnosis, its history and phenomena, with attempts at an explanation. book review/hypnosis
Mcintosh, Christopher. ELIPHAS LÉVI AND THE FRENCH OCCULT REVIVAL, reviewed by Peter Madeley, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 56-7. ‘...fascinating historical background to the way in which interest in ESP developed in nineteenth century France’. book review/hypnosis
Jung, C.G. SYNCHRONICITY, AN A-CAUSAL CONNECTING PRINCIPLE, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 59-60. Re-issue of Jung’s essay as a separate volume. book review/coincidences
Reed, Graham. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ANOMALOUS EXPERIENCE, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 108-12. Discusses examples of abnormal psychology, from the illusions of perception and memory to delusions of belief about the world and disturbances in self-awareness, although little from psychical research. book review/personality/consciousness/altered states
Guirdham, Arthur. OBSESSION, reviewed by Roger Woolger, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 116-7. Introduces a psychic dimension to the pathology of obsessive states, in contrast to Freud, with case histories drawn from the author’s clinical practice. book review/psi/altered states
Masters, R.E.L. & Houston, Jean. THE VARIETIES OF PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 258-9. Wide-ranging discussion of the effects of LSD and mescaline on consciousness. book review/personality/altered states
Fairfax, Edward. PsiLine DEMONOLOGIA: A DISCOURSE ON WITCHCRAFT, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 261-5. Seventeenth century case of suspected witchcraft. book review/witchcraft
Martel, Roy. THE MYSTERIOUS POWER OF LINDA MARTEL, reviewed by R. H. Thouless, Journal 47, 1973, p. 267. Describes spiritual healings attributed to an invalid child. book review/healing/psi
Pearce-Higgins, Canon D. & Whitby, Rev G.S. (eds.) LIFE, DEATH & PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, reviewed by R. H. Thouless, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 329-31. Discusses the implications for religious belief of the truth of facts revealed by psychical research. book review/beliefs/psi
Beloff, John. PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 371-2. Psychological textbook by an academic psychologist and psychical researcher. ‘.. .the problem areas which Dr Beloff tackles are (apart from parapsychology) conventional ones; but his detached handling of them, and his awareness of the limitations of many approaches to them, may not commend him to entrenched traditionalists’. book review/consciousness
Campbell, Anthony. SEVEN STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 381-2. Subtitle: : A vision of possibilities suggested by the teaching of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. ‘Deals with interior states of consciousness rather than with outer psi phenomena’. book review/consciousness/beliefs
Crookall, Robert. A CASE OF ASTRAL PROJECTION, reviewed by Adrian Parker, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 383-5. Describes 200 out-of-body experiences, which the author uses to support his thesis about survival of death. book review/out of body experiences/altered states
Devereux, George (ed). PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE OCCULT, reviewed by J. P. Dewsbery, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 457-9. Symposium of 31 articles by 17 psychoanalysts, taken from Journals, including six by Freud. book review/personality/psi
Stevenson, Ian. XENOGLOSSY: A REVIEW AND REPORT OF A CASE reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 507-10. Following hypnosis, an American doctor’s wife appears to be possessed by the deceased spirit of a Swedish peasant speaking in his own language. book review/hypnosis/xenoglossy
Kroll, Una. A SIGNPOST FOR THE WORLD, reviewed by C. Maxwell Cade, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 515-7. Study of transcendental meditation and its healing effects. book review/healing/altered states
Krishna, Gopi. KUNDALINI, reviewed by C. Maxwell Cade, Journal 48, 1975, p. 52. Esoteric yoga. book review/beliefs
Zaretsky, Irving I. & Leone, Mark P. (eds). RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICA, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 106-8. Sociological study, of limited relevance to psychic research apart from one topic, ‘religious ritual including phenomena of mediumship, trances and dissociated states’. book review/beliefs
Angoff, A. & Barth, Diana, (eds.) PARAPSYCHOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 161-4. Proceedings of an International Conference held in London, England, August 29-31, 1973. Papers on the sexual basis of trance states; Adrian Boshier’s study of the ‘sangoma’ witch-doctor in South Africa; Sir Alister Hardy urging an experimental approach to psi in the field; E. J. Dingwall demurring. ‘This is a valuable book’. book review/consciousness/altered states/psi
Greenhouse, Herbert G. THE ASTRAL JOURNEY: Evidence for Out-of-the-Body Experiences from Socrates to the ESP Laboratory. Reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 175-7. Collection of out-of-body experiences culled from the Bible and the classics, shamans, the SPR, novelists and experimental projects, including those of Karlis Osis. The reviewer describes a personal experience. book review/out of body experiences
Ebon, Martin. EXORCISM, PAST AND PRESENT, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 232-5. Describes exorcism cases, some of which went tragically wrong. CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 355-6. book review/beliefs
Hare, Peter H. & Madden, Edward H. CAUSING, PERCEIVING AND BELIEVING, reviewed by C.W.K. Mundle, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 230-32. Introduction to the philosophy of C. J. Ducasse, including a chapter on his views on paranormal phenomena. book review/consciousness/psi/theory
Parker, Adrian. STATES OF MIND. ESP AND ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, reviewed by J. P. Dewsbery, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 236-8. Study of the states of mind that may facilitate the emergence of ESP. book review/psi/altered states
Staff, V.S. REMEMBERED ON WAKING, reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 242-3. Collection of dreams from various sources, with chapters on the modern study of dreams and dreams in literature. The author accepts survival after death and the existence of astral bodies, but ‘the book is restrained and objective’. book review/dreams/consciousness/psi
Hardy, Sir Alister. THE BIOLOGY OF GOD, reviewed by John L. Randall, Journal 48, 1976, pp. 271-4. Adds to the author’s previous books expounding a view of evolution that includes an enquiry into the biological importance of religion. book review/beliefs/theory
Cavendish, Richard. THE POWERS OF EVIL IN WESTERN RELIGION, MAGIC AND FOLK BELIEF, reviewed by Richard Woods, Journal 48, 1976, pp. 278-80. Study of ‘popular and widespread ideas’ concerning the psychological impact of belief in evil non-human entities. book review/beliefs
Tart, Prof. Charles T. (ed.) TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGIES, reviewed by J. P. Dewsbery, Journal 48, 1976, pp. 312-3. Symposium that aims ‘to find some sort of common ground between eight spiritual traditions, on the one hand, and western science, on the other’. book review/beliefs
Duplessis, Yvonne. THE PARANORMAL PERCEPTION OF COLOR, reviewed by W. A. H. Rushton, Journal 48, 1976, pp. 341-2. Study of the perception of colour in terms of psychology and parapsychology. book review/consciousness/psi
Dean, Stanley R. (ed.) PSYCHIATRY & MYSTICISM: A SYMPOSIUM, reviewed by Graham Hough, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 50-51. Anthology treating various topics such as Kirlian photography, shamanism in Bali, and the role of mind in cancer therapy. Many of the authors are psychiatrists. book review/psi
Holroyd, Stuart. PSI AND THE CONSCIOUSNESS EXPLOSION, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 551-3. Survey of the modern interest in occultism and mysticism. book review/psi/consciousness
Haynes, Renée. THE SEEING EYE, THE SEEING I: PERCEPTION, SENSORY AND EXTRA-SENSORY, reviewed by Graham Hough, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 456-8. Study of consciousness and perception: ‘its method is discursive and anecdotal, and as an anthology of theories, notions, case-histories said faits divers it is full of interest. Much of the material is new...’. book review/consciousness/psi
LeShan, Lawrence. ALTERNATE REALITIES: THE SEARCH FOR THE FULL HUMAN BEING, reviewed by Renée Haynes, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 540-42. Argues that individuals perceive the nature of things in different ways: sensory, clairvoyant, trans-psychic and mystic. book review/consciousness/psi/theory
Smale, Gerald G. PROPHECY, BEHAVIOUR AND CHANGE: AN EXAMINATION OF SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECIES IN HELPING RELATIONSHIPS, reviewed by R.H. Thouless, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 545-6. Examines an aspect of self-fulfilling prophecies as ‘helping’ activities such as doctoring, psychotherapy and counselling where they can be made to act in the direction desired by the helper. Said to have some relevance to potential biases in experimental psychical research. book review/psi/personality
Krippner, S. & Villoldo, Alberto. THE REALMS OF HEALING, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 612-4. Wide ranging study of psychic healing, from psychic surgery in the Philippines to experimental studies, with theoretical reflections. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 49, 1977, p. 677-9, 767-8. book review/psi/healing
Barber, Theodore X. ADVANCES IN ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 614-5. Collection of articles from different publications on a wide range of topics: awareness, biofeedback, drugs, dreams and sleep, psychical research. book review/consciousness/altered states
Holroyd, Stuart. PSYCHIC VOYAGES, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 49, 1978, p. 620. ‘...picture book for grown-ups about astral projection’. book review/out of body experiences
Crapanzano, Vincent I Garrison Vivian, eds. CASE STUDIES IN SPIRIT POSSESSION, reviewed by James F McHarg, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 660-62. Ten anthropologists present fourteen individual cases of ‘spirit possession’. book review/altered states/multiple personality
Gardner, Howard. THE PERSON AFTER BRAIN PsiLine MAGE, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 759-60. ‘Dr Gardner, who was trained as a development psychologist.. .does not consider ESP in his book, but he has much to say that will interest members of this Society, particularly on epilepsy, sufferers from which may have visionary experiences...’. book review/consciousness/altered states/psi
MacKenzie, Andrew. DRACULA COUNTRY: TRAVELS AND FOLK BELIEFS IN ROMANIA, reviewed by Renée Haynes, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 760-61. Ghosts and supernatural folk-lore in Romania. book review/beliefs
Long, Joseph K. (ed.) EXTRA-SENSORY ECOLOGY: PARAPSYCHOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 887-90. Anthropological papers examining ESP in a variety of cultural contexts. book review/psi/beliefs
Christie-Murray, David. VOICES FROM THE GODS: SPEAKING WITH TONGUES, reviewed by Michael Perry, Journal 50, 1979, pp. 33-4. Study of glossalia: ‘.. .within the narrower field of the history of the Christian Church and in Spiritualism, Mr Christie-Murray’s survey and discussion guides us admirably’. book review/psi/altered states/beliefs
Shapin, Betty and Coly, Lisette (eds). PSI AND STATES OF AWARENESS: PROCEEDINGS OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE HELD IN PARIS 24-26 AUGUST 1977, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 50, 1979, pp. 114-6. Conference papers offering a variety of viewpoints concerning the states of consciousness conducive to psi. book review/consciousness/altered states/psi
Cassoli, Piero. IL GUARITORE (THE HEALER), reviewed by Emilio Servadio, Journal 50, 1979, p. 117. Study by a qualified physician of psychic healing, including descriptions of clinical cases, their diagnoses, the intervention of a healer, and the final results, with corroboration by documents from hospitals and laboratories. book review/healing
Ehrenwald, Jan. THE ESP EXPERIENCE, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 50, 1979, pp. 120-22. Subtitled ? Psychiatric Validation’. A psychiatric approach to understanding ESP, which the author argues originates in parent-child relationships. book review/personality/psi
Mullin, Redmond. MIRACLES AND MAGIC: THE MIRACLES AND SPELLS OF SAINTS AND WITCHES, reviewed by Michael Perry, Journal 50, 1979, pp. 189-90. ? tedious book, whose publication helps neither religion nor parapsychology’. book review/psi/beliefs
Inglis, Brian. NATURAL MEDICINE, reviewed by Emilio Servadio, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 304-5. Wide-ranging and open-minded survey of unorthodox medicine. book review/healing
Shulman, Sandra. NIGHTMARE, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 50, 1980, p. 309. Surveys the whole field of the nightmare, including the demonic tradition, examples of nightmares of literary figures and the famous, precognitive nightmares, etc. book review/psi/dreams
Taylor, Gordon Rattray. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE MIND, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 410-12. A neurophysiologist, author of books committed to a materialist view of the brain, gives the reasons for changing his mind. book review/consciousness/psi
Cade, C. Maxwell and Coxhead, Nona. THE AWAKENED MIND, reviewed by Brian Inglis, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 483-4. Shows how biofeedback can aid the exploration of altered states of consciousness. book review/altered states
Bowyer, Mathew J. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYSTICAL TERMINOLOGY, reviewed by Michael Goss, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 484-5. Resource book on mysticism, criticised for lack of depth and comprehensiveness. book review/altered states/psi
Irwin, H. J. PSI AND THE MIND: AN INFORMATION PROCESSING APPROACH, reviewed by Susan J. Blackmore, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 535-8. ‘...serious attempt to apply the methods and concepts of modern cognitive psychology to the problems and phenomena of parapsychology.’ book review/psi/consciousness
Maud, Ralph (ed). THE SALISH PEOPLE: THE LOCAL CONTRIBUTION OF CHARLES HILL-TOUT, reviewed by Alastair I. Mcintosh, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 542-4. Late nineteenth century anthropological investigation into shamanistic practices in Canada. book review/beliefs
Wang, Prof. Solon. THE MULTIPLE PLANES OF THE COSMOS AND LIFE, reviewed by Leslie Price, Journal 51, 1981, p. 31. Quotations from Chinese Buddhist and other Eastern religious writings with relevance to psychical research. book review/psi/beliefs
Schwarz, Berthold. PSYCHIC-NEXUS: PSYCHIC PHENOMENA IN PSYCHIATRY AND EVERYDAY LIFE, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 93-4. Highlights the relevance of psi to psychiatrists and its existence in parent-child and physician patient relationships. book review/personality/psi
Schatzman, Morton. THE STORY OF RUTH, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 94-7. A psychiatrist describes the case of a patient, a victim of child-abuse, who was plagued by hallucinations of her father that she later came to control. The review gives a summary of the case. book review/psi/altered states/hallucinations
Neher, Andrew. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF TRANSCENDENCE, reviewed by Brian Inglis, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 108-9. Combination of debunking and psychological guide ‘to understanding and developing your potential for mental healing, visions, ecstasy... ‘ etc, mocked by the reviewer. book review/psi/beliefs
Barham, Allan. STRANGE TO RELATE, reviewed by Michael Perry, Journal 51, 1981, p. 109. Plea for the Churches to take psychical research seriously. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 195-6. book review/psi/beliefs
Mitchell, Janet Lee. OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCES: A HANDBOOK, reviewed by Susan J. Blackmore, Journal 51, 1982, pp. 387-9. ‘It is only a short book. It is neither very detailed nor very critical, but it is easy to read and provides a good introduction to the subject.’ book review/out of body experiences
Blackmore, Susan J. BEYOND THE BODY: AN INVESTIGATION OF OUT-OF-THE-BODY EXPERIENCES (PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE SPR), reviewed by Harvey Irwin, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 73-7. Detailed monograph of the out-of-body experience, downplaying the psi element and arguing that it is a psychological phenomenon rather than a paranormal or astral one. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 55, 1988, pp. 304-6. Keith Harary corrects errors concerning his activities contained in Susan Blackmore’s Beyond the Body. book review/out of body experiences
Kelly, Edward F. & Locke, Ralph, G. ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND PSI: AN HISTORICAL SURVEY AND RESEARCH PROSPECTUS, reviewed by Adrian Parker, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 77-9. Review of psi and altered states, attempting to identify, by way of a cross-cultural survey, the relevant practices and procedures that might enhance psi in the laboratory. book review/consciousness/altered states
Madell, Geoffrey. THE IDENTITY OF THE SELF, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 85-6. Personal view of the problem of personal identity. ‘It transpires that all we can ultimately say on this vexatious question is that the only thing which unites a given series of experiences is the unanalysable relationship which makes them the experiences of the same owner.’ book review/consciousness
Inglis, Brian & West, Ruth. THE ALTERNATIVE HEALTH GUIDE, reviewed by Anita Gregory, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 212-3. ‘Brian Inglis, an explorer of what he first christened ‘fringe medicine,’ and also an eloquent champion of the reality of the paranormal, has in this book joined forces with Ruth West, who has a long-standing and dedicated interest in all forms of healing, to bring out an attractive and extensive compendium of virtually all the ‘alternative’ therapies available in Britain today.’ book review/psi/healing
Giovetti, Paola. ARTE MEDIANICA, reviewed by Emilio Servadio, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 214-5. Study of over 30 artists who, ‘without any specific training and sometimes well on in years, felt the overwhelming urge to paint or draw as if driven by superhuman forces.’ With colour illustrations. book review/psi/personality/altered states
Holm, Nils G. (éd.) RELIGIOUS ECSTASY, reviewed by Leslie Price, Journal 52, 1984, pp. 275-6. English-language papers by Scandinavian and German writers on various aspects of religious ecstasy, with limited reference to psychical research. book review/beliefs/psi
Granone, Franco. TRATTATO DI IPNOSI, reviewed by Emilio Servadio, Journal 52, 1984, pp. 283-5. Enlarged and updated reissue of a 1972 study of hypnosis, considering fields such as autogenic training, yoga, zen, automatic behaviour, psychoanalysis, various psychotherapeutic methods, use of drugs, parapsychology, hypnosis in the animal realm, etc. ‘.. .by far the most scientific and all-encompassing work on hypnosis nowadays in existence. ‘ book review/psi/altered states
Rogo, D. Scott. LEAVING THE BODY: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ASTRAL PROJECTION, reviewed by Susan Blackmore, Journal 52, 1984, pp. 316-8. A parapsychologist describes eight of the main techniques for having out-of-body experiences and provides a guide for the would-be ‘projector.’ book review/out of body experiences
Mishlove, Jeffrey. PSI DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS, reviewed by Susan Blackmore, Journal 53, 1985, pp. 46-8. A study of ‘psi training’, from ancient traditions such as Sufism and Buddhism, to Spiritualism and Theosophy, and modern techniques such as Scientology, Transcendental Mediation, and Silva Mind Control, as well as experimental parapsychology. More useful as an academic reference than for practical guidance, according to the reviewer. book review/beliefs
Ahern, Geoffrey. SUN AT MIDNIGHT: THE RUDOLF STEINER MOVEMENT AND THE WESTERN ESOTERIC TRADITION, reviewed by Robert Byrnes, Journal 53, 1985, pp. 51-3. Aims to provide a ‘scholarly as well as empathetic attempt to relate western esotericism to the developments of world religions and secularity’. The reviewer is critical, and recommends alternative sources. book review/psi/beliefs
Eisenbud, Jule. PARAPSYCHOLOGY AND THE UNCONSCIOUS, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 53, 1985, pp. 111-4. Republished papers on psychical topics by a psychoanalyst and investigator of the ‘thoughtographer’ Ted Serios. ‘His outlook is certainly original... [his ideas] bear the stamp of an exceptional and authentic erudition that is both literary and scientific...’ CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 53, 1985-6, pp. 254-7. book review/psi
Eysenck, Hans J. & Sargent, Carl. EXPLAINING THE UNEXPLAINED: MYSTERIES OF THE PARANORMAL, reviewed by Robert L. Morris, Journal 53, 1985, pp. 115-6. Examines evidence of psi from gifted individuals such as Home and Stepanek, psi research by Helmut Schmidt, psi experiments, altered states of consciousness, metal bending research, theories of psi. ? readable, intelligent introduction to the field of parapsychology, suitable for both college student and informed casual reader.’ book review/consciousness/altered states/psi
Gabbard, Glen O. & Twemlow, Stuart, W. WITH THE EYES OF THE MIND: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF OUT-OF-BODY STATES, reviewed by Susan Blackmore, Journal 53, 1985, pp. 188-92. Study of the out-of-body and near-death experiences, praised for much detailed case material, including a new survey, but criticised for unconvincing theorising. book review/out of body experiences/near death experiences
Heaney, John J. THE SACRED AND THE PSYCHIC: PARAPSYCHOLOGY AND CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY, reviewed by Emilio Servadio, Journal 53, 1986, pp. 243-4. Wide ranging overview of parapsychological studies and achievements by a practising Christian. ‘.. .a very valuable book’. book review/psi/beliefs
Leggett, D.M.A. & Payne, M.G. A FORGOTTEN TRUTH: A SPIRITUAL VISION FOR MODERN MAN, reviewed by Crawford Knox, Journal 53, 1986, p. 466. Covers major religions, mysticism, recent developments in psychology, biology and physics and the paranormal, somewhat superficially, according to the reviewer. book review/psi/beliefs
Irwin, H.J. FLIGHT OF MIND: A PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE, reviewed by Susan Blackmore, Journal 54, 1987, pp. 69-72. Study by an Australian parapsychologist downplaying veridical elements and finding the OBE to be a natural rather than a supernatural phenomenon. The reviewer, herself the author of an OBE study, agrees, but offers detailed critical comments of other aspects of the study. book review/out of body experiences/theory
Crabtree, Adam. MULTIPLE MAN: EXPLORATIONS IN POSSESSION AND MULTIPLE PERSONALITY, reviewed by Stephen E. Braude, Journal 54, 1987, pp. 76-8. Study by a Toronto psychotherapist with extensive experience treating patients suffering from ostensible possession. The reviewer has criticisms but recommends the book ‘to therapists interested in the dynamics and treatment of ostensible possession cases’. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Vieira, Waldo. PROJECIOLOGIA: PANORAMA DAS EXPERIENCES DA CONSCIENCIA FOR A DO CORPO HUMANO, reviewed by Carlos S. Alvarado, Journal 54, 1987, pp. 78-82. Nine-hundred page treatise on the projection of consciousness beyond the body, mainly out-of-body experiences, covering much ground and including an extensive bibliography. CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 277-80. book review/out of body experiences
Ullman, Montague & Zimmerman, Nan. WORKING WITH DREAMS, reviewed by Brian Inglis, Journal 55, 1988, p. 157. Study of dreaming by the director of psychiatry at the Maimonides Medical Centre, scene of important parapsychological research project. Contains one short chapter on ESP in dreams but ‘the main themes of the rest of the book are of relevance and significance for all those who are interested in that aspect of the subject.’ book review/dreams/psi/experiments
Mattiesen, Emil. DER JENSEITIGE MENSCH [THE SPIRITUAL MAN], reviewed by Manfred Cassirer, Journal 55, 1988, pp. 159-60. Aims to serve as ‘an introduction into the met psychology of mysticism: religious awakenings, ecstasy, religious mania, theory of hysteria, the mystic life, depersonalisation, saintly hysteria, religiosity and sexuality, psychology of love, theories of telepathy, thought reading and clairvoyance, shifts of consciousness, etc. book review/altered states/psi
Bennett, Gillian. TRADITIONS OF BELIEF: WOMEN, FOLKLORE AND THE SUPERNATURAL TODAY, reviewed by R.C. Wooffitt, Journal 56, 1989, pp. 49-50. ‘.. .an important contribution to the study of accounts of paranormal phenomena. It is a folklorist’s study of women’s reports (‘memorates’) of their encounters with and belief in the existence of a variety of phenomena: ghosts, hauntings, contact with the dead, premonitions and ESP.. .collected by Bennett through her interviews with over one hundred women’. book review/psi/beliefs
Schmeidler, Gertrude. PARAPSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY: MATCHES AND MISMATCHES, reviewed by Trevor A. Harley, Journal 56, 1989, pp. 50-53. A psi researcher argues that ‘normal and paranormal functions are so similar that learning about psychological processes will give useful information about parapsychological ones.’ According to the reviewer ‘.. .the book does really stand out head-and-shoulders above most populist accounts of psi...’ book review/psi/consciousness/altered states
Gomes, Michael. THE DAWNING OF THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT, reviewed by Vernon Harrison, Journal 55, 1989, pp. 289-91. Well-referenced study covering the contribution of Blavatsky and Olcott to theosophy. ‘.. .an unusually interesting and entertaining book...’. book review/beliefs/theosophy
Wilber, Ken; Engler, Jack; & Brown, Daniel P. TRANSFORMATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: CONVENTIONAL AND CONTEMPLATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT, reviewed by Susan Blackmore, Journal 56, 1990, pp. 98-100. Brief review of (comparatively rare) book that approaches meditation from the perspective of scientific research. book review/consciousness/altered states
West, Michael A., ed. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MEDITATION, reviewed by Susan Blackmore, Journal 56, 1990, pp. 98-100. Brief review of (comparatively rare) book that approaches meditation from the perspective of scientific research. book review/altered states
Ullman, Montague & Krippner, Stanley. DREAM TELEPATHY: EXPERIMENTS IN NOCTURNAL ESP, reviewed by Celia Green, Journal 56, 1990, pp. 175-7. New edition of the 1973 book describing the dream-psi experiments carried out at the Maimonides Medical Centre in New York during the 1960s. Includes chapters on the historical evidence for psi in dreams. book review/psi/dreams/experiments
Beidler, Peter G. GHOST, DEMONS AND HENRY JAMES, reviewed by Brian Inglis, Journal 56, 1990, pp. 240-42. Argues that the ‘psychiatric’ view of James’s novel, widely held in America, is wrong and that the writer primarily intended it as a ghost-story. book review/psi
Murphy, Lois Barclay, ed. THERE IS MORE BEYOND: SELECTED PAPERS OF GARDNER MURPHY, reviewed by Gertrude Schmeidler, Journal 57, 1991, pp. 374-6. Selected writings of the eminent psychologist and parapsychologist. book review/psi
Inglis, Brian. COINCIDENCE: A MATTER OF CHANCE - OR SYNCHRONICITY? reviewed by I. Grattan-Guinness, Journal 57, 1991, pp. 430-32. Study of coincidence, with examples from a new survey, and an assessment of theories by Jung, Kammerer and others. book review/coincidences
Feinstein, David & Krippner, Stanley. PERSONAL MYTHOLOGY, reviewed by Serena Roney-Dougal, Journal 58, 1991, pp. 48-52. Self-development programme using creative visualising techniques. book review/personality/psi
Aziz, Robert. C G JUNG’S PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION AND SYNCHRONICITY, reviewed by Roderick Main, Journal 58, 1991, pp. 52-7. ‘Here at last is a sympathetic yet finely critical attempt to elucidate systematically Jung’s theory of synchronicity.’ book review/psi/coincidences
Murphy, Lois Barclay. GARDNER MURPHY, reviewed by Emily W. Cook, Journal 58, 1991, pp. 96-7. Biography by his wife of the respected American psychologist, a keen supporter of psychical research who aimed to ‘integrate, expand and humanize psychology.’ book review/psi/personality
Eysenck, Hans. REBEL WITH A CAUSE: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF HANS EYSENCK, reviewed by W.D. Furneaux, Journal 58, 1991, pp. 98-102. Autobiography of the controversial German-born psychiatrist, who undertook parapsychological experiments and supported the conclusions reached by the French researcher Michel Gauquelin in favour of the genuineness of astrology. book review/psi/personality
Inglis, Brian. TRANCE: A NATURAL HISTORY OF ALTERED STATES OF MIND, reviewed by James G. Matlock, Journal 58, 1992, pp. 204-6. Reviews the research on altered states of consciousness, with the early years covered more convincingly than modern work, according to the reviewer. book review/altered states
Roney-Dougal, Serena. WHERE SCIENCE AND MAGIC MEET, reviewed by Stanely Krippner, Journal 58, 1992, pp. 209-11. Incorporates parapsychology and psi phenomena in a feminist perspective of human psychology and behaviour. book review/psi/consciousness
Larue, Gerald A. THE SUPERNATURAL, THE OCCULT AND THE BIBLE, reviewed by Michael Perry, Journal 58, 1992, pp. 214-5. Debunking of superstition and Biblical belief, rated as poor in this review. book review/beliefs
Hufford, David J. THE TERROR THAT COMES IN THE NIGHT, reviewed by D. J. West, Journal 58, 1992, pp. 218-9. Study of the Old Hag’ belief, prevalent in Newfoundland, of nightly visitations by an evil presence. book review/psi/altered states/beliefs
Weir, Gerhard. JUNG: A BIOGRAPHY, reviewed by David Fontana, Journal 58, 1992, pp. 386-9. Essay review. Fontana praises ‘the first real attempt to give a full account both of Jung’s professional life and his personal life, and to show how the insights that graced the former grew out of the profound and often difficult experiences which he enountered in the latter...’ including his many enounters with the paranormal. book review/personality/consciousness/psi
Schumaker, John F. WINGS OF ILLUSION: THE ORIGIN, NATURE AND FUTURE OF PARANORMAL BELIEF, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 59, 1993, pp. 152-3. A clinical psychologist theorises as to why humans have irrational paranormal beliefs. book review/consciousness/psi/beliefs
Devereux, Paul. SHAMANISMS AND THE MYSTERY LINES: LEY LINES, SPIRIT PATHS, SHAPE-SHIFTING AND OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL, reviewed by Serena Roney-Dougal, Journal 59, 1993, pp. 218-22. Detailed overview based on archaeology, followed by speculation that ley lines are linked to shamanistic experience. book review/beliefs/out of body experiences
Pekala, R.J. QUANTIFYING CONSCIOUSNESS: AN EMPIRICAL APPROACH, reviewed by Susan Blackmore, Journal 59, 1993, pp. 223-4. Reviews the failures and successes of the past in mapping consciousness and proposes a new method. book review/consciousness
Gauld, Alan. A HISTORY OF HYPNOTISM, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 59, 1993, pp. 227-9. Major study in two parts, tracing hypnotism from the rise of Mesmer to 1850 and to the present day, with some reference to psychical research. The author concludes that there is no single explanation to the phenomenon and warns that ‘those who set out to investigate it should beware of the bafflement to come.’ book review/hypnosis
Krippner, Stanley & Welch, Patrick. SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS OF HEALING: FROM NATIVE SHAMANISM TO CONTEMPORARY HEALTH CARE, reviewed by Daniel J. Benor, Journal 59, 1993, pp. 312-3. In-depth survey of healers, covering a wide range of natural healing abilities and shamanistic practices. The reviewer praises its descriptive content but is disappointed by the authors’ scepticism. book review/psi/beliefs/healing
Castaneda, Carlos. THE ART OF DREAMING, reviewed by Rosemary Dinnage, Journal 59, 1994, pp. 378-9. The latest in the best selling series of Mexican shamanism, now seemingly running out of ideas. book review/dreams/beliefs
Roper Organisation. UNUSUAL PERSONAL EXPERIENCES: AN ANALYSIS OF THE DATA FROM THREE NATIONAL SURVEYS, reviewed by Hilary Evans, Journal 59, 1994, pp. 379-81. Report suggesting that ‘hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American men, women and children may have experienced UFO abductions, or abduction-related phenomena,’ a claim doubted by the reviewer. book review/beliefs
Benor, Daniel J. HEALING RESEARCH: HOLISTIC ENERGY MEDICINE AND SPIRITUALITY, VOL 1, reviewed by DJ.West, Journal 59, 1994, pp. 442-3. Study by a psychiatrist and healer, surveying healing techniques and seeking proof from parapsychology for the psi he believes underlies them. book review/psi/healing
Dennett, Daniel C. CONSCIOUSNESS EXPLAINED, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 59, 1994, pp. 443-6. Materialist study, arguing that ‘there is no inner world of subjective experience such as we assume when we use the word "consciousness" ‘ and that ‘the self is a fiction’. The reviewer, a leading proponent of dualism, takes issue with the thesis and accuses its author of intellectual cowardice for wilfully ignoring parapsychological evidence. book review/consciousness
Crabtree, Adam. FROM MESMER TO FREUD: MAGNETIC SLEEP AND THE ROOTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALING, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 60, 1994, pp. 50-52. Study of the history of animal magnetism and the paradigm of’alternate consciousness’ which developed to explain it. The reviewer finds the book ‘highly informative’, but is surprised by the failure to mention of the later controversy surrounding the paradigm. book review/healing/consciousness/hypnosis
Charet, F.X. SPIRITUALISM AND THE FOUNDATIONS OF C.G. JUNG’S PSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by Roderick Main, Journal 60, 1994, pp. 52-6. Investigates Jung’s interest in spiritualism and argues that his experiences in this area were the most decisive influence on the development of his psychological theories. ‘.. .a richly informed work.’ book review/psi/spiritualism/beliefs
Whiteman, J.H.M. APHORISMS ON SPIRITUAL METHOD: THE ‘YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI’ IN THE LIGHT OF MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE, reviewed by David Fontana, Journal 60, 1994, pp. 58-9. Commentary on aspects of Hindu and Buddhist scriptures by a Sanskrit scholar and mathematician, addressing the issues of the psychic powers said to develop as the result of certain yogic practices, and the exact meaning of the Buddhist concept of ‘no soul.’ Highly recommended. book review/beliefs/psi
Gomes, Michael. THEOSOPHY IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, reviewed by Vernon Harrison, Journal 60, 1995, pp. 177-8. Detailed reference work with over 2000 entries, including the criticisms of SPR investigator Richard Hodgson and others. book review/theosophy/beliefs
Ritsema, R. & Karcher, S. (trans.) I CHING: THE CLASSIC CHINESE ORACLE OF CHANGE, reviewed by Roderick Main, Journal 60, 1995, pp. 278-81. Major new translation adding further insights in the Jungian tradition, well reviewed. book review/psi/beliefs/precognition
Lovack, Brian P. THE WITCH-HUNT IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE, reviewed by Leslie Price, Journal 60, 1995, pp. 337-8. Scholarly survey exposing the complex causes of the witch-hunt and the varying degrees of its ferocity from country to country. book review/beliefs/witchcraft
Braude, Stephen E. FIRST PERSON PLURAL: MULTIPLE PERSONALITY AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF MIND, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 60, 1995, pp. 340-42. Contributes to the debate on the nature of this extreme form of dissociation, with a chapter on mediumship, which the author regards as having more to do with multiple personality than with survival of death. A revised edition includes a new chapter on false memory syndrome. book review/psi/multiple personality
Benor, Daniel J. HEALING RESEARCH: HOLISTIC ENERGY MEDICINE AND SPIRITUALITY, VOL 2, reviewed by DJ.West, Journal 60, 1995, p. 407. The second of four volumes, dealing here with biofeedback, yoga, astrology, homeopathy, osteopathy, hypnosis, Kirlian photography, auras, dowsing, etc. The review criticises the inclusion of empirical evidence sometimes lacking in indications of reliability, but otherwise recommends it as a Valuable source book for remarkable claims for unexplained or paranormal effects.’ book review/healing/psi
Rolls, Stuart. GHOSTS, ESP AND PSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 61, 1996, p. 55. Memoir of a psychic healer. book review/volitional psi/healing
Harpur, Patrick. DAEMONIC REALITY: A FIELD GUIDE TO THE OTHERWORLD, reviewed by Jan Kappers, Journal 61, 1996, pp. 58-61. An artistic, Jungian-inspired investigation of the ‘daimonic’ reality behind the anomalous episodes dismissed by science as delusional, such as UFOs, angels, crop circles, etc. book review/psi/altered states/beliefs
Anon. THEOSOPHICAL DEVELOPMENTS (PAMPHLETS), reviewed by Leslie Price, Journal 61, 1996, pp. 274-6. Recent theosophical literature is briefly described. book review/theosophy/beliefs
Perry, Michael, ed. DELIVERANCE: PSYCHIC DISTURBANCES AND OCCULT INVOLVEMENT, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 61, 1996, pp. 267-8. Manual for Christian counsellors dealing with occult disturbances. ‘Knowledgeable, informative, moderate, undogmatic and practical.’ book review/psi/beliefs
Ullman, Montague. APPRECIATING DREAMS: A GROUP APPROACH, reviewed by David Fontana, Journal 62, 1997, pp. 169-70. Focuses on the use of dream sharing as part of personal development group work, covering the nature of dreaming, the role of the group and group leader, dream healing, dream appreciation and dream therapy. By the co-founder of the dream laboratory at the Maimonides Mental Health Centre in New York, which produced results strongly suggestive of psi in the 1960s and 1970s. book review/dreams/experiments
Flournoy, Théodore. FROM INDIA TO THE PLANET MARS: A CASE OF MULTIPLE PERSONALITY WITH IMAGINARY LANGUAGES, reviewed by R.L.Hayward, Journal 61, 1997, pp. 401-2. New edition of the classic study by a Swiss psychologist of the ‘possessed’ Hélène Smith. With much useful new material. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Hacking, Ian. REWRITING THE SOUL: MULTIPLE PERSONALTIY AND THE SCIENCES OF MEMORY, reviewed by RX.Hayward, Journal 61, 1997, pp. 402-4. A philosopher of science explores the modern cultural importance of memory through an examination of satanic abuse, multiple personality and false memory syndrome. book review/multiple personality/altered states
Hill, Frances. A DELUSION OF SATAN: THE FULL STORY OF THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS, reviewed by Leslie Price, Journal 61, 1997, pp. 404-5. A sceptical retelling of the seventeenth century American witch-hunt episode. book review/witchcraft
Briggs, Robin. WITCHES AND NEIGHBOURS: THE SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN WITCHCRAFT, reviewed by Leslie Price, Journal 61, 1997, pp. 404-5. Wide-ranging academic survey. ‘Prize-winning and indispensable history, worth a ton of unsupported generalisation’. book review/witchcraft
Griffin, David Ray. PARAPSYCHOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, AND SPIRITUALITY: A POSTMODERN EXPLORATION, reviewed by J.CPoynton, Journal 62, 1997, pp. 171-5. Monist approach to mind and spirit, attempting to transcend the ‘dichotomy between supernaturalism and atheism, on the one hand, and the dichotomy between dualism and materialism, on the other.’ book review/psi/consciousness/theory
Fenwick, Peter and Elizabeth. THE HIDDEN DOOR: UNDERSTANDING AND CONTROLLING YOUR DREAMS, reviewed by Rosemary Dinnage, Journal 63, 1999, pp. 123-4. Discussion of dreams and dreaming, with reference to Freud and Jung, the physiology of dreaming, children’s dreams, creativity, telepathy, dreams of death, precognition. ‘.. .for those interested in the inner life of the mind, where imagination and psi interact [this book] should be immensely thought-provoking.’ book review/dreams/psi
Spanos, Nicholas P. MULTIPLE IDENTITIES AND FALSE MEMORIES: A SOCIOCOGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE, reviewed by Christopher French, Journal 63, 1999, pp. 239-41. Persuasive explanation of hypnosis by a leading proponent of the ‘non-state’ school, which holds that ‘the entire range of hypnotic effects can be best explained in terms of more mundane psychological processes such as role-playing, expectation, compliance, and so on.’ book review/multiple personality/hypnosis
Greenfield, Susan. BRAIN STORY: UNLOCKING OUR INNER WORLD OF EMOTIONS, MEORIES, IDEAS AND DESIRES, reviewed by John Poynton, Journal 65, 2001, pp. 48-50. Reductionist study: ‘factually a useful contribution to a burgeoning literature, one that psychical research cannot ignore.. .but while observing that "we are at pains even to understand what consciousness is, let alone model it," Greenfield does not pause to ask how secure the brain-causes-consciousness paradigm is in the face of this acknowledged state of unknowing.’ book review/consciousness
Dack, Graham. THE OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE, reviewed by Rosemary Dinnage, Journal 65, 2001, pp. 54-5. Self-published book describing the author’s frequent flights and offering information to help others achieve their own. book review/out of body experiences
Krippner, Stanley; Bogzaran, Faribal; and Carvalho, André Percia de. EXTRAORDINARY DREAMS AND HOW TO WORK WITH THEM, reviewed by David Fontana, Journal 66, 2002, pp. 188-9. Deals with ‘the various different forms taken by extraordinary dreams - for example lucid dreams, out-of-body dreams, healing dreams, collective dreams, telepathic dreams, clairvoyant dreams, precognitive dreams, past-life dreams, and spiritual dreams. In each case [the authors] define the dreams concerned, give appropriate case studies, survey the relevant research, and give guidelines on how to work with - and sometimes induce - the dreams concerned.’ book review/psi/altered states/dreams
Devereux, Paul. STONE AGE SOUNDTRACKS: THE ACOUSTIC ARCHITECTURE OF ANCIENT SITES, reviewed by Guy Lyon Playfair, Journal 66, 2002, p. 275. Explores the acoustic properties of ancient sites such as Stonehenge, and the possible use of music and rhythm in such places as a means of altering consciousness. book review/altered states