Parish, Von Edmund. UBER DIE TRUGWARHNEHMUNG [HALLUCINATION AND ILLUSION], reviewed by Alice Johnson, Proceedings 11, 1895, pp. 162-71. Important contribution to the study of hallucinations, with reference to the Society’s Census, a small German collection, and other cases. book review/hallucinations/apparitions
Parish, Edmund. ZUR KRITIK DES TELEPATHISCHEN BEWEIS MATERIELS, reviewed by Eleanor Sidgwick, Proceedings 13, 1898, pp. 589-601. Sidgwick offers a detailed reply to the author’s 48-page pamphlet criticising the telepathic interpretation adopted in the Society’s Census of Hallucinations. book review/apparitions/hallucinations
Lang, Andrew. THE BOOK OF DREAMS AND GHOSTS, reviewed by J.G. Smith, Proceedings 13, 1898, pp. 616-8. Entertainingly presented collection of apparitional episodes, which the reviewer suspects may be seen by some Society members as frivolous, but says should be also seen as impartial and comprehensive. book review/dreams/hauntings/apparitions
Flammarion, Camille. L’INCONNU ET LES PROBLÈMES PSYCHIQUES, reviewed by Frank Podmore, Proceedings 15, 1901, pp. 422-32. A French attempt to emulate the Census of Hallucinations brings 4,280 replies, of which 1,824 are affirmative. Several cases are quoted in the review. Podmore objects to the author’s description of his approach as ‘scientific’. book review/apparitions/hallucinations
Ellis, Robinson. THE TENTH DECLAMATION OF (PSEUDO) QUINTILIAN, reviewed by F.C.S. Schiller, Proceedings 25, 1911, pp. 361-2. Reviews a classic fictional ghost story, in which a deceased young man regularly appears to his mother until his father takes steps to end the haunting. book review/hauntings
Vaschide, N. LES HALLUCINATIONS TÉLÉPATHIQUES, reviewed by Eleanor Sidgwick, Proceedings 26, 1912, pp. 251-5. Attacks the Society’s work on apparitions, which the author finds does not tally with his own experiments. Sidgwick argues that he is actually dealing with what the Society would call ‘pseudo-hallucinations’ and that no useful comparison can be made between the two. book review/apparitions
Seymour, St John D. & Neligan, Harry L. TRUE IRISH GHOST STORIES, reviewed by Helen Salter, Journal 24, 1927, p. 92. Collection of first and second hand reports of apparitions, banshees and death warnings. book review/hauntings/apparitions
Salter, W.H. GHOSTS AND APPARITIONS, review, Journal 30, 1938, pp. 305-6. Promotes a discriminating approach to the investigation of apparitional phenomena. book review/hauntings
Bret, Dr P.T. LES MÉTAPSYCHOSES. LA MÉTAPSYCHORRAGIE, LA TÉLÉPATHIE, LA HANTISE. Reviewed by P-P Solovovo, Journal 31, 1939, pp. 58-9. Discussion of apparitions with reference to case material. book review/apparitions
Bennett, Sir Ernest. APPARITIONS AND HAUNTED HOUSES: A SURVEY OF EVIDENCE, Journal 31, 1939, pp. 113-4. ‘.. .should do a good deal for the spread of a better public understanding of the real nature of the evidence for apparitions and hauntings’. book review/hauntings/apparitions
Stevens, William Oliver. UNBIDDEN GUESTS, Journal 35, 1949, pp. 112-4. Describes apparitional cases culled from published investigations. book review/apparitions
Christie, Kate. APPARITIONS: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL STUDY IN PARAPSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 150-53. Record of the author’s own frequent ESP-type experiences, including apparent contacts with the newly dead, telepathy, precognition, etc. book review/psi
Glanvill, Joseph. SADUCISMUS TRIUMPHATUS: or, FULL AND PLAIN EVIDENCE CONCERNING WITCH-CRAFT AND APPARITIONS, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 100-101. Early collection of ghost stories, published in 1689. book review/hauntings
Russell, Eric. GHOSTS, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 46, 1971, pp. 140-1. Discussion of apparitions blending a mildly critical approach with entertainment. book review/apparitions
Cavendish, Richard (ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNEXPLAINED: MAGIC, OCCULTISM AND PARAPSYCHOLOGY, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 450-52. Includes an introduction by JB Rhine and article on apparitions by Louisa Rhine, both discussed in the review. book review/psi
Green, C. & McCreery, C. APPARITIONS, reviewed by Rosalind Heywood, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 239-41. ? sober, lucid, instructive study of hallucinatory experience,’ based on 850 accounts of spontaneous incidents sent in by people who answered the authors appeals through the media, as well as previously published reports. book review/apparitions/hallucinations
Rogo, D. Scott. PHANTOMS, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 453-5. Study of spontaneous cases: the reviewer takes issue with the author’s definition of ‘hallucination’. book review/apparitions
Fuller, John G. THE GHOST OF FLIGHT 401: AN EXTRAORDINARY TRUE STORY, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 50, 1979, p. 38. Account of apparitional sightings of a dead pilot following an aircrash in Florida. book review/apparitions
MacKenzie, Andrew. HAUNTINGS AND APPARITIONS, reviewed by Karlis Osis, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 137-9. (published in association with the SPR). Study of SPR case material. ‘.. .the fine points of investigators’ rigour and theories are artfully interwoven with case reports.. .the cases are well selected to honestly represent the wide range of experiences of the haunting genre; other varieties of apparitional experiences (e.g. crisis apparitions, out-of-body phantoms and those arising from mediumistic sittings) are given some attention but not dwelt upon.’ book review/hauntings/poltergeist
Underwood, Peter. NO COMMON TASK: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A GHOST HUNTER, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 52, 1984, pp. 319-21. Study of apparitions giving examples of the author’s own investigations. The reviewer takes issue with his interpretation of the Cheltenham case and others of his interpretations. book review/hauntings
Finucane, R.C. APPEARANCES OF THE DEAD: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF GHOSTS, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 52, 1984, pp. 330-33. Considers how the dead have been perceived in Western European traditions, what changes have occurred in these perceptions through the centuries, and why these perceptions have altered. ‘Dr Finucane does not delve into theories of apparitions, but the general tendency of his findings certainly favours the subjective theories’. book review/apparitions
Evans, Hilary. VISIONS, APPARITIONS, ALIEN VISITORS, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 53, 1986, pp. 462-3. Paperback edition of a much-praised book on apparitions, hauntings, religious visions, demonic entities, ‘men-in-black’, UFO entities, and entities as folklore. ‘.. .an excellent book which is bound to provoke thought and discussion...’. book review/apparitions/hauntings
MacKenzie, Andrew. THE SEEN AND THE UNSEEN, reviewed by Brian Inglis, Journal 55, 1988, pp. 98-9. Study of paranormal episodes: hauntings; experiences of the dead; collective experiences and apparitions of the living; and others, ‘...a valuable companion piece to his Hauntings and Apparitions in the SPR centenary series.’ CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 55, 1988, pp. 300-301. book review/psi/hauntings/apparitions
Rae-Ellis, Vivienne. TRUE GHOST STORIES OF OUR OWN TIME, reviewed by Peter Hallson, Journal 58, 1992, pp. 397-8. Anecdotes of previously unpublished apparitional experiences, culled from the response to public appeals. book review/apparitions/hauntings
Nickell, Joe. ENTITIES: ANGELS, SPIRITS, DEMONS AND OTHER ALIEN BEINGS, reviewed by Hilary Evans, Journal 61, 1996, pp. 179-80. Wide-ranging debunking, commended for its personal investigations of certain cases, but otherwise criticised as ‘disappointingly insubstantial’ and ‘relentlessly reductionist’. book review/apparitions
Barrington, Mary Rose (ed.) GUIDE TO THE INVESTIGATION OF APPARITIONS, HAUNTINGS, POLTERGEISTS AND KINDRED PHENOMENA, reviewed by M.H. Coleman, Journal 61, 1996, p. 276. Brief guide for investigators, compiled by the SPR Research Activities Committee in consultation with the Spontaneous Cases Committee. book review/apparitions/hauntings
Davies, Rodney. DOUBLES: THE ENIGMA OF THE SECOND SELF, reviewed by Guy Lyon Playfair, Journal 62, 1998, p. 466. Documents examples of the human double or ‘wraith’, in which an apparition of a living person is clearly seen although not physically present. book review/hallucinations/apparitions
Hauntings and Poltergeists
Lang, Andrew. COCK LANE AND COMMON SENSE, reviewed by Walter Leaf, Proceedings 10, 1894, pp. 423-6. A historian sympathetic to psychical research describes a number of historical incidents, including the Cock Lane poltergeist, taking the view that proposed ‘common sense’ explanations fall well short of what is needed to account for the phenomena, even as they are recorded by sceptics themselves. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 6, 1894, pp. 302-4. book review/poltergeist
Aksakoff, A.M. PREDVESTNIKISPIRITIZMA ZA POSLEDNIE 250 LYET [THE PRECURSORS OF SPIRITISM FOR THE LAST 250 YEARS], reviewed by Walter Leaf, Proceedings 12, 1897, pp. 319-30. A history of spiritism from the ‘doyen’ of continental spiritists. The review contains details of an extended poltergeist attack, of the violent type. book review/psi/poltergeist
Goodrich-Freer, A. (ed.) ALLEGED HAUNTING OF B- HOUSE INCLUDING A JOURNAL KEPT DURING THE TENANCY OF COLONEL LE MESURIER TAYLOR, reviewed by Frank Podmore, Proceedings 15, 1900, pp. 98-100. Describes haunting phenomena. Podmore criticises the evidence. book review/hauntings
Bozzano, Ernesto. DEI FENOMENI D’INFESTAZIONE, Journal 19, 1919, pp. 107-8. Review of psychical research by a prominent Italian investigator. The reviewer offers a short critique of the chapter on poltergeists. book review/poltergeist
Lavater, Lews. OF GHOSTES AND SPIRITES WALKING BY NIGHT, Journal 26, 1930, p. 38. Reprint of sixteenth century book on supernormal phenomena. book review/hauntings
Anon. LA REVUE BELGE, reviewed by Theodore Besterman, Journal 29, 1935, p. 47. Contains a sceptical article on haunted houses, described by Besterman as ‘contrary, foolish and inept’. book review/hauntings
Williams, Joseph J. PSYCHIC PHENOMENA OF JAMAICA, reviewed by Theodore Besterman, Journal 29, 1935, pp. 47-8. Local ghost stories, mainly of the poltergeist type. bookreview/hauntings/poltergeist
Halifax, Viscount. LORD HALIFAX’S GHOST BOOK, reviewed by P-P Solovovo, Journal 29, 1936, pp. 313-5. Collection of anecdotes, of limited research value. book review/hauntings
Sitwell, Sacheverell. POLTERGEISTS, reviewed by W. H. Salter, Journal 31, 1940, pp. 194-9. Study of poltergeists, arguing that some major incidents cannot be explained as trickery. book review/poltergeist
Price, Harry. THE MOST HAUNTED HOUSE IN ENGLAND, reviewed by W. H. Salter, Journal 31, 1940, pp. 194-9. Detailed account of the Borley Rectory haunting, by a psychical researcher involved in investigations. book review/hauntings
Price, Harry. POLTERGEIST OVER ENGLAND. THREE CENTURIES OF MISCHIEVOUS GHOSTS, reviewed by P-P Solovovo, Journal 33, 1945, pp. 179-83. Voluminous study, considering a number of well-known historical and contemporary cases. The reviewer adds a brief description from his own experience, in Estonia, considering the degree to which the suspicion of fraud must be taken into account. book review/poltergeist
Price, Harry. THE END OF BORLEY RECTORY, reviewed by W.H.S., Journal 33, 1946, pp. 271-2. ‘.. .yet another very lively and readable book about Borley Rectory.. . illustrated with a large number of excellent photographs and plans’. book review/hauntings
Collins, B. Abdy. THE CHELTENHAM GHOST, Journal 35, 1949, pp. 85-6. Collection of famous cases from the Society’s records. book review/hauntings/apparitions
Henning, A.C. HAUNTED BORLEY, Journal 35, 1949, p. 114. Booklet on Borley apparitional phenomena. book review/apparitions
Moser, F. SPUR: IRRGLAUBE ODER WAHRGLAUBE?, Journal 36, 1951, pp. 373-5. Study of poltergeists by a Swiss biologist. book review/poltergeist
Carrington, Hereward & Fodor, Nandor. THE STORY OF THE POLTERGEIST DOWN THE CENTURIES, Journal 37, 1953, pp. 101-5. Historical study of poltergeists. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 37, 1953, pp. 218-9. book review/poltergeist
Thurston, Herbert. GHOSTS AND POLTERGEISTS, Journal 37, 1954, p. 311. Collected papers by the Catholic commentator on psychical research. book review/beliefs/hauntings/poltergeist
Hopkins, R. Thuston. GHOSTS OVER ENGLAND, Journal 37, 1954, pp. 389-90. Collection of ghost stories. book review/hauntings
Dingwall, Eric J. & Hall, Trevor H. FOUR MODERN GHOSTS, reviewed by F. J. M. Stratton, Journal 39, 1958, pp. 288-9. Close examination of four cases of poltergeists illustrating the hazards lying in wait for the researcher. CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 301-6. book review/poltergeist
Fodor, Nandor. ON THE TRAIL OF THE POLTERGEIST, reviewed by G. W. Lambert, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 27-31. Neutral treatment of poltergeist episode. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 36-7. book review/poltergeist
Gallico, Paul. TOO MANY GHOSTS, reviewed by G.W.F., Journal 41, 1961, pp. 91-2. Novel involving the investigation, and eventual debunking, of poltergeist phenomena, based on SPR publications and speculations such as the Underground Water theory. book review/poltergeist
Nardi, Enzo. CASE ‘INFESTATE DA SPIRITF ? DIRITTO ROMANO ? MODERNO (‘Haunted houses and Roman and Modern LawN), reviewed by G. Zorab, Journal 41, 1962, pp. 46-7. ‘.. .this scholarly treatise reviewing the legal question whether alleged haunting is a sufficient reason for the nullification of sale’s and tenancy contracts is.. .quite unique of it kind, and may justly be regarded as an excellent contribution to the solution of one of the problems pertaining to forensic parapsychology’. book review/hauntings
Anon. THE HAUNTING, reviewed by G.W. Lambert, Journal 42, 1963, pp. 134-5. British film based on a novel, The Haunting Of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson. book review/hauntings
Owen, A.R.G. CAN WE EXPLAIN THE POLTERGEIST?, reviewed by G.W.F., Journal 43, 1965, pp. 93-7. Major study by a Cambridge genetics lecturer, with detailed examination of cases and theories. book review/poltergeist/theory
Cohen, David. POLTERGEISTS AND HAUNTINGS ARE WITH US FOREVER, Journal 43, 1965, p. 217. ‘Describes the author’s own experiences whilst investigating alleged spontaneous cases.’ (no review). book review/poltergeist/hauntings
Grant, Douglas. THE COCK LANE GHOST, reviewed by E. J. Dingwall, Journal 43, 1966, pp. 270-71. Lively narrative of the celebrated eighteenth-century poltergeist case, with the emphasis on the historical events rather than analysis. book review/poltergeist
Plessis, I.D.DU. POLTERGEISTS OF THE SOUTH, Journal 44, 1967, p. 43. Records the statements of principal witnesses in seven South African poltergeist cases (brief notice). book review/poltergeist
Bardens, Dennis. GHOSTS AND HAUNTINGS, reviewed by Judith Witham, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 206-7. Falls halfway between a serious study and entertaining introduction. book review/hauntings
Smith, Susy. PROMINENT AMERICAN GHOSTS, reviewed by Kathryn Sheridan Jones, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 298-9. Informal description of twenty cases. book review/hauntings
Gehrts, Heino. DAS MÂDCHEN VON ORLACH, reviewed by E. J. Dingwall, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 349-350. Detailed description of a nineteenth century Germany poltergeist case, in which a young peasant girl was possessed by two spirits, one good and one evil. The possession was ended when, on the advice of the ‘good spirit’, the family’s house was demolished, revealing evidence of an earlier crime. book review/multiple
Mackenzie, Andrew. FRONTIERS OF THE UNKNOWN, reviewed by A. D. Cornell, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 410-12. Study of case material on prophecies, apparitions, poltergeists. book review/psi
Owen, George & Sims, Victor. SCIENCE AND THE SPOOK, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 46, 1972, pp. 95-6. General discussion of haunting cases by a researcher and a journalist. book review/hauntings
MacKenzie, Andrew. A GALLERY OF GHOSTS: AN ANTHOLOGY OF REPORTED EXPERIENCE, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 57-8. Anthology of true ghost stories, with analytical comment. book review/hauntings
Brown, Raymond Lamont. PHANTOMS, LEGENDS, CUSTOMS AND SUPERSTITIONS OF THE SEA, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 47, 1973, p. 59. ‘.. .useful collection of accounts of ghostly experience at sea... ‘. book review/hauntings
Thompson, Francis. THE GHOSTS, SPIRITS AND SPECTRES OF SCOTLAND, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 204-5. Discussion of apparitional experiences in Scotland. book review/hauntings
Durbin, Henry. WITCHCRAFT AT THE LAMB INN, BRISTOL, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 261-5. Contemporary account of a mid-eighteenth century poltergeist. See also Journal 49, 1978, pp. 622-3, 680-81, 848-50. book review/poltergeist/witchcraft
Chambers, Aidan. GHOSTS AND HAUNTINGS, reviewed by Anita Gregory, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 267-8. Introduction to psychical research, written for children. book review/psi
Tabori, Paul & Underwood, Peter. THE GHOSTS OF BORLEY, reviewed by G. W. Lambert, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 331-4. Brings together a large amount of testimony about the Borley ‘hauntings’. book review/hauntings
Manning, Matthew. THE LINK: THE EXTRAORDINARY GIFTS OF A TEENAGE PSYCHIC, reviewed by Ian Fletcher, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 104-6. An 18-year old youth describes a series of poltergeist activities of which he was the centre since the age of 11, including rapidly executed automatic drawings signed by deceased artists such as Durer, Beardsely and Picasso; messages purporting to come from the house’s previous occupants; etc. book review/psychokinesis/mental mediumship/poltergeist
Locher, Théo & Lauper, Guido. SCHWEIZER SPUK UNO PSYCHOKINESE, reviewed by G. Ludemann, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 756-7. ‘.. .a most useful and instructive collection of poltergeist and other physical phenomena from Switzerland.. .a total of 14 cases are presented... ‘. book review/poltergeist
Underwood, Peter. HAUNTINGS, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 837-41. Re-examines ten celebrated cases of haunting and poltergeist-type phenomena, including Hampton Court, Amherst, Cheltenham, Versailles and Borley. book review/hauntings
Hallam, Jack. THE GHOSTS WHO’S WHO, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 837-41. Collection of ghost stories from SPR records, folk-lore and legend. book review/hauntings
Moss, Peter. GHOSTS OVER BRITAIN: TRUE ACCOUNTS OF MODERN HAUNTINGS, reviewed by Hilary Evans, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 842-3. Sixty apparition case studies selected from 300 submitted by the public in response to press appeals, mostly new. book review/apparitions
Gauld, A. & Cornell, A.D. POLTERGEISTS, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 301-3. Major study by veteran investigators, including a survey of representative types of cases, statistical analysis of 500 sample cases, normal explanations, and cases researched by the authors. book review/poltergeist/methodology/theory
Goss, Michael. POLTERGEISTS, reviewed by Anita Gregory, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 303-4. Subtitle: ‘An annotated bibliography of works in English, circa 1880-1975’. Presents in alphabetical order a survey of the literature in English on poltergeists over nearly a century. book review/poltergeist
Playfair, Guy Lyon. THIS HOUSE IS HAUNTED, AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ENFIELD POLTERGEIST, reviewed by Anita Gregory, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 538-41. Describes a London poltergeist case in which several SPR members were involved. The author’s belief in the original paranormality of the case is tempered by the appearance to others that the children involved were play acting. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 50, 1979, p. 258. Maurice Grosse, one of the original investigators, issues a challenge to sceptics who doubt that a normal-voiced eleven-year old girl could not fake the voice of a gruff old man. See also pp. 420-21, 551. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 552-4 Argues that photographs produced as evidence of poltergeist activity are unconvincing. See also Journal 51, 1981, p. 35, 115-6, 258-9, 399. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 52, 1983, pp. 92-5. Grosse responds to a published criticism by Anita Gregory suggesting that a videotape indicating trickery was withheld. Gregory replies. See also pp. 155-6. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 61, 1997, p. 410; Journal 62, 1998, pp. 377-9; Journal 62, 1998, 475; Journal 63, 1998, p. 61. book review/poltergeist
Green, Andrew. GHOSTS OF TODAY, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 29-30. Collection of 463 cases of ‘hauntings’, some with only slight evidence. CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 120-21, 189-90; Journal 51, 1982, pp. 259-10. book review/hauntings
Andrade, Hernani Guimaraes. ? ‘POLTERGEIST’ DE SUZANO (THE SUZANO POLTERGEIST), reviewed by Carlos S. Alvarado, Journal 52, 1984, pp. 392-5. Detailed report of a violent poltergeist case in Sao Paulo, Brazil, presented by an engineer and experienced psychical researcher. The phenomena consisted of stones falling on the house at different times of day and night for about two years (1968-1970) and seventeen fires in different parts of the house, May 1970. book review/poltergeist
Compton, Carole with Cole, Gerald. SUPERSTITION: THE TRUE STORY OF THE NANNY THEY CALLED A WITCH, reviewed by James F. McHarg, Journal 58, 1991, pp. 106-9. Tells of the trial and imprisonment of a British nanny in Italy, accused of arson following apparent poltergeist activity. book review/poltergeist/psychokinesis
Cassirer, Manfred. THE PERSECUTION OF MR TONY ELMS (THE BROMLEY POLTERGEIST), reviewed by Maurice Grosse, Journal 60, 1995, pp. 277-8. A concise and interesting read about a rather vindictive and typical "psychic joker"...’. book review/poltergeist
Wood, Robert. THE WIDOW OF BORLEY: A PSYCHICAL INVESTIGATION, reviewed by Richard Pusey, Journal 60, 1995, pp. 408-11. Hostile investigation of the principal characters involved in the Borley haunting. The reviewer finds the personal data interesting but the account prejudiced and tendentious. book review/apparitions/hauntings
Banks, Ivan. THE ENIGMA OF BORLEY RECTORY reviewed by Andrew Green, Journal 61, 1996, pp. 168-70. Sympathetic re-examination of the part played by psychical researcher Harry Price in the Borley Rectory affair. book review/apparitions/hauntings
Zangari, Wellington & Machado, Fatima Regina. CONVERSANDO SOBRE PARAPSICOLOGIA and CONVERSANDO SOBRE CASAS MAL-ASSOMBRADAS: O FENÔMENO POLTERGEIST, reviewed by Alejandro Parra, Journal 61, 1996, pp. 272-4. Introductions to parapsychology for Brazilians. book review/poltergeist/psi
Wilson, Ian. IN SEARCH OF GHOSTS, reviewed by M.H.Coleman, Journal 61, 1997, pp. 343-5. Critical study, welcomed as a ‘useful addition to the literature of this subject’. book review/hauntings
Green, Andrew. HAUNTED SUSSEX TODAY, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 62, 1997, pp. 82-3. Descriptions of hauntings by an SPR member. book review/hauntings
Underwood, Peter. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE GHOST CLUB SOCIETY, reviewed by M.H. Coleman, Journal 64, 2000, p. 125. Brief popular history of an organisation founded in Cambridge in 1851 and continuing with some interruptions until the present day. Gives some account of its members, who included Osbert Sitwell, Siegfried Sassoon, and many prominent SPR members. CORRESPONDENCE, p. 255; Journal 65, 2001, p. 160. book review/hauntings
Green, Andrew. HAUNTED KENT TODAY, reviewed by Peter Hallson, Journal 65, 2001, p.54. Popular collection of recent cases, illustrated. book review/hauntings
Dening, John C. THE RESTLESS SPIRITS OF LANGENHOE: THE EXCITING TRUE STORY OF A HAUNTED ESSEX CHURCH, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 65, 2001, pp. 156-7. An Anglican priest describes his investigation of a poltergeist activities and apparitional sightings at a church, and attempts to persuade an incumbent ghost to ‘enter the light’. book review/apparitions
Evans, Hilary & Huyghe, Patrick. THE FIELD GUIDE TO GHOSTS AND OTHER APPARITIONS, Journal 66, 2002, pp. 55-6. Contains fifty accounts of ghostly experiences, including not only human figures and animals but visions that take the form of ‘spectral ships, buildings, blobs of light, re-enactments of battles and even messages seen as cloud formations.’ Includes a discussion of various theories advanced to account for spectral visions. book review/apparitions/hauntings
Houran, James and Lange, Rense (eds.) HAUNTINGS AND POLTERGEISTS: MULTIDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES, reviewed by Alan Gauld, Journal 66, 2002, pp. 260-72. A collection of 19 papers, ‘undoubtedly one of the most substantial in its subject area so far published [providing] a conspectus of a fair proportion of the leading themes of the most recent work in that area... ‘ The review gives details of the contents, which include a discussion by Hilary Evans of discusses "the ghost experience" in the wider context of religious and Marian apparitions, folklore entities, angels, demons, etc; Emily D. Edwards on ‘Ghostly Narratives in Popular Film and Television’; McClenon and others examining beliefs and attitudes from a socio-cultural perspective; Brazilian hauntings and poltergeists; Tony Lawrence and others on the psychological characeristics that may correlate with paranormal beliefs; sceptical approaches, including one by the editors which the review criticises in detail; and articles on the physics and physiology of hauntings and poltergeists. book review/hauntings/poltergeist/theory
Davies, Rodney. DISEMBODIED VOICES, reviewed by Arthur P.K. John, Journal 66, 2002, pp. 272-4. Discusses the phenomenon of disembodied voices heard by healthy individuals, including several biblical figures, founders of monastic orders, and modern statesmen such as Hitler and Churchill. book review/hauntings/hallucinations